||:PreCiouS RefLecTionS:||

Monday, April 25, 2005

good morning all you beautiful people! =D

in about an hour i'll be making my way to the airport, and i did promise that i'll post before i go off... hmm i think my siblings are more excited then me, cause some of them are already dressed to send me off and here i am infront of my bro's computer not even ready yet haha....

i had something in mind to post about and i cant seem to remember what...
haha nevermind, another time i guess...

oh yea before i go

i wanna wish desheng an advance HaPpy 20th Birthday!
All the best in your future endeavours! oh and make full use of the time you have before your enlistment aite hehe...

and to those going for the chalet, hope you guys have fun!
gonna miss you guys alotalot

oh and matsie i failed the theory test by 5 bloody percent!!! argh!!! we must at least get 80% to pass.. aiyoh... haha next time perhaps, if there is one haha...
man i so suck at theory bleah =P

aite i should go get ready now!
till then
take care y'all
i'll see you in 10 days...
unless i can get access to the net somehow haha....


4/25/2005 02:44:00 AM

Sunday, April 24, 2005

gee i have a verification test at work later and i havent even studied yet!!!
i'm so screwed!!!
and here you can see evidence that i used the time that i can actually be studying wasted on changing my blogskin

so how do you folks like it?
i've been thinking of doing something fresh
so ta-dah!

personally i like it
especially the pic *grinz*
consider this a fresh new start
since i'm going away and all
perhaps i'll come back with new insights, experience and perhaps recharged?
haha here's to hoping! =D

oh wow my counter has hit the 10,000 mark!!!
yay! *claps*
thanks to all my readers
i have no idea why you guys actually come back to read my posts
but thank you all the same, especially to those who actually took time to give me feedback or just simply tag to say hi =)

wow technically its sunday today
and i'll be flying off tomorrow!
ooh i'm so excited and the thing is that i have been feeling sick today so i hope i'll get better by then hehz

grandma, grandpa and aunt nor visited us today
i suppose its because i'm flying off tomorrow
and i realised that i'm not that close to them
as in sure they are my blood relatives and all but i dont feel as close to them as i am suppose to. Grandma and grandpa are getting old every time i see them... at that point of time i wished i was close to them. you know being able to talk about basically anything, not feeling awkward and particularly not having those awkward silence.... Its just that everytime i'm with any of my relatives i feel like i'm being judged, its like all my actions and words are being scrutinized which makes me uncomfortable...

i can just imagine my funeral
if like in those tv shows when a relative and a friend of the deceased give a speech on the person, i reckon that both parties will describe two very different person. haha...
oh well *shrugs*

wokie its almost 2am
gonna go wash my face and do some last minute studying
keeping my fingers crossed for the test later!

will blog again before i fly off hehe
till then


4/24/2005 01:29:00 AM

Friday, April 22, 2005

ooooh boy.....

having tea and coffee in a span of a few hours is ssooooo NOT good...

its almost 4 bloody a.m and i'm still awake

the body is physically tired but the eyes are refusing to close!!!

argh so what's new bleargh

and i have a full's day work tomorrow of getting things settled and juggling meetings which are only 2 hours apart!! if only they are in the same location... i can only wish hehz...

oh yea before i forget...
a shout out to AMIN, donno if he'll be reading this but....

HaPPie BirthDay!!!!

all the best in your future endeavours and may the year ahead bring you wonderful and precious memories!
oh yea and all the best for PENTAS too! sorry i cant be there to support... =)

hmm did i mentioned i love everwood
the show actually teaches you something and for me its thought provoking...
it always makes me think after watching every episode haha...

oooh and you know what happened today?
went to work and guess what????
me and tania entered the restraunt and we found out that..........

we didnt have to come for work!!!!
and Norman our RM (restaurant manager) didnt even freakin call us to let us know about it arrgghhhhh
NorrmmaannN!!!! i so felt like strangling him at that time sheesh...
but its understandable
with rohaidah our asst RM down with the chicken pox and all, he's abit stressed now having to handle scheduling and all...

well me and tania ended up hanging out at the airport with ds, since he was still at T1 where we left him after dinner...
spent the next few hours chatting and chilling, and here was where i drank tea and later coffee somewhere in the beginning and the end haha...

three more days!!!
in case you're lagging...
its 3 days to the study trip
i'm psyched! but at the same time nervous?
the last time i actually took a flight overseas was like a decade ago haha..
well at least i've started packing
altho there's still some stuff i need to do....

hmm okie then i shall use the rest of my time to clear up my room before i actually feel sleepy....

till then

4/22/2005 03:50:00 AM

Thursday, April 21, 2005

What kind of parents leave their children to fend for themselves?
What kind of parent starve their children to death?

