||:PreCiouS RefLecTionS:||

Saturday, October 30, 2004

In this quiet night, I'm waiting for you
During that time, your smile has faded away
Now that a little time has passed,
Fond memories start to resurface.

At the place where stars fall,
I'm always wishing for your laughter.
Even though we're apart now
We can meet again, right?

From when has my smile faded this much
Since it was shattered by one mistake
Change only the precious things into light and*
Go beyond the sky with fortitude.

To the place where stars fall,
I want my thoughts to reach you.
I am always by your side
Since I will embrace that coldness.
Even though we're apart now,
We will definitely be back together.

In the quiet night...

10/30/2004 11:57:00 PM

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Being sick gets sickening for awhile... its 2.15am and i'm bored...
oh yea before i forget.... yesterday was naddy's birthday

Happy 18th Birthday Gal!

Best wishes and all the best in your future endeavours! God bless!

alritez.. hmm... gonna be in school in a few hours, helping out with a law workshop thingy for secondary school kids... yep thought i should help out and do something to get some fresh air rather then rot at home waiting for my strength to come back bleargh...

my maternal side of the family had a family gathering yestrday to break fast together but i didnt attend cause i was still feeling sick, but apparently mojojo struck again... in case you're wondering who is mojojo, no its not that cartoon character, its a nickname my siblings gave to a certain uncle we dislike...(we have a knack of giving nicknames to peeps we dislike haha...) the thing about family gatherings, one of my siblings always get targeted on and mojojo always have something idiotic to say bleargh... why cant we all just get along like normal family do... well that is if normal families do get along.. if they dont then my family would be called normal which i would reckon is strange cause families are suppose to support one another not bring each other down... hmmz...

anyways moi still have yet to get a job, which i really need seriously cause i'm currently running on a deficit believe it or not haiz...

speaking of jobs, wondering how the year 3s are coping with their SIPs, it all depends on who they are attached to i guess, kinda reminded me when i went for my attachment in ITE, well back then it wasnt a compulsary thing, we actually voluntereed to go for attachment, but hey its all for the job experience...

i was back then attached to NUS, Dept of Architecture... job scope was basically processing symposium registration, invoices, credit card transactions, symposium enquiries, research material stock taking, running around office in heels which i worn out three by the way in the course of 4 weeks *bleargh*, a lot of mundane office stuff, stuff that was not in my job scope and oh yea getting screwed by my lady boss... yeap... they say women bosses are the strictest... but hey at least i learned something haha...

it would be over before you know it... well not before you get sick of the office hours.. its like routine ya know.. wake up, go to work, work your ass off, somtimes OT cause your boss gives you extra stuff to do, go home, sleep, wake up the next morning and back to work... sounds exciting doesnt it haha... i so dread working under circumstances like that ish...

my dream is to work in a carefree environment which doesnt have the mundane office hours which i believe can kill you wahaha.. and the plus points is doing something you love, if not you'll just turn into a working zombie.. yeap... but then it all depends what working industry i end up in ya know cause i still have yet to figure that part out...

and i guess i need to work that out soon cause i'm like going into my 2nd yr 2nd sem of law and have yet to find my ground...
which to say i think the system have something against me getting a freakin A!!! whywhywhy??? am i not good enough for that A?? i worked my butt off for it... bleargh... maybe its not good enough huh.. or maybe the system just hates me... argh!!!!

there i said it.. *sighs*

oh yea where i was i?

oh yea working out my future... hmmz.. yeap... so where do i see myself in 5 years time...

good question... i have no freakin idea!!!

most probably working my butt off for the family...

i donno...

i've always wanted to do something i enjoy, that i have a knack for...
but it seems that they all need qualifications that i dont have... bs... bleargh... this is the time where i hate our country's "wonderful" educational system... bah... its always "oh i'm sorry you need to have this this this to be able to be accepted in our course" "oh i'm sorry you dont have the required qualifications" yeayea why not just recruit air heads.. idiots.. apparently passion and interest is not enough... oh yea if you have big bucks under your name apparently it helps too... bleargh.... society isnt as wonderful as it seems... but when is society ever so wonderful? bleargh... we are seriously living in a hypocritical and cynical world but who cares cause once you're caught up in it you dont notice it cause you're one of them, everyone is, you, me, the whole bloody world bah...

hmmz and i just deleted a whole paragraph of what i wanted to say next but then i think it went out of context bleargh.. oh yea and i guess next alternative i can take up is to be a social worker... now i wonder what qualifications would be needed hmmz...
seriously.. why not.. a social worker cause i like helping people, especially those in need.. so why not... we'll just see lah...

