||:PreCiouS RefLecTionS:||

Thursday, December 30, 2004


people tell me that its bad luck to look at the past but then the past never goes away does it? We learn from it, we reminisce, we laugh, we cry, we regret, remembering the memories gone by, we even question our past actions and ponder on what ifs and should haves....

The year 2004. Some people would just shrug and say "oh well its another year gone by", what about you? How was your 2004?

As for me 2004 has been a learning experience. Good and bad. Happy and sad.
I learned alot about myself and i'm glad i did.
Now as i'm typing all this out i feel like i'm a totally, well not totallly totally but totally a changed person. My head is not so cramped anymore with depressing thoughts. I live each day as it comes and try to do better with whatever responsbilites i'm shouldered with =)
I realised that life isnt all that bad with a positive outlook no matter how depressing or hard it may be.

we live once. we die once. why waste what time we have in this world? why be selfish with what god has given you. Whatever you possess within you is a gift from god and it is within you for a reason.

i learn that some things are also best left to fate. Why worry about things that you shouldnt be worried about? Everything will happen in time. It may not be now but perhaps later when the time is right. Things happen for a reason and if you take time to reflect you will understand why.

Memorable events in 2004
(not in particular order)
1. Murder Game 1
2. Caregroup visits to Ms LPB's house
3. Dreadful fall after Crim Law test
4. My younger sis's OP
5. Spring cleaning @ yishun
6. Law Welcome
7. American Idol 3
8. Singapore Idol
9. Law Inc AY04/05 "Elections" or lack of it haha...
10. Finding out things that i was not suppose to find out
11. Sleepover at nad's
12. The countless overnight chalets & bbq
13. Budak Pantai's concert @ the esplanade
14. Moi birthday (when i broke down & cried)
15. TP Open House
16. US Elections
17. Post MG get-together at Mr FJ's place
18. me being brought to the ER
19. The stepping down of SM Goh and the swearing in of PM Lee
20. watching Saturday Night Fever alone @ the esplanade
21. my family appearing on the front page of BH
22. trip to cherating, kuantan
23. Black Eyed Peas Concert

well i was looking back on my past resolutions i wonder why do i even bother to set resolutions that i can seem to attain.. haha...
well instead of resolutions here's my hopes for 2005...

Hopes for 2005
(in no particular order)
1. Get the As that i've been trying to get since the start of AY03/04
2. Keep my dreams alive and not dismiss it
3. My family situation do not take a turn for the worse
4. Project Twinkle goes smoothly
5. Law Inc AY05/06 will not be as disastrous as AY04/05
6. Get a good place for SIP
7. Things will improve at the orphanage where i used to be at
8. Meet new people, make new friends
9. Occasionaly be surprised
10. Be Happy
11. Better health
12.Stay positive
13. Do more volunteer work
14. Be more focused on the things i want to achieve

yup that's it =) haha...

currently i hope that the tsunami victims affected will be okay and continue to receive the help that is needed. I know that life for them is gonna be hard, the rebuilding and healing process is gonna take time but have faith =)

If I could tell the world just one thing
It would be that we're all OK
And not to worry 'cause worry is wasteful
And useless in times like these
I won't be made useless
I won't be idle with despair
I will gather myself around my faith
For light does the darkness most fear
My hands are small, I know
But they're not yours, they are my own
But they're not yours, they are my own
And I am never broken
Poverty stole your golden shoes
It didn't steal your laughter
And heartache came to visit me
But I knew it wasn't ever after
We'll fight, not out of spite
For someone must stand up for what's right
'Cause where there's a man who has no voice
There ours shall go singing
My hands are small I know
But they're not yours, they are my own
But they're not yours, they are my own
I am never broken
In the end only kindness matters
In the end only kindness matters
I will get down on my knees, and I will pray


12/30/2004 05:02:00 PM

its either the weather or its just me going through my sickly cycle. Havent been feeling good this couple of days. Cant sleep, red eyes, the top right end of my gums feels swollen and it bleeds everytime i brush my teeth (must be the late wisdom tooth growing out), the spot where my jaw meets my neck hurts whenever i touch it, my liver is giving me wierd problems,.... actually i can go on and on but it wont go away...

i'm a sorry excuse for a person.. bleagh...

but with all this i will still continue keeping my spirits up! why let pain bring you down right? =)

Somehow i actually kinda like the current weather. Rainy and cold, just like in london.... yeah yeah i know gloomy and all but somehow i like it, especially when i'm in the comfort of my own bed, all snuggled up with a good novel to read haha..