Sins of the father
why are children labled to what their parents had done?
shouldn't they be given a chance to the person they can become?

but then why are parents blamed for what their children had done when they have done everything they could only to be over powered by peer pressure?

overlaps of reality
different scenarios with different outcomes.....

oh yea guess what
i'm getting lazy to blog


me? lazy to blog?

yeap you read correctly

well maybe not lazy lazy.. more like i have nothing to blog about...

the thing is i've been pretty busy with work and getting mentally prepared for the study trip and i'm awfully tired when i suddenly get a off day... and my life is pretty much boring compared to other peeps and therefore i dont feel like i have anything to blog about.

perhaps its a writers block or something
i'm kinda finding it hard to find time for myself nowadays
to reflect on things...
perhaps thats why the lack of updates/post/reflections, whatever you call it...

sure i can blog about work and stuff
but do you really want to read about how mundane my day at work was?
"oh today we were at T2 cleaning up the place for opening this friday. It was dusty and had this funky smell, perhaps due to the renovations blahblahblah...."

cmon seriously...
i'll get bored myself typing that out haha...

i still have so much to do before monday
and i have yet to even pack my suitcase or even go to the doctor to get my allergies tag...
its like i have this list of things to do in my head and i'm trying find time to do it and try and not get tired at the same time and in between i'm trying to find time for myself. To sit down and reflect and think things over.
Yes perhaps its good that i dont seem to find the time to actually think cause god knows how bad it can sometimes be for me hehz
but still....

oh gosh here i'm complaining of finding time for myself
am i selfish or what???
geez azi get a grip
the world doesnt revolve around you...

oh well
now that's off my chest
i gotta get ready to go to my grandma's, then to school to get the fugly school blazer and then off to work.
wow my life is so meaningful *rolls eyes*

cmon azi you should be grateful you're still breathing...

oh yes i should shoudnt i?

yup and here i am talking to myself

omg azi has lost her marbles!!

before i really do some damage i better sign off eeks

aite take care y'all


4/21/2005 01:08:00 PM

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

how do one fall out of love so easily?
or is it just a mask to disguise the fact that there's still love but it was decided it was the best for the other party cause it wouldnt be fair for that person if the relationship continues... so which is it?

is it even fair for us to decide what is best for the other party?
To say that the problem lies with us instead of that person.
To actually keep a straight face and severe the ties only to break down after the person left....
How do you actually explain how everything changed?

Perhaps for all that i've seen and heard, maybe thats why i'm not in one.
The heartaches, the tears, the sorrow...
all fueling my fear of getting hurt
i wouldnt know what i would do if i was in any of those positions.
I had too many things that i love being taken away from me

i know nothing is perfect
still i envy those who found joy and love in their significant other
being able to totally be oneself, to feel cherished, to feel so lucky, to feel that everything is just so perfect the way it is...
haha but knowing me...

A friend of mine did something today
you may call it brave, you may call it stupid but it took a lot of courage
to face up to change
to not let herself allow the other to suffer because of her...
but it kinda left me thinking
what really is the right thing to do
whether love, relationships, whatever that relates to them are cracked up to be
why such things exist when it causes pain at the end of it?

but then... there is no compassion without pain...

something i'm still learning i suppose...

Knew the signs wasn’t right
I was stupid, for a while
Swept away, by you
And now I feel like a fool

So confused
My heart’s bruised
Was I ever loved by you?
Out of reach, so far
I never had your heart
Out of reach, couldn’t see
We were never met to be

4/19/2005 10:45:00 PM

Monday, April 18, 2005

allo allo
how's everyone doing?

wow i cant believe its been a week since i last posted

been pretty busy with work
having so much fun
yes i'm sick i know ahaha
who the hell has fun at work?
ahaha memememe =D
tiring yes but i'm learning so much! wheeee

been working at the novena outlet for the past week cause T2's opening has been pushed to this friday and yesterday was our last day there, yay onwards to T2! can't wait!
aww matsie cheer up! you'll get there soon!

moi's off day today, well all T2 FOH staff actually.
Spent my afternoon and evening helping out Kay and MX with their accounts revision.
unexpected day off tomorrow, so gonna go for tomorrow's meeting in school tomorrow and going to aida's place in the afternoon to help her with her new computer.

oh and yes i'm going on the study trip
our flight is gonna be early next monday morning...
i have yet to pack or prepare anything for the trip
anyone up for an overnight hanging out session at the airport?

aite if i continue this brainless post peeps are gonna get bored
till then

4/18/2005 11:12:00 PM

Monday, April 11, 2005

why do you look so familiar?
i swear that i've seen your face before....

you're just the distraction i needed....
rite... *rolls eyes*

but oh well i'll just try and ignore whatever there is to it and
go with the flow? ahaha...