anyways did i mention the new kfc tom yam chicken taste horrible??? it tastes like fish =P not saying that i dont like fish but it just tasted wrong... or maybe its just me cause a lot of things seems to taste different this past few days bleargh...

all this blogging is somehow making me thirsty haha...

oh yea btw i'm starting to miss some of my friends who are all busy with either working or the devdas production... really hope we all can catch up soon...

which reminds me... some of my ite classmate had a gathering on saturday which i was unable to attend because of family committments... and i really wish i could be there but then i found a lot of peeps cant make it and some regulars, by regulars i mean those who usually attend the gatherings, got pissed off cause a lot of ppl keep saying they miss everyone but dont attend the gathering.. and it set me thinking... they were angry cause everyone was busy and do not attend the gatherings but they dont have the right to be cause sometimes its not their fault that they have to work on that they or have other committments... i know it takes effort on each side but you dont have the right to mouth off those who really cant make it cause you are in no position to scold anyone cause you dont know their situation in the first place...

tralala.. anyways that aside... i still miss all of em' tho... everyone is soooo busy, funnily enough excluding me... i need to get a life, something that i've been keep repeating over and over haiz...
oh yea btw... wan if you're reading this... where the hell are you????? sejak ada matair member pun lupa eh hmphz.... when am i ever gonna see you?? miss you and the other guys alot.. ever since ns you guys just dissapeared ish...

and to ifah and aida... where are you girls??? you gals cant possibly be working 24/7 rite??? we need to meet up.. soon... dont tell me our next meeting is raya okay ish...

oh yea to all those who have tagged... thanks guys *muakz*!!! hehe... i guess i'm much better now hehe... feels good to blog after some time you know haha... yesyes call me crazy but hey that what makes me, me! hehe =P

alrite too thirsty to continue hah...
till then...

salute =)

10/26/2004 02:07:00 AM

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely

Show me the meaning of being lonely
So many words for the broken heart
It's hard to see in a crimson love
So hard to breathe
Walk with me, and maybe
Nights of light so soon become
Wild and free I could feel the sun
Your every wish will be done
They tell me

Show me the meaning of being lonely
Is this the feeling I need to walk with
Tell me why I can't be there where you are
There's something missing in my heart

Life goes on as it never ends
Eyes of stone observe the trends
They never say forever gaze upon me
Guilty roads to an endless love (endless love)
There's no control
Are you with me now?
Your every wish will be done
They tell me


There's nowhere to run
I have no place to go
Surrender my heart, body, and soul
How can it be
You're asking me
To feel the things you never show

You are missing in my heart
Tell me why I can't be there where you are

10/24/2004 08:03:00 PM

Was watching a video clip when it suddenly hit me...
it was the 8th day of Ramadhan yesterday...
dad passed away on that date... hmmz...

time does fly past so fast doesnt it...

10/24/2004 08:00:00 PM

Friday, October 22, 2004

When someone important to you says something to you that hurts you so much because of a mistake that you make, what happens?

Is it possible that it will haunt you forever?

i guess it can...

cause it's still haunting me....

10/22/2004 01:45:00 AM

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

When something really bad happens to you somehow you see life differently... or dont you?
I donno it must really depend on the individual doesnt it...
I was at a point when i thought i was dying and i wasnt afraid... in fact i was kind of ready... haha... call me crazy but that was what i felt...

Sure there's so much things that i still wanna do with my life, things i want to accomplish, but then i wouldnt be able to do it without god's blessing would i? So i figured if it was my time to go so let it be afterall my death wont cause so much of a problem cause afterall someone dies every single day and life pretty much moves on...

Was watching this old episode of 'anak metropolitan' they're doing a re-run of it on suria channel and there was this scene of a girl in a girls home and as i look at the home they showed and how she felt and stuff, somehow, it isnt any much different to the orphanages in singapore. The endless rules, the psychological feeling, lack of freedom etcetc... then i think about the kids... how they must feel...

well life is never fair but then god fair, he put us where we are for a reason, cause he believe we are strong enough to face whatever comes....

I'm beginning to wonder bout the kid's project i've been working on that has gone through endless planning, name changing and re-planning... which is now currently waiting for director's approval cause they have many other questions that the want answered... seriously keeping my fingers crossed but shld they reject it i may just call foul cause IT interest group held such an event before at the escape theme park... hmmz... and there's also fund raising to think about...

anyways will worry about that later, really tired now...


p.s haze, latha & priya, the outing pics i've already uploaded here

10/20/2004 11:41:00 PM

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

At least someone cared...
a gal gotta take what she can get rite? haha...

apologize for the lack of updates, with good reasons of course..
well me being MIA for almost a week is because
yours truly fell extremely sick and had extremely high fever and still have yet to regain full strength... the most awful awful week of my life...

you know what people keep saying about falling sick and someone making soup or porridge for you and stuff? well its all bullshit. yep.
There wasn't even panadol at home. yippie!
I couldnt eat, everything tasted awful, plain water tasted like sewage and i was having the most painful migraine known to man bleargh...
and the worse thing was having to lie on your back in pain, shivering and hot with fever at the same time, staring at the ceiling with no one to talk to cause no one knew i was sick and no one had any reason to call me at all...
my life is so perfect.... whoopeedoo!