2005 is coming, how time flies...
time again for my annual reflections and resolutions but not this entry... i will do it once i've completed my deliverables for conveyancing.

Gonna spend new year's eve at the esplanade! yay cant wait! i wanna see rafe and electrico perform oh and also not forgetting the fireworks! wheeeeeeeeeee =P
oh yea anyone is welcome to join of course =)

Actually i've just got back home from watching dramatec's devdas.
So what did i think of it? It was nicely done.
Good job kay! and kudos to all actors and crew members for all the effort put in =)

and a big shout out to sinthu...

HAPPY 18th BiRtHdAy!!!

all the best in your future endeavours and may the new year bring you precious and wonderful memories! best wishes and god bless =)

to all who tagged thanks for tagging =)
yup soffie things do happen for a reason although sometimes we may not know what the actual reasons may be, but its all good =)

oh yea and for all TP students who would want to donate some money to the tsunami victims can do so at the visitors center located near design school entrance =)


12/30/2004 01:00:00 AM

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

The Singapore Red Cross is calling for help to raise 1 million dollars for victims of the Bay of Bengal Earthquake and tsunamis. Click here to find out how to send your money.


Humanitarian Assistance To The Victims of the Bay of Bengal Earthquake and Tidal Waves

The Singapore Red Cross Society in response to the call for international assistance by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, is launching a public appeal to help the victims of the Bay of Bengal earthquake and tidal waves.

As an immediate response to the disaster, the Singapore Red Cross will be sending a sum of Singapore dollars, One hundred and fifty thousand (S$150,000) to Thailand, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and India (through the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies). The Singapore Red Cross is also in touch with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and the national societies of all affected countries to determine what assistance is required to assist the victims.

The Singapore Red Cross hopes to raise Singapore dollars, One Million (S$1,000,000) for this appeal.

The Singapore Red Cross calls on Singaporeans and other like-minded organisations to come forward to contribute to this appeal and help the victims affected by the earthquake and tidal waves that swept across the India Ocean and affected Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Maldives, India and Sri Lanka.

The Singapore Red Cross requests donation for the affected countries. The money donated to this emergency appeal will be used to fund purchases and direct delivery of emergency items like medicine and first aid, food parcels and other relief supplies for the displaced and homeless victims.

12/28/2004 11:51:00 AM


Your Beauty lies
in Serenity. Calm, inspiring, and nearly always
level-headed. You have a
peaceful appearance, people know they can trust you
and come to you for advice.
You probably have a soothing and beautiful voice to
match you and you are seen
as a mature, motherly figure. You don't show much
emotion which may make you
appear emotionless and distant at times, but you
are most likely a very
empathetic individual. You keep your head in bad
situations and are calm even in
good ones. You probably wear more flowing clothing
in light pastel colors and
one of your most beautiful feature is your smooth
and young face. Some people
may even be inspired simply by your presence, you
would make a great mediator or
negotiator as people know they can trust and count
on you for a peaceful

Some Things
That Represent You:

Water, Wind Animal: Swan Color:
Blues, Greens, Pastels Song:
Only Time by Enya Expression: Reassuring

Amethyst Mythological Creature: Elfin Kind
Planet: Neptune
Hair Color: Light Blonde Eye Color:

"Peace and trust take years to build and
seconds to shatter."