4/11/2005 04:44:00 PM

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Third day of work training and i'm having fun!
You dont even notice how time flies until you look at the watch
not even how tired your legs are until you actually sit down after you're done with your shift.

so far i've been the server and bar runner
and i think i've gotten the hang of holding a full tray with one hand

ooh yea and two customers gave us good feedback with my name being one of the mentioned ones... ahaha how cool is that? i didnt even know that the customer knew my name cause we dont have name tags yet =)

anyways exam results are out!
how did i do?
not bad i suppose
finally got that A i wanted/needed
for a law subject to boot ahaha
and can you believe it, that subject is conveyancing wahaha
the subject i dreaded most in the beginning of the sem =P

how about the rest of my subjects?
i did alright for the rest, the average Bs and Cs but i was really grateful that i passed my OB! i was so afraid i was gonna take supps for that. Like i said, i suck at theory subjects big time =P

gonna be busy this next few days, with work, study trip preps/mtgs and appointments...

hmm gotta go down and meet miat now to help her with her contract problems...
till then..


4/09/2005 11:56:00 PM

Friday, April 08, 2005

soul searching

i wonder how it feels like to be good at something
to have passion for it and keep doing it
to be so good at it that you're so called 'gifted'
that people actually come and find you for help
or come to see you play/sing/act/work etc....

for me i dont really know what i'm good at
i tend to do so much things at one time and...
it all just feels empty
perhaps its because i get bored with something easily
that's pretty much the downside of being able to catch on to something fast
(well in a practical sense i suck at theory...)

i believe that when doing something you should give your all or nothing at all, no slipshod work...
i love helping people
even though sometimes its not appreciated
but i suppose i'm still searching for something that is actually worthwhile
something that i have such passion towards that i dont mind doing it anytime of the day
something that at the end of the day i can get a good night sleep because i did something that mattered... something that mattered to me and to others... something that makes a difference...

for now i'll keep on searching...

4/08/2005 01:25:00 AM

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Crazy people can get away with just about anything. You'd be amazed


"All i want is to be happy"

"That is the answer of a selfish child"

is really wanting to be happy being selfish?
why is there suffering when there is happiness?
why is there darkness when there is light?

why are we going through life without really living it?

can you actually say "i'm actively pursuing my dreams"
can you actually say "i have no regrets"
can you actually say "i love what i'm doing now and dont wish i'm somewhere else doing something else"
can you actually say all that with utter conviction?
if you can, then i salute you
if you cant....
what are you doing with your life right now?

i ask myself that sometimes
why am i doing what i am today
sure i'm a firm believer of things happening for a reason and stuff
and we do have the power to make choices on what we do with our lives...

so why are there still people who dont use this power to help themselves?
why are there still people who just wander through their lives aimlessly?
why are there still people who is so dependent on another and not make full use of the opportunities given to them and make the best out of the time they have?

life is afterall short
even if you dont realise it

funny how it is when you know you have a certain time left to live, you'll actually do the things you actually want to do and there's no fear of what ifs or repercussions, knowing that its either do it now or you'll die regretting...

4/06/2005 04:23:00 AM

Monday, April 04, 2005

so now i'm having a guilt trip...

price is now up to above 3k
and if i do go for the trip i'm only causing burden to my mum
and the 3k only covers the package cost
it does not cover the expenses once we're there
and the exchange rate is not exactly like changing singapore dollars to malaysian ringgit.
we just dont have that kind of money
especially now when we're barely scraping thru paying our bills....

and i just have this feeling in my gut...

my intuition is rarely wrong...

i think i'm not meant to go for the study trip afterall...

unless there's some miracle which i doubt will ever happen...

and now if i dont go, three others wont go....

haiz.... just the dilemma i need...

4/04/2005 11:36:00 PM

Its amusing to constantly hear someone saying that they are sick and tired of reading the going ons of people's lives in their blogs.
The thing is, its their blogs afterall. May it be about the mundane happenings of their lives or how they feel in the happenings of their lives, it is afterall their right to blog what they want.
So why are there people still complaining about how boring it is reading certain blogs? Sure there is some that IS boring to read but if you find it boring why are you reading it in the first place? Why bother complaining when it doesnt change a thing? Just close the window if you're that irritated by the author. hehz...