Only went to the doctor on the third day when i thought the fever had subside but only found out that it was still high at 38.9C.... So now i think the fever has finally subside but i still get tired easily, especially in terms of the heart, and water still taste like seweage bleargh... i think i just got myself thinner... gee... just what i need...

Somehow as i was going through this dad keep going through my mind.. i'm not sure why... its those few minutes of his life that really kept bugging me...
How he was surrounded by strangers who was trying to keep him alive, how he must have felt, not being able to see his family for the last time... To be in a cold air-conditioned place, on a cold bed, everything feeling so cold and slipping into oblivion....

no wonder i'm kinda afraid of hospitals... The last time i was brought there i actually convinced the doctor to release me even though i know i wasnt ok... hmmz...

Anyways very tired now....
To all year 3s starting their SIP tomorrow.. All The Best! Nothing to worry about its just realitiy... =)


10/19/2004 11:37:00 PM

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Memoirs of a Girl Interrupted - Part 1

-Early January 1997-

She was excited. It was the first day of school. Her first day in her new school, her and a few other thousand students all over the island. In a few hours she was going to meet her new classmates. She has every reason to be excited, Secondary school is afterall a big deal.

Everything that happened next was a blur of activities for her, from the school hall to the classrooms, from seeing old primary school friends to meeting new classmates... one thing that was constantly going through her mind was that her dad was gonna pick her up from school.

True enough as she walked down from the second floor staircase minutes after the dismissal bell rang, through the sea of faces infront of her, she straight away spotted her dad. Well who wouldnt with his height?

She quickly raced down the stairs and made her way through the sea of people to her dad. She couldnt wait to tell him all about her day...

10/13/2004 02:52:00 AM

When I Talk To You

Remember me
Feels like forever
Since the days
When we were friends
I don't understand
All these changes
I'm still the same
No need to pretend

Where'd it go..?
Do you know..?
Maybe it just doesn't matter

Cause when i try to talk to you
I feel like I'm not getting through you
Where did we go wrong
It's hard to be strong
When I talk to you

There were times
In the beginning
When you were there
When I needed you most
We'd sit and talk
About the future
And laugh about
Us getting old

Do you know
How it feels
I hope that you know that it matters

But when i try to talk to you
I feel like I'm not getting through you
Where did we go wrong
It's hard to be strong

When I talk to you
I want you to know everything that I am
Don't want to know what life would be without you

When i try to talk to you
I feel like I'm not getting through you
Where did we go wrong
It's hard to be strong
When I talk to you

10/13/2004 02:14:00 AM

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Frontpage of today's Straits Times talked about the modular approach of teaching chinese in school and our Minister Mentor Lee stressing on the value of learning chinese and its goals of the bilingual policy, strange how this article is being featured on the day i start on my chinese conversational class haha.. coincidence?

yeap for those of you who are in the dark, i'm taking up chinese classes haha...
despite the fact that i took chinese classes before in kindergarten till P2...
my chinese has been veryvery rusty so time to relearn, anyways most of my friends are chinese speaking people and they do intend to converse in chinese 70% of the time.. so why not you know haha...

maybe i'll pick up french, german and spanish one day haha...
and maybe take a crash course at british council to furthur improve my english haha...
all for my own future benefit *grinz*

okie that's just one of my semester break activities... other then that going to go on a job hunt, no surprises why... hmm...
besides that the fasting month is coming soon.. very very soon... which is good but i'm worried about what comes directly after that... expenses will be expectedly high so maybe to cut down on it maybe i'll try to be invisible so no expenses need to be forked out for my part, there's always something called recycle.. heck not that i'll enjoy that day... just tag along for the sake of my younger siblings...

tomorrow's gonna be a packed day, bowling outing with haze and ors then right after that the bbq at ECP =)

yet to upload the pics i took at sentosa on sunday... will soon..