Where Does Your Beauty Lie?
brought to you by Quizilla

12/28/2004 11:31:00 AM

Monday, December 27, 2004

Random Thoughts

a few days ago mum told me about this particular neighbour of ours.
Now i just dont get men. What is it with their attitudes towards widows???
sure try to be nice i understand,
but having ulterior motives and widow being much wiser turns him away he becomes infuriated and talks bad about the widow and her family, being irritated at whatever the family does even if it does not bother anyone...
what's the deal?
just because the man in her life is gone doesnt mean you can take advantage.

its a beautiful and powerful thing.
But to use it as a reason out of something. to use it as an excuse, now that is inexcusable. What right do you have to say that god doesnt want or dont want a certain person in your life or whatever it maybe?
using god and your faith as an excuse? that is so damn low.

in a relationship it takes two hands to clap. It takes effort, trust and a whole lot of patience. But to have something so precious and discard it just like that cause you are to lazy to make it work is stupid. Why be in a relationship in the first place if you are too lazy to commit?
i'm just wondering.

do you believe in fate?
cause i do. Well in case you're thinking of the love department, well that is another thing altogether. I'm talking more about the going ons in life generally. Things that i've gone through, discovered, it all happens for a reason. I may not know why or for whatever reasons it may have happened but i'm glad they happened. Cause i grow from there.
strangely enough things i plan never go accordingly and i guess fate had a hand in it...
maybe, maybe not =)

12/27/2004 06:30:00 PM

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Who am I?
That the Lord of all the earth,
Would care to know my name,
Would care to feel my hurt,
Who am I?
That the Bright and Morning Star,
Would choose to light the way,
For my ever wandering heart

Not because of who I am,
But because of what You've done,
Not because of what I've done,
But because of who You are

I am a flower quickly fading,
Here today and gone tomorrow,
A wave tossed in the ocean,
A vapor in the wind,
Still You hear me when I'm calling,
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling,
And You've told me who I am…
I am Yours…I am Yours

Who am I?
That the eyes that see my sin,
Would look on me with love,
And watch me rise again,
Who am I?
That the voice that calmed the sea,
Would call out through the rain,
And calm the storm in me

Not because of who I am,
But because of what You've done,
Not because of what I've done,
But because of who You are

I am a flower quickly fading,
Here today and gone tomorrow,
A wave tossed in the ocean,
A vapor in the wind,
Still You hear me when I'm calling,
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling,
And You've told me who I am...
I am Yours

Not because of who I am,
But because of what You've done,
Not because of what I've done,
But because of who You are...

12/26/2004 10:00:00 PM

Friday, December 24, 2004

its kinda funny how people dont want your help because of one reason or another, in this particular case because they want "fresh blood". Then somhow they suddenly come running back to you for your help and ask you to head it to boot.


i just found it amusing. utterly amusing. tsktsk...
if you know what i'm talking about good for you, if you dont well its for me to know and for you to find out.

Christmas eve. Its that time of year again when the spirit of giving and joy is spread. Actually i love this time of the year only thing is i dont celebrate it. haha.. but still that still doesnt stop me from appreciating it.

New year's coming up sooner than we think... how time flies...
here i am sitting on my bed, staring into space thinking of what i've been doing this year. sigh.
expectations, resolutions, dreams, wishes...
well i will cover on that once that time comes near but for now we'll let that rest.

My friend's getting married tomorrow. Havent seen her for quite some time now, was kinda shocked in a way when she told me that she was getting married. Somehow i dont see her as the marrying early kind, well maybe i do haha... kinda common for typical young malay couples. Well that's how i preceive it. Before i go into how bad i think this kind of marriages are and such i better stop myself and just be happy for my friend.

well somehow my mind is a blank now, which is good. Less thoughts = less stress. Emptiness of the mind. Sometimes i wonder if my life is missing something. Somehow i cant help feeling the void or somewhat emptiness i feel inside. Sure doing what i love to do, helping out peeps actually fills part of it but only for awhile.. it doesnt stay...
haha.. i don't know... i guess this season always makes me feel lonely or perhaps empty, seeing families getting together, couples bonding, friends having fun...
maybe it'll go away as i get older, we'll see...

and somehow sometimes i wish i'm more better off so that i could help more people who are less fortunate. To be able to pull resources and give some of this people hope and joy. Things that normal people take for granted. I guess i count myself lucky to be where i am right now. To have a roof over my head, to stand on my own two feet, to be alive... simple things that i can be thankful for. It doesnt take much to be thankful for but sometimes we are somehow blind to these things when we get caught up with minor things in life.