I also dont get readers who slam other people's blogs. Everyone has a right to their own opinions and they actually dare to put it down in words. Be it right, straightforward, wrong or ridiculas, they are actually exercising their rights to speak up. To voice out what they feel, but then only to be slammed by some annonymous twit who dont even have the guts to put down their names when slamming the author. What's that all about?
If you have the guts to slam others why not put your real name?
If the name is false then its existance itself is also false.
So i reckon we shouldnt be bothered by it....
unless these readers have some constructive feedback/opinions they want to share, well go ahead then. Put down your real name. I dare you to.

i just find this all amusing
no offence to anony who tags on my blog
or those other reading this
this is just a reflection on my part =)


anyways i called in sick today
didnt leave the house
couldnt find the strength to
lungs giving me problems again
especially in the morning

i hope tomorrow will be a better day

most probably gonna visit the doctor, see ms lim with regards to the study trip and maybe go catch a movie alone... we'll see =)


4/04/2005 08:32:00 PM

Sunday, April 03, 2005

ok since i dont want some people to get bored with the going ons in my life
i've decided to post something that is close to my heart
after reading my monthly dosage of DARE ahaha...


The state or quality of mind or spirit that enables one to face danger, fear, or vicissitudes with self-possession, confidence, and resolution; bravery.

what i believe now is an essential quality for any women.

yes i may sound sexist but it is a part of life.

Courage is something we all require, and some of us have it in greater quantities than others. Courage is something you must decide to have, not something that you're born with or something you do because the alternative is too scary.

A women is called upon to be courageous in so many different aspects of life, this is because women face so many different types of battles each day.

I have a friend who keeps telling me how strong a person i am and how she wishes that she could be like me. But the thing is i was never born strong. Circumstances put me where i am. Having courage to go through every single day of my life is a choice, especially now when my heart keeps giving me problems every morning. But with this i gotta admit i'm not always strong, cause sometimes i choose not to be.
sometimes i choose not to because sometimes as a women we often think we have the perfect excuse, but at the end of the day i'd feel awful inside.

Courage is being able to say "I will go through this" because you know it is the right thing to do even tho it looks like a fire or lion's den ahead.

There are women who have been courageous in the traditional sense, who have piloted war planes, gone to the front lines during battle. There are mothers who have risked their own lives to save their children. Women who have gone on missions to countires to serve the poor and diseased. These are women of courage.

Then there was Florence Nightingale who strangely enough, was one of the bravest women in the world till she turned 30, after whch she decided to get into bed and wait fo death, which did not come for another 30 years or so. This shows that courage is something a women has to choose to partake of.

I think of those women who have children who has special needs and chose not to abort or abandon them but to embrace them with superhuman patience and love. Women who carry on in life after the sudden deaths of their husbands, like my mum, keeping a handle on finances, the children and how they can still have a smile on their face.

To my friend:
Courage does not come cheap or easy. There are usually no medals to be given out. Sometimes, even when you have been courageous, the results may not visibly be what you had hoped for. But when you have held out and accomplished what needs to be done or changed, and there is a different outcome to a dire situation because you bravely took action, that is your reward.
You can be strong, if you choose to.
Remember that i'll always be here for you,
you're not alone =)


Had a briefing for friday's event at bugis today
the event is gonna be at sentosa and we're facilitating the games

man the number of times i've been to sentosa this year geez...
oh well its gonna fun anyways
the beach IS cleaner ahaha...

after the briefing had dinner with candy, tania and darren

and we cept for darren took neoprints!

how? nice?
hehe =)


woke up today to read on the news of the Pope's death
i know i may not be a roman catholic but i understood what he has done during all his years as the Pope and i offer my condolences. At least now he's not suffering anymore and he is with god.

on a lighter note...

i read about the miss singapore universe pagent in the papers today...
Racial harmony day being a festival? wtf? is this girl dumb or what? and she was in self-denial afterwards ahahaha....
pretty with no brans haiz...
so whats new tsktsk... this miss singapore universe pagent needs a makeover... sheesh...
the only plus point i heard abt the whole thing was...
jon jonsson
now i gotta admit, he IS a cutie
and he has a blog can you believe it? ahaha
well it is quite an interesting read....

in case you dont know who he is
here's a pic

i heard the cinema tixs are gonna rise?!?!
heck it is already pricey without the price hike
i rather go across the causeway cause its much much cheaper
or i can just wait for the vcd to come out or something...
with the popcorn prices being costly, raising the price of cinema tix is a bad move on their part.. unless singaporeans who just loves spending dont mind the price hike.
oh well, who am i to say anything right? =)

hmm if it goes up to actually $10 for a movie ticket I'd rather go to the omnimax theater or better yet spend it on food =P

oh and lisa ang gave birth to a girl!
ooh and i love her daughter's name - Ariel Faith...
nice aint it? =)

aite i'm gonna go and read my book and i'll leave you guys with a quote...