10/12/2004 11:09:00 PM

Monday, October 11, 2004

so i lied

i wasnt 100% ok
not even close to 90%

why am i even mentioning it here?
maybe i'm turning daft

been having a lot of flashbacks recently
maybe because of the coming fasting month
close to the day it happened...
i donno, just trying to find a reasoning....

havent been the most healthiest of persons
so like what's new

worried about some family stuff...

then there's the school stuff too...

maybe i was just hungry...

maybe i'm just tired...

whatever it is sorry for my mood just now...


so life continues
day by day
hour after hour
life itself is a gift
but sometimes.....

funny how today i imagined myself being shot
then left to die bleeding to my death
then for some people life would be much more easier
one less person to worry about
one less person to care about
one less person to remember
one less person to understand
one less person to hate
one less blog to read
one less burden

10/11/2004 02:00:00 AM

Saturday, October 09, 2004

A few more hours before my final paper for the semester...
have no idea why they scheduled it till so late on a god damn saturday gee.. but nevermind the day is here so just wanna get contract law over and done with hehe...

uploaded the pic melly took of my lego creation...

the whole day yesterday was sucky, had a splitting headache from the moment i woke up, it was so god damn painful that it felt as though my head had been rammed into the wall a couple of time bleargh... was suppose to meet melly, naddy and kabby for contract but couldnt make but met them only after... went to starbucks after that for my "painkiller" haha.. caffine or specifically cafe mocha always does it for me when i have a headache only this time i had to take two panadols when i reached home before the headache actually went away...
then the irritating bit is when my headache was beginning to subside along came the chest pains. shite.. i so dont need this right now argh...

Anyways picked up my lil bro from school since i was just beside his usual pick up place, yeap his school is just opp. TM starbucks hehe...
Somehow to me picking up my lil bro is the only time i dote on him... well cause i missed 7 years of him growing up and i dont spend as much time with him as i should... at a young age i think he's strong cause i donno how he reacts when kids his age talks about their dad... especially if they have to write a composition on parents like for i.e "my father" or "how we celebrated father's day" cause my lil bro never got a chance to even meet dad... he only knows dad thru pics we show him...

-::my lil bro :: -

finally touched my contract notes this evening haha.. crazie i know, ppl would have commented that i should have started on it long time ago but then strangely enough i have never worried so much bout contract... go figure...

survivor today the gal team rocked but the sucky thing was brady got voted out. Looks like the older guys are looking out for themselves.. good strategy? but then again question to them is who's gonna climb the trees to get coconuts and catch fish for food??
all i can say is rory is damn lucky he has a stong alliance or else he would have been booted out long ago...

speaking of which, this reminds me of jerry.. the one and only jerry from Singapore Idol...
I can't believe he's still in SI!!! David Yeo got voted out this week but seriously Jerry was absolutely the worse but the i donno how the voters can actually vote for him?!? Its either they are tone deaf or paid to vote for him... bleargh... its a conspiracy i tell you...

I guess i should get some sleep now or i'll be tired for the paper later...

salute =)

10/09/2004 02:19:00 AM

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Surprisingly had fun today... well after the crim pro paper that is, and no i wont talk about the paper *bleargh*

After the paper today, me, kabby, naddy and melly went to have lunch at our usual spot at KFC. And today of all days i was indecisive of what to eat, cause usually i'll go for the the two piece chicken meal... anyways i thought that today would have been a short day cause i thought we all would end up at home sleeping a few hours later.. and oh how wrong i was... without knowing what was ahead of us i picked the meal on promo (i forgot the name of the meal), picked it cause it looked interesting haha...

Two hours soon gone by and due to melly almost getting sick of what he claims is due to the oddly smelling girls who were sitting at the table beside us we set off, not wanting melly to barf unexpectedly hurhur =P

But then it was still early, it was exactly 1pm so we decided to walk around Century Square and we ended up in metro where our dear melly got fascinated with the barbie talking cash register omg.... 0.O"
(sidetrack: saw the pricing to lancome's miracle and prices has shoot up!! damn there goes me ever owning my own bottle hiaz)
well then after he got bored of it all of us soon ended up where the kid's keyboards are, making our own tunes, and when i got bored of it, i saw a cute looking pinball machine for kids and i ended up sitting on the floor playing it like nobody's business wahaha.... (and at that moment i so wanted to go back to my childhood days, was thinking abt the topic quite abit but that is another story...)