I guess i should get some sleep...

anyways, thanks Mei for the xmas gift! I really appreciate it =)

to Mr Ferlin J, Nazura, Kasey & Juliana:

Happy Birthday!
Best wishes in your future endeavours! May the new year bring you wonderful memories and experiences! God bless =)

Merry Christmas everyone!


12/24/2004 02:00:00 AM

Monday, December 20, 2004

somehow this song suddenly came into mind...

Fragile Heart

A fragile heart was broken before
I don't think it could endure another pain
But there's a voice from deep inside of you
That's calling out to make you realize

That this new bond gives inspiration
To all who feel no love appeal no more
So how can I break this wall around you
That's aiding both our hearts to grow in pain

So forget your past, and we can dream tomorrow
Save our hearts for card and lovin too
It's hard I know, but oh
One thing for sure
Don't go and break this fragile heart

A hurting mind in need of emotion
I don't think I could endure another pain
But baby in you, I've found affection
Affection I have never felt before

So don't let your past destroy what comes tomorrow
Don't go and break my fragile heart

With all this fire that burns between us
There's so much to lose
Yet so much more to gain
And if I could, choose the world around me
The world I'd choose would all revolve around you
So help me complete the game inside me
And help to mend my fragile heart

strange, i havent heard this song for ages, wonder what actually jogged my memory.
went out with my sis yesterday to the esplanade to watch an acapella group perform at the outdoor theater. Found it a tad boring cause they were singing typical christmas songs and their rappot with the audience was a bit uncomfortable? well to me at least... but their lead female singer was really good, especially when they sang one of the songs composed by bach if i'm not mistaken

well situation at home is not improving, i really need to get a job. I was having a discussion with my sis yesterday and we agreed to get a job and relieve mum of our education and daily expenses. Now the next thing is to actually clinch a job.
I was calculating my free hours in a week and i guess if i sacrifice my friday nights and weekends i can maybe commit to a 22 hour job. Well i know it will be straineous with school and all but then there's no other alternative as long as i dont work in a very demanding environment which will affect my health as well.

so currently for this and the following week i'm much more or less broke. less meals for me then, which doesnt make any difference since i cant seem to eat alot nowadays cause if i do my heart will go against me. haiz...

well christmas is coming and so is new year's... see myself basically staying at home or doing school stuff, planning to go to the esplanade for new year's eve as i usually do, anyone is welcome to join me if they're free =)
rafe and electrico would be performing that day so its gonna be great. Fireworks at the stroke of midnight, gonna be excellent. Just hope that its not gonna rain =P

12/20/2004 05:17:00 PM

Sunday, December 19, 2004

ripped this off from somewhere and i'm sure this scenario can apply to most people i know or may not know...

The girl says:
if you see me walking the road with someone else
It's not because I like his company
Its because you're not brave enough to walk beside me.
If you hear me talking about him all the time
Its not because he pleases meIts because you're too deaf to hear my heartbeat
If you feel me falling with someone new
Its not because i love him
It's because you're not there to catch me fall
If you feel lost, I too am nowhere
I too don't know where the road is going
Are we gonna cross each other's path
Or just completely turn around?
Will we just let go of what we had
Or go to the place where lovebound
Don't let me walk with himIt's you I want to walk with
Don't let me talk of himIt's you I want to talk with
Don't let me fall for him
It's you I want to fall in love.

THe guy's reply:
When you thought I wasn't brave enough to walkbeside you
I was behind you every step of the way
Still filled with awe because of the beautythat stands before me
When you thought I was too deaf to hear yourheartbeat
I didn't want to assume anything
And I was afraid to lose our friendship
When you thought I wasn't there to catch you
It was because you never gave me the chance
You never reached the bottom, you've alreadygrabbed a branch
If you feel like you are nowhere, I too am lost
I too don't know where the road is going
Are we just going to turn around,
Or are we gonna cross each other's path?
Will we just let go of what we had
Or go to the place where lovebound?
Don't let me walk aloneI want to walk by your side
Don't let me talk of something else
It's you I want to talk with
Don't let me fall for someone else
It's you I want to fall in love

12/19/2004 05:22:00 PM

pain is nothing compared to actually trying to hide it and making people think you're perfectly fine...