"Passion is harnessing all your energy to pursue a goal; wisdom is knowing when to give it up. Passion is pushing the limit of what you can do; wisdom is knowing what you can never do"

something for you to figure out and keep in mind =)


4/03/2005 09:51:00 PM


how is everyone?

its close to 1am in the morning and here i am sitting on my bed, blogging and ignoring my back ache =P

so what have i been up to?

hmmz lets see....

4 hours ago i was at.....

Avril Lavigne's Concert
@ the indoor stadium


and no i was not dreaming =P

as it turns out my sis couldnt make it for the concert as she had work so she told me to go in her place last night ahaha
oh yea.. thanks sis! love ya! =D

so how was the concert?
it was awesome. Avril is getting better at live singing (yeap i thot she wasnt that gd of a live singer when she first came out) but she kicked ass today. ahaha

ah got myself a job at fish & co @ T2, thanks to ms lim. She was the one who told us about the job cause one of our alumni is the asst manager there hehz... Training starts next wk and i officially start work on the 15th... i expect its gonna be fun, wierd i know, i'm a service kind of person so yea ahaha =P

more and more discouraging news on the study trip. If the costs keeps fluctuating i'm gonna have to withdraw myself out. I cant allow myself to go knowing i'm only creating problems for my mum.

Aside from work, currently waiting for the ubin trip to actually take place. Mx what's happening?

Project Twinkle 2 coming soon. Gonna start brainstorming and forming the committee.

hmm whatelse...
the month end chalet.. argh! i may not be able to make it if the study trip goes as planned... sigh...

budak pantai's performance on the 8th... argh i cant make it for this too! i have work... bleh....

Yet to clear up all my year 2 notes which is currently stacked up on a stool and the floor beside my bed. I swear i will get that clear up some time soon... =)

hmm and i bought another tub of ice cream for myself ahaha which i will devour soon muahaha =P
which makes ppl think why am i not getting any fatter??? =P

can you actually believe it, some stanger dude asked me today if i'm aneroxic??? geez am i that skinny? i do eat you know, and quite a lot at unappropriate times ahaha
but anyways i'm not paying any attention to that idiot cause he is the most obnoxious person i've ever met. geez. you should hear the questions he asks. chivalry is dead... bah

oh well *shrugs*
he aint gonna be spoiling my mood

gonna go eat my ice cream now
and maybe watch a cartoon or something



4/03/2005 12:51:00 AM

.The Writer.

I love standing in the rain, letting the feel of raindrops caress feverish skin, letting it wash away my thoughts, worries and pain. I love the feel of sand between my toes, the cool wind whispering in my ear, the soothing sound of the sea, the warmth of a hug. I love anything vintage, historical, mysterious and magical. I like to laugh, I like freedom and happiness, I like the idea of romance, being swept off my feet and happy endings. I currently have no idea where i'm going but i know i'll get where i'm suppose to be in due time. I want things i cant have, I dream of things that can never be but i'm too afraid to leave the things i'm familiar with even when i know i'm adaptable to change. I can be the person you love or hate, like or loath, admire or envy. I am not perfect,
I am just me.

.Through Their Eyes.

::azfar ::amin ::apRi ::candy::
::celine ::desz ::david:
::dexter ::darren ::deedee::
::denise ::edel ::ernie::
::fidz ::haider ::han::
::haze ::hally ::huda::
::ifah ::indra ::ezad::
::jaslyn ::jasmine ::jay::
::jjonsson ::kay ::lily ::lin::
::matsie ::melvo ::marco::
::massy ::mei ::mitch ::mraz::
::mrbrown ::nadz ::naz::
::nur ::nurul ::ode ::priya::
::peiming ::riah ::roihan::
::soffie ::sashi ::seasons::
::sheng ::tania ::vit::
::vonny ::xuantong ::YoLie::


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    .In My iPod.

    Fall Out Boy - Infinity On High
    Josh Groban - Awake
    My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade
    James Morrison - Undiscovered
    Justin Timberlake - FutureSex/LoveSounds



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