After getting tired of the keyboards and the pinball machine, right near where were, we found a table that let kids play with lego! Having not touched any lego stuff for ages i decided to construct my very own city which some people have attempted to destroy it out of pure jealousy for not being able to do a better job at it *evil laughter* =P jokin... nah i take pride in my work ya know... i had the hardest structure to destroy muahaha... even donald trump cant do a better job then mine haha... yea i wish... but then i still would like to see him try =P

After spending like almost 3 whole hours there, upon naddy's request, we went to the nearest mac to get ice-cream! and there we reminiced abt childhood days, decided on future "play" plans and whatnots.... when out of the blue mx appeared! alone and dazed, scouting for a brand new handphone to replace him terminally ill one...
so we helped him look around and reccomended this and that, but he has yet to make a finaly decision.. (gd luck dude!)

well after we seperated ways with mx as he had to meet his friend who was picking him up, we headed to the playground... been a long time since we were there last... but when we arrived there some kids were occupying our spot so we decided to check out the one opposite it, it had some "gym equipment" thingys installed for residents to work out, so cute siah haha... after getting bored of that we moved to the other playground opposite it where it was empty.
Melly suddenly being very hyper active decided to play catching with kabby... not sure who won though cause i actually fell asleep wahaha... the breeze there was so damn nice and to add to that i didnt sleep much last night so yea hehe...

okie now the best part of all this is....
i have a paper tomorrow at freakin 9AM!!
and i havent even finish studying it yet... but oddly enought i'm not worried cause alot of it are common sense, as long as they don't ask me to list out some memorizing required stuff which i really really detest *bleargh*

alrite... gonna get some shut eye now..
god bless!

salute =)

10/07/2004 02:42:00 AM

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

7 hours to go before my criminal procedure paper wohoo! i swear i'll be lucky if i pass this paper *sigh* thank god its an open book paper that's all i can say....

anyways something came to mind today....

am i too sensitive for my own good?

i've gotta admit i'm a sensitive person, and when i'm too in tune to another's feeling i easily get affected....
Somehow today a friend of mine's statement which she swore was in jest (& i believed her) affected me quite a bit. She went along the lines of the things that come out of my mouth this was the worst.... ok i was stumped at that moment... ok i was hurt.... was it true?

Do i always say the wrong thing at the wrong time? Is this why i'm not respected for the things i say? Is this why people dont take me seriously? Is this why when i say something people look at each other and laugh among themselves?
or maybe i'm just paranoid? (i think haze will agree with me on this haha...)

call me princess of paranoia cause maybe i am... geez...

maybe which is why i keep quiet most of time... unless i'm really comfortable with a person and he/she understands who i really am...
i just dont get it... when i am myself some peeps dont like it and call me wierd (one e.g is my siblings, that's another story), then how to become myself you tell me? So i end up being the background person... Like someone said before, i can make my presence not be felt suddenly and then suddenly appear again... years of practice? maybe...

I guess growing up, all i ever wanted was to be accepted cause trust me you wouldnt want to go through what i went through... (how bad can it be right? haha.. if you only knew...)
Being different, looking different, having something people dont know and they think is wierd tend to make you the target of groups of people who would love just to downgrade you, laugh at you and make themselves think that they are more superior then you.
Make use of your pain, your kindness and your helplessness....

Sure all this may happen years ago but the pain remains the same, its something you'll never forget cause it leaves a scar behind...
Thankfully i was strong enough to just go through my life as i did and not succumb to stupid things...
so as things progressed i guess deep down i've always wanted to feel accepted cause i was never accepted for who i was, for what god made me to be...

am i selfish to actually want that?

i know some of you might say its sufficient to just accept yourself for who you are.. and i have, believe me i have..
but then deep down... sigh.. i donno...

this actually reminds of me of a recent incident in school...

i was studying alone outside LT19 and beside my bench was a grp of students who was doing crim pro if i'm not mistaken.. then along came this girl who bought something at the drink vending machine... she looked very retro and she resembled a bit like of Zoe Tay's reel life characters (one of her latest channel 8 shows, the one with the nerdy look? they call her ah jie or something like that? if you know what i'm talking about lah...) anyways... as she was passing by the guys at the bench started laughing at her, and i think she realised it and stopped in her tracks and looked at them and quickly walked away....
and i honestly felt for her... I know what it's like to be in her shoes...

and this incident actually supports my statement that most guys are jerks no matter how nice they may be...

okie sidetracked....

anways yea i guess in a way i may be too sensitive or paranoid in someway but not always tho (cause if it was i'll be one messed up individual) then at times its with reasons.. and in a way i have to change that part of me... be a stronger person as you may call it, and maybe i still need to go through more horrid stuff and make myself more stronger in a sense haha... but then again it might not work cause if this is the way i am, this is who i'm always gonna be...
cause not everyone have the same attributes... and i guess this is one that makes me, me... *shrugs* (maybe i gotta do more thinking on this haha...)

alright enough thinking for now...
trying my best to get some shut eye before the paper....
*stomach growls*
damn hungry again...
kitchen here i come wahaha...

till nxt entry
god bless!