12/19/2004 01:38:00 AM

Saturday, December 18, 2004

yes you get that alot when you read blogs. Teen angst, frustration at work or school, irritation with peers, colleagues, wife, husband, kids, lovers, inanimated objects, almost anything you can find fault with or have feelings towards.

I guess its perfectly normal. Heck we are all human and we do need an outlet to vent out these feelings. To some its harmless to vent out these feelings online cause its your space and you can post anything you wish. But where do one draw the line in posting these feelings? Honesty is the best policy, feel free to put down any facts that are true, if readers cant take it maybe they should take time to think why. What if they are in the writer's shoes? No one situation is ever the same.

But are vulgarities necessary to prove how angry or frustrated you are?
just wondering...
it is easy to let anger override common sense... it takes a lot to subside anger
but with all obstacles that come our way, how frustrated or irritated we feel, we learn. Sometimes we cant change situations, all we can do is adapt, that doesnt make you any less of a person then to aggrevate the situation into enormous proportion.
I do hope i'm making some sense here haha...

anyways end of week 2... well so far so good.. no complaints, still loving french even though some of the verbs and stuff are giving me a headache wheee....
law subjects.. well.. except for conveyancing being dry its all good haha..

had a wonderful time yesterday. Thanks Ms lim for the dinner and the ride back home. Me together with ms lim, mei, mei's sis, kiat, alvin and a couple of mei's friends went to the blue moo to watch budak pantai's performance. Splendid as always. Thanks for the autograph and pic guys! will upload the pics as soon as i get my internet connection up and running again =)

The power of music is wonderful. To immense oneself in beautiful music is breath taking It doesnt matter what language it may be but the most wonderful music can actually bring tears to one eyes when one really take time to appreciate it and understand what they are trying to bring across.
To not live in a world without music is unimaginable.. to me at least...
would love to touch more on this but...
ooh my fave cartoon has started!! well till then peeps

oh yea i think i'm gonna do something unimaginable... join something i wont normally do.. haha... oh rest assured its nothing illegal or morally wrong.. we'll just see if i'll actually do it or not haha...

and lastly

Happy 18th Birthday to Kay!

all the best in your future endeavours! A talented person who i can see going far! Good luck on your oncoming production!
God bless! =)


12/18/2004 01:14:00 PM

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

was browsing through photos of taufik batisah taken by crazy fans of his and i must say that he somehow doesnt look real. A fellow saggitarian, i have upmost respect for him and all but honestly its just getting... i donno... boring? Its like the idols are in the news almost every week. Its like all the damn reporters have no other things to talk about. Just read last Sunday's Newpaper, almost all the columns are regarding Singapore Idol. Do a title search on Taufik Batisah and a lot of crazy girl's blog will scream and drool over him *rolls eyes*
Walk around town and you will still hear their names being uttered...

Well yea i have to agree that it is kind of like a phenomenon, no celebrity in singapore ever gets this kind of attention but hello there are more dire things happening in the world.

Past week i've been reading articles of family with difficult situations and i really feel sad for them.
One story that really got to me was a family with twins with a liver disease who need a donor to replace their liver and the only suitable match is their mother and she can only choose one of them.
The dilemma that the mother has to go through and time is running out.

Some people just dont know how lucky they are to be in this world. Healthy, normal and not know the real meaning of pain.

Been thinking bout my mum this couple of weeks. I just feel awful. Me as the eldest daughter and not helping her a lot as i should. I know we are having money troubles but she wont say anything. Heck supporting 6 children without any stable income is damn hard.
Now that i'm back at home is one of the reason why i'm determined to find a weekend job that would not affect my studies.