10/06/2004 02:22:00 AM

Monday, October 04, 2004

obviously i failed miserably...
to what you might ask

why sleeping of course!

i failed to succumb to the calling of snoozeville...
and i have a paper in like four hours! wohoo! 0.O"

Question to myself is, why cant i bring myself to fall asleep when i want to?
This is getting tiring... i can't always be awake till the wee hours in the morning!!! something has to be done! but the question is what?

so what have i been doing to kill time? well so far i've been bloghopping, going thru my accounts notes over and over again, and made my own french fries! i'm running out of things to do....

which comes to another point.... i think i need to pick up something new! Maybe a new hobby or interest or just about anything i suppose, that does not require little or no money at all and that really intrests me....

I'm in a situation whereby i love photography but i lack the resources to pursue it, and i seriously envy those peeps who has something to do with their time, like play a sport (i.e soccer, hockey, tennis) whiich due to my medical condition its off limits (i can only play for the fun of it...sigh...), or like be in a dance troop or whatever that i am capable of doing.... sigh...

I'm getting tired of school school school, day in and day out... its like i have no life! if i'm not in school i'm at home rotting... i'm not out with any of my friends as often as i want to cause most of the time they are all busy with their own activities or if not, i just dont exist in their memory for that period of time...

maybe after the exams its time to take chances and do something new for a change! signed up for something the week after our exams are over... hopefully i did the right thing.. will tell you guys more about it once it commences *winkz*

alritez i've run out of things to talk about for now...
found this while i was bloghopping and since i'm bored why not?

1. Are you good at hiding your feelings? :
sometimes... it depends who i'm with and how emotional i am with the situation...

2. How can we tell that you're already irritated? :
the look on my face? haha.. not really sure...

3. How do you treat the person that obviously doesn't like you? :
with respect, hey what you give is what you get =)

4. What usually ruins your mood? :
depends on the situation.... but jerks really hits the spot....

5. Who do you see everyday that you wish you just wouldn't at all? :
everyday?? no one currently...

6. When was the last time that you had a good cry and a good laugh? :
really really good cry? seems like ages... good laugh? last week i think... havent been out of the house this couple of days...

7. How often do you shop for clothes? Groceries? :
Clothes - when i happen to have money...
Groceries? When i need it which is like every week? Try living with 7 peeps under one roof =P

8. Who's your long-time crush? :
long time? hmmz... no one in that list currently...

9. Someone you just had a crush on? :
just had? hmmz none...

10. Do you have something that you wish you just don't have? :
sure but its a secret.. LoL =P

11. Do you sometimes crave for something that isn't there? :
isn't where? well lets face it, its human nature to what something that you dont have....

12. Do you wish to live in a faraway land where nobody knows you? :
how far? what's the point actually, makes no difference at all....

13. Have you kissed a total stranger? :
Nope... the question is, have i ever kissed anyone before? haha...

14. What do you want to do at this very moment? :
eat brownie with ice-cream, pizza w/ extra cheese, drink a glass of cold sprite, travel to cities i wanna visit, sleep!!

15. The worst feeling? :

16. How about the best? :
to be in love and beloved? wait a minute i havent gone thru it before so i wouldnt know would i? hmm... how about being happy... plain and simple happiness... =)

17. Ever given your number to someone you dislike? :
i dont recall ever doing it...

18. Say something about/to someone that you know who reads this :
okie if i put someone's name here another will get jealous rite...
hmm.. so...
i know!
To EVERYONE reading this, thanks for taking time to reading this far! wahaha...
the bored leading the the bored i say haha..
why else would you read whatever i just answered? lol
anyways.. god bless you guys =)

i think i should try again to get some sleep or maybe might as well just stay up.... we'll see...


10/04/2004 05:18:00 AM

Sunday, October 03, 2004

I thought i'd blog before submitting myself to dreamland and recharge for tomorrow's accounts paper...

I've been doing some thinking, like what's new right? Haha...
and somehow i feel that i'm repeating myself in some of my entries. Its somehow dejavu like and i'm somehow i'm wondering if my life is going in circles, or i'm thinking in circles or its a simple matter of me not following my own advice and the same shite keeps happening over and over again.

I've also been examining the way people write, especially comparing my style of writing to others and i came to a conclusion. Somehow or rather sometimes the way i write is crap. I mean does anyone understand what i'm trying to say 99% of the time?
Well sometimes its up to intepretations and sometimes its on purpose, well then that's a different story.. but seriously in this century the way you write says something about you. The way you express yourself.

Hmmz... and i guess in order for me to improve myself and be an asset to my future employers; should i be tasked to draft any text based documents, my writing skills need to be polished. This actually reminds me of an article mr fj gave to the class... cant seem to remember the heading at the moment...