In case some peeps are wondering, i havent been living with my family for 7 years, eversince dad passed away. The year dad passed away i was sent by my mum to an orphanage. I guess she felt that it would do me good there since i'm the more independent one.
Well i hated it at first but i understood the reason i was there.

so why am i now back at home? Well apart that i'm already 20, my health has been a real problem this year, and since school is so near to home it was better to move back home then stay there... but hell i miss everyone there...

i guess i'm lucky to have seen and experience the different side of things which is why i like to do something for the kids, volunteer to do stuff for the less fortunate... if only i was more well off maybe i could contribute more... but hey the little things still count =)

Back to my mum...
i guess i just feel plain guilty. I know she's tired and i'm scared of losing her, and the thing is i think i dissapoint her... i have one and half more years before i finish my diploma till then i'm tied up. I cant just stop school and work. I know she'll disapprove and getting a diploma will actually make a difference in me finding work.
Well i still want to continue my studies, pursue my own dreams but i guess that will have to wait. Till when? maybe once i can support my family and be self independent.
and i dont think i've shown her how much i care. I dont take enough time to tell her i love her.. i just feel awkward... Not really living with someone for some time makes one ties a bit shaky
I guess whatever i do now is for my mum first and for myself second...
cant do miracles but i'll do what i can...

12/15/2004 09:06:00 PM

I guess its been awhile since i've blogged something worth reading. Somehow or rather when i have something i wanna blog about, there is no internet access or computer nearby, and when i'm here on the create post page my mind goes blank geez..

Well my internet acess at home is down, thanks to the defective modem from our trustworthy Singnet, so currently i'm waiting for my brother to reset everything which includes our wireless settings which i bet would take awhile cause he has been busy with work. Nowadays i only see him when i'm still awake at 2, if not i'll see him when i see him =P

Well here we are in week 2 of sem 2, and my class, well... i always have the suckiest class during this period, yay me! *rolls eyes*
I can just forsee the disaster of group projects, more work for me wohoo!

somehow i'm totally tired today, was feeling very sick this morning but decided to suck it up and just go for my 9am french class. So now i'm free, no more lessons for the day but here i am at the lab trying to do some conveyancing stuff.

Speaking of conveyancing, did i ever mentioned that it sucks? well yea it sucks, an hour an a half through the 3 hour lab session i was already getting distracted and bored. So much trouble just to buy a property.. somehow playing monopoly seems so much easier haha..

oh yea survivor vanuatu chris won! well even though i wanted eliza to win out of the final four, i rather have chris winning it then twila. Fact is chris played a good game, hey one man out of 6 other women is a feat itself. But then women are women. One cannot understand what the hell they are thinking. Men you are not alone, i have trouble figuring them out myself.. well that includes men to haha..

Now that Survivor, Singapore Idol, CSI:Miami and Alias is no more on channel 5, nothing interesting to watch anymore cept for Tuesday's CSI and Wednesday's Charmed. But then come to think of it its ok, more time to do school work i guess haha...
So now i'm thinking of finding weekend jobs to support myself through school so i wont be a burden to mum with everything happening right now... As long as the job is not too taxing i guess i'm willing to do anything as long as my morals and value remain intact hurhur...

well cant wait for friday! Budak Pantai performing at the Blue Moo.
Anyone interested for a night of good music? Lemme know ya =)
Admission is at $10 per person (with no student concession...its the holidays!) and will come with... a little food and a little drink... but it will be a lot of fun!

To my taggers, glad you guys liked the nice guy entry! next, short guys entry? haha.. we'll see...
Matsie i saw you toO! haha.. and i thought you didnt see me =P see ya around! =)

12/15/2004 01:48:00 PM

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

I dream

In my mind
I can climb
All the mountains that surround me
My spirit's there where eagles dare to fly

In my heart
There's a spark
That can light the world around me
And open door where I am sure dreams are

Doesnt matter if I win
Or the colour of my skin
Cause the race is all about
Believing in yourself

I dream
I can run
Like the wind
And be strong
When my heart
Just wants to give in
I dream
I can be
The hero that's in me
I dream
I dream

There's a time
In your life
When the odds are so against you
There's no defeat if all you keep is pride
First or last
Slow or fast
There's a dignity that makes you
Keep driving on when worlds have come apart

Doesn't matter rich or poor
All the things you've done before
Cause the race is all about believing in yourself

I dream
I can run
Like the wind
And be strong
When my heart
Just wants to give in
I dream
I can be
The hero that's in me
I dream
I dream

Of a moment
That forever will be golden
When the torch is passed
Only dreams will last
That are shared by everyone

I dream
I can run
Like the wind
And be strong
When my heart
Just wants to give in
I dream
I can be
The hero that's in me
I dream
I dream

12/14/2004 03:04:00 PM

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

I just dont understand it
i keep finding out things that leaves me speechless
what have i ever done to these people
if they dislike my company that much why even spend time with me and fake it?
do they even know the real meaning of the word?
or it all just pretense?
nevermind i will not let myself be brought down by it, its not worth it.
i control my own life

Anyways, the new semester have started, as before new class, new subjects, new outlook on life? figured out for myself what i wanna do, what i wanna achieve, would not let myself be bogged down by trivial matters. People not happy with me? so be it. i cant control what people wanna do, say or think. As long as you respect me as a person, i'll respect you as one.