But then drafting a business document and blogging is a totally thing altogether isn't it? or is it? haha...

which comes to another thing... reading habits...
I've realised i have not been reading as much as i used to. And in a way maybe it has affected me somehow? That i'm not sure yet.
And i also realise that the stuff i've been reading are not sufficient. In order to succed i need keep myself informed on what's happening, be aware.
So therefore i'm making it a point to pick up new reading habits. Read better materials rather then stuff that peeps may classify as crap =P to each own? haha...

Alrite that's all for today, need to rest for tomorrow's paper...
Accounts here i come! haha...
To all those having their exams this week, all the best! Have faith that it wont be all that bad haha...

and to all my taggers thanks for tagging! really appreciate the comments/feedback/convos haha...

alritey then...
salute! =)

10/03/2004 11:57:00 AM

Saturday, October 02, 2004

How can two individuals who know each other their whole lives not know each other at all? To have lived under the same roof and not understand. To be bound by blood and ties that bind and be strangers to one another?

How can two strangers meet and fall in love? To understand each other so deeply that nothing needs to be said. When their ties are stronger even if it's only been a short period of time. When each had led seperate lives but chance upon each other by fate or in other terms destiny...
How can this two situations vary and yet its suppose to be filled with the same thing.
love, understanding, trust....
and sometimes by some wicked twist of fate this two strangers are forced apart for the greater good. What the hell is the greater good? Commitments and responsibilities... as a human, as a daughter, a son, a sister, a brother.....
What is this thing called love? Is it just some word made up by humans to cover up what they fail to describe? Is love just some gimmick to occupy our idle time?

To sacrifice ones happiness for it. To let go so that the ones you love will not get hurt, sacrificing your will, your dreams, your needs....

How do you know it is all not pretense? How do we know that reality is indeed reality and not some screwed up dimension that is designed to mislead us? What if there's no such thing as a happy ending or happiness?

I guess some people are destined to not finding love nor happiness....
i know i'm one of them

who's to say that i'll still be here blogging down my thoughts as often as i use to...
who's to say i'll still be standing right next to you somewhere down the road....
who's to say you'll still remember me once we've graduate and go on our seperate lives...
who's to say i'll still be breathing the next time you hear my name...
only god knows...

How to lie to yourself thereby to everyone else?
How to keep on smiling when you're thinking of running away?
How to keep standing back up when you're pushed back to the ground everytime?
How to remain strong when you are plunged with daggers from every side?

critics will say, sure i'm talking rubbish...
and i dont wanna sound politically correct
why be fake with your words... what's the bloody freaking use?

change your perception on me go ahead, i write what i feel, i write what i mean...

I'm sick and tired of the pretense around me. If you got something to say to me then say it. Don't bloody keep it to yourself cause you're afraid of hurting me, cause ultimately you're hurting me even more by what you dont say, and most of the time i can just see it in your eyes....

Go ahead and laugh at my face cause you have a joke among yourselves. I dont bloody care anymore.

Stop trying to be sweet and nice to me cause you just want something out of me. Next time just ask it, you trying to be nice is making me puke.

If what ever i just said struck a chord on you, ask yourself why?
cause i never did mentioned any names...


10/02/2004 07:45:00 PM

Friday, October 01, 2004


OMG! Jerry got in!!! noooo that aint rite! its an outrage! an outcry! a conspiracy i tell ya!! HOW COULD HE HAVE GOT IN????

nvm calm down azi...

well but nevermind...
taufik got in.. yay! rejoice! go taufik!

oh and yea one other thing... SI is killing josh groban's songs for me!!!!!
if you dont have the voice dont sing it!!!
first was that unsung heros episode, now its chris...
wah liao....
chrissypoo i know you're cute and all but you just lack substance man...
stay away from josh groban's songs....

anyways on survivor today each tribe had to vote one member out
haha... surprise surprise
and there was an individual immunity challenge at the end and john got it (go john! hehe)
on a twist he had to hand over his immunity to one female tribe member after his tribal council...
and he gave it to... amy!
the decision he made actually made sense haha...
ooh and in another twist there was some backstabbing goin ard the female tribe

ooh yesterday's apperentice episode was interesting...
if i was quomi (is tat how you spell his name?) i would have sacked omorosa already...
what in the world does she think she's doing????

oh yea i know the winner already, actually knew it long ago...
for those who doesnt know
you may not want to read what i'm gonna say after this line...
i'm gonna give a clue...

the winner...

he's name...

starts with...


such a give away =P

exams in 3 days ooohhh
first paper accounts hmmz
accounts here i come! i just need to get this over and done with!!! getting sick of staring at balance day adjustments almost everyday!! bleargh.. haha...

have yet to touch my crim pro and contract... wld touch it this weekend.. hopefully... *grinz*

been in pain the entire day... donno what's wrong...
hope that its gonna be better tmr... sigh....
because of this didnt go down to school as planned...
to peeps i suppose to study with, i'm so sorry...

i wanna go to the seaside!!!
its been quite some time... maybe that''s why i've been finding very hard to sleep at night nowadays...
to say there's a lot of thing on my mind, i cant really say that cause everytime i try to clearly list out what my mind draws a blank... sigh...
i just think i need to get away
from everything....
need to re-examine where i stand in life and what i can do for the future... hmmz...

i think i need to get back to my mugging...
okie peeps till next entry...
oh yea and all the best for the exams!


10/01/2004 11:17:00 PM


Grew up in a small town
And when the rain would fall down
I just stared out my window
Dreaming of a could-be
And if I'd end up happy
I would pray

Trying not to reach out
But when I'd try to speak out
Felt like no one could hear me
Wanted to belong here
But something felt so wrong here
So I pray (I would pray)
I could breakaway

I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly
I'll do what it takes til' I touch the sky
I'll make a wish
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway
Out of the darkness and into the sun
But I won't forget all the ones that I loved
I'll take a risk
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway

Wanna feel the warm breeze
Sleep under a palm tree
Feel the rush of the ocean
Get onboard a fast train
Travel on a jet plane, far away
And breakaway

Buildings with a hundred floors
Swinging around wild indoors
Maybe I don't know where they'll take me but
Gotta keep moving on, moving on
Fly away, breakaway

I'll spread my wings
And I'll learn how to fly
Though it's not easy to tell you goodbye
I gotta take a risk
Take chance
Make a change
And breakaway
Out of the darkness and into the sun
But I won't forget the place I come from
I gotta take a risk
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway, breakaway, breakaway

10/01/2004 04:16:00 PM

Falling Down

If fears what makes us decide,
Our future journey,
I'm not along for the ride,
Coz I'm still yearning,
To try and touch the sun,
My fingers burning,
Before you're old you are young,
Yeah I'm still learning

I am falling down,
Try and stop me,
It feels so good to hit the ground,
You can watch me,
Fall right on my face,
It's an uphill human race,
and I am falling down
I'm standing out in the street,
The earth is moving,
I feel it under my feet,
And I'm still proving,
That I can stand my ground

10/01/2004 01:49:00 AM

i somehow suddenly feel like crying rite now


cause i'm damn hungry

the only thing i ate today was a sandwich...

there's nothing to eat...

and i'm broke...
to date i have like $1.40 worth of coins to last me thru the week...

this sucks...

and to add to this i cant get my P&L to tally

oh did i mention i hate balance day adustments?

yes i absolutely hate it!!!


maybe i should just go to sleep so my hunger wont overrule my brain...

but i need to study!!!!

i feel like swearing rite now...

being me is not good at the moment...

10/01/2004 01:11:00 AM

.The Writer.

I love standing in the rain, letting the feel of raindrops caress feverish skin, letting it wash away my thoughts, worries and pain. I love the feel of sand between my toes, the cool wind whispering in my ear, the soothing sound of the sea, the warmth of a hug. I love anything vintage, historical, mysterious and magical. I like to laugh, I like freedom and happiness, I like the idea of romance, being swept off my feet and happy endings. I currently have no idea where i'm going but i know i'll get where i'm suppose to be in due time. I want things i cant have, I dream of things that can never be but i'm too afraid to leave the things i'm familiar with even when i know i'm adaptable to change. I can be the person you love or hate, like or loath, admire or envy. I am not perfect,
I am just me.

.Through Their Eyes.

::azfar ::amin ::apRi ::candy::
::celine ::desz ::david:
::dexter ::darren ::deedee::
::denise ::edel ::ernie::
::fidz ::haider ::han::
::haze ::hally ::huda::
::ifah ::indra ::ezad::
::jaslyn ::jasmine ::jay::
::jjonsson ::kay ::lily ::lin::
::matsie ::melvo ::marco::
::massy ::mei ::mitch ::mraz::
::mrbrown ::nadz ::naz::
::nur ::nurul ::ode ::priya::
::peiming ::riah ::roihan::
::soffie ::sashi ::seasons::
::sheng ::tania ::vit::
::vonny ::xuantong ::YoLie::


  • October 2003
  • November 2003
  • December 2003
  • January 2004
  • February 2004
  • March 2004
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  • October 2004
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  • December 2004
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  • .ShoutOuts.


    .In My iPod.

    Fall Out Boy - Infinity On High
    Josh Groban - Awake
    My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade
    James Morrison - Undiscovered
    Justin Timberlake - FutureSex/LoveSounds



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