Have yet to meet the peeps in my new class but not fretting since i'm familiar with the peeps in my cohort. Just hope that i'll be able to work well with the peeps who will be in my project group. Teamwork is essential to get a good grade.

Cant wait for next week to come, that's when the school sem will go into full gear. Tutorials will start, projects will come.. actually looking forward to it, hey its work and its productive and i wont get bored haha...

oh yea before i forget, tania and ds thanks for the bdae present, i really like it hehe.. =)

I have been having wierd dreams lately and i'm not sure it means anything. I've dreamt of being killed 3 times in one night, being attacked by wolves, losing someone, being veryvery sad, etcetc... haiz... sometimes these dreams just make me tired when i wake up, so not good...

well went out with ifah and aida today, miss both of them so much. They've been slogging with work and coincidentally both were having their off days yesterday so we met up, to catch up on life, caught a movie since it was like so long since we caught a movie together and took loads of photos (will upload em' soon!)

argh my train of thoughts suddenly broke and i forgot what else i wanted to blog about.
well then you guys take care
god bless


12/08/2004 10:50:00 PM

Sunday, December 05, 2004

hi guys

thanks ds for the update =) yes i'm back...
yup i've been away and i had my reasons of not telling some peeps... i guess i needed to get away for a spell. Rest assured i'm alright, hey i'm a big girl and i can take care of myself. =)

Well school reopens tomorrow, a new sem, a new beginning perhaps.... i hope...

well you guys take care


Biarkanlah saja diriku sendirian tanpamu
Biarkanlah aku merindu sekian lama
Bukan maksud untuk membisusepi tanpa kata
Terpisahnya kita kerana mengejar impian

Mungkinkah bersama dua jiwa ini
Dalam mencari cinta sejati nan suci
Mungkinkah segala derita di jiwa
Akan terabat kini

Biarkanlah saja diriku sepi tanpa kata
Terpisahnya kita kerana mengejar impian

12/05/2004 11:39:00 PM

.The Writer.

I love standing in the rain, letting the feel of raindrops caress feverish skin, letting it wash away my thoughts, worries and pain. I love the feel of sand between my toes, the cool wind whispering in my ear, the soothing sound of the sea, the warmth of a hug. I love anything vintage, historical, mysterious and magical. I like to laugh, I like freedom and happiness, I like the idea of romance, being swept off my feet and happy endings. I currently have no idea where i'm going but i know i'll get where i'm suppose to be in due time. I want things i cant have, I dream of things that can never be but i'm too afraid to leave the things i'm familiar with even when i know i'm adaptable to change. I can be the person you love or hate, like or loath, admire or envy. I am not perfect,
I am just me.

.Through Their Eyes.

::azfar ::amin ::apRi ::candy::
::celine ::desz ::david:
::dexter ::darren ::deedee::
::denise ::edel ::ernie::
::fidz ::haider ::han::
::haze ::hally ::huda::
::ifah ::indra ::ezad::
::jaslyn ::jasmine ::jay::
::jjonsson ::kay ::lily ::lin::
::matsie ::melvo ::marco::
::massy ::mei ::mitch ::mraz::
::mrbrown ::nadz ::naz::
::nur ::nurul ::ode ::priya::
::peiming ::riah ::roihan::
::soffie ::sashi ::seasons::
::sheng ::tania ::vit::
::vonny ::xuantong ::YoLie::


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  • .ShoutOuts.


    .In My iPod.

    Fall Out Boy - Infinity On High
    Josh Groban - Awake
    My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade
    James Morrison - Undiscovered
    Justin Timberlake - FutureSex/LoveSounds



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