||:PreCiouS RefLecTionS:||

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

I have no idea what this is exactly but somehow Naz passed the "baton" to me..
so here it goes...

Total volume of music files on my computer:

I have no idea cause i'm using the school's computer

The last CD I bought was:

hmm does VCD count? I swear i cant remember the last cd i bought... I think it was Simple Plan's Still not Getting Any...

Song playing right now:

We Might As Well Be Strangers - Keane

Five songs I listen to a lot, or that mean a lot to me:

Helena - My Chemical Romance
We Belong Together - Mariah Carey
Home - Micheal Buble
Incomplete - Backstreet Boys
We Might As Well Be Strangers - Keane

Five people to whom I'm passing the baton:


5/31/2005 09:02:00 AM

Saturday, May 28, 2005

hmm okie
yay carrie won!

i would love to update but i'm kinda tired
work tomorrow sigh...
honestly i'm bored with work already
did i mention how i so hate routine..

till then...

5/28/2005 11:49:00 PM

Thursday, May 26, 2005

i so want carrie to win
i still dont get the fascination with Bo
anyways i felt Carrie's performance was much better this time round....

*fingers crossed*

5/26/2005 01:09:00 AM

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

first day of the brand new semester...
somehow i'm still waiting for school to actually start. At 4pm i was already bored.
Senior year didnt start off the way i expected.
Company law lecture just seemed like a crash course of business accounts 2 and LSM 1 all rolled into one. Perhaps the lecturer is new and thinks we are still the average layman. *shrugs*


after two tubs of ben and jerry's (NY super fudge chunks & choc chip cookie dough).... i'm still nowhere close to finishing my post study trip article!!!
Thank god i'm not the kind who gains weight easily... and i have another tub (choc fudge brownie) waiting for me in the freezer!!!! (oh yea and i still have yet to try chunky monkey... and i wonder if they have peanut butter cup and half baked in singapore hmm... )
OMG I'm indulging myself too much!!!
hmm maybe that's why my article aint moving anywhere.. hmmm......

well spent the rest of the afternoon and early part of the evening at starbucks with kay to "plan her future" and to just chill... i really had a nice time.. cant believe camomile tea can actually make a person feel high haha... maybe its the soothing effects and plus i had two teabags in my grande mug hehe..

Which reminds me... i have work tomorrow. Yup. work.
no lectures tomorrow so might as well work =P
orite i should go off to sleep now

5/25/2005 12:52:00 AM

Saturday, May 21, 2005

apologies for the lack of updates
i've been busy working everyday
be it day shift, night shift, full shift...
been meaning to post some stuff now and then but never did find the time to.

School's starting in 3 days and i have yet to get started with my study trip article which is due on the day school semester starts.
Timetable just came out on Thursday. Not really looking forward to my new class. I just have a bad feeling abt it.... Yr1 sem2 all over again... gosh i hope not. That would really suck.

Had a class reunion last Sunday. Met up with my ITE classmates and our beloved mr chua. Had an early dinner at seoul garden. Caught up with the happenings of each others lives. The guys gonna finish NS soon. Me finishing my diploma the same time aznor finishing his NS. (he's actually one of the last to get enlisted) Talked about everyone's future plans, ups and downs of relationships were discussed, Plans for next gathering were also discussed.
I cant believe its already been 2 years since all of us graduated from ITE. Still really miss those when our class used hang out together, went to the canteen in the middle of our Word Processing class just to waste time haha...
anyways below are photos i took during our gathering...

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almost the whole gang minus the cameraman

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darling ifah and haikal

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two guys sharing a plate of meat? hmm....

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irwan, our only boy in blue who has been MIA eversince he found his other half =P

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aida and moi! =D

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final pic of the day minus alot of ppl who already went back =P

wokie it cant always be about fun fun fun right?
now there is work work work =P
okie quite frankly i'm quite exhausted and school is about to start and everything.
If i had posted this entry on Thursday i would have clearly said work sucked. Which it does at times, especially when the boss is hanging around because he has nothing better to do and simply loves to create misery for others.

I suppose at the moment i knew how kay felt. How everyone is observing you, judging you as if you incompetent. At one point of the evening i broke down for a moment. Thankfully only infront of Tania. I dont think anyone else saw me. At that moment i could have taken a break or go to the washroom like Tania suggested but i knew i couldnt. If i did those people would have won and i knew i was stronger than that. Sure after that i just didnt have the strength to smile with the heavy feeling in my heart but i didnt have a choice did i? So smile i did and i came up with a new determination. To prove to some people that i am actually good at what i do no matter what they think. As long as the guests are satisfied, then i am.

The boss and some upper management people can scrutinize me for all i care. As long as i know i'm doing my job and i'm giving my 100%.

Sure people can tell me i can easily quit. Why continue? But heck i need the job to support myself. How else can i take transport to anywhere (which includes school) and get my daily nourishment. My mum cant support me anymore.
And anyways the job aint that bad. The customers are the only people who keeps me sane... well and some of my colleagues to...
like rohaidah told me, doing this job you just gotta act like you're crazy. always smiling no matter what happens. This is where the mask and acting skills come in haha...

I had a chat with Roslan in the cab last night after closing. We were dicussing about work and well he did most of the talking. Some of the things he said actually make sense. Sometimes someone has to be the bad guy to get things going smoothly. Getting scolded by someone doesnt mean that a person hates you (which might be true in some cases) but it also means that the person actually cared enough to take the time to correct you and instead of taking it negatively, you can actually learn from it.
And there's also having the proper mindset during work. Why are we working in the first place? If you come to work just for the sake of getting a free meal and earning a few bucks, then whats the use of you working in the first place? especially in a service line? I suppose if your heart is not in the right place, coming to work will always be a dread...

wokie enough of work...
i came across these m&m pictures in conjuction with star wars
they look so cute!

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i was bloghopping and i saw that alot of female bloggers who just loves to post their photos with make up on (cause they would never want to get caught on camera without makeup) and i begin to wonder has makeup taken over natural beauty?
most importantly how can they actually feel completely comfortable with that much makeup on????haha...

anyways so i decided to mess around with my camera and took a picture of myself, freshly washed face, no make-up, no photoshop anything hurhur...

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i find it not bad myself wahaha
booyah =P

alright i got to get ready for work
finally a day off tomorrow
a much needed day off i might say

till next entry
take care
salute! =)

5/21/2005 02:34:00 PM

Friday, May 13, 2005

you know what
come to think of it the world aint that big
at least to me at the moment

you could have read about a person two years back and not really pay attention to it
and two years later you read about the person again but you never really did pay attention to it either..
somewhere in between you might pass each other without realising it...
a few months later you meet each other face to face, could be in the same country, or even a different continent and funnily enough no familiarlity stikes you.... well except perhaps that there's this strange feeling that you've met each other before. That the person's face just seem somewhat familiar....

until after the chance meeting... then something just clicks..
somehow everything slowly falls into place.. but the picture is still not entirely clear...

then you wonder if your crossed path actually means something unless its just pure coincidence...

but then you know your paths wont cross again... not in another few years... unless the thing called coincidence or fate as you might like to put it, decides to have a hand in it...

oh well...
as perfectly put by a song
sung by Doris Day in this 1950's classic:
Que sera, sera
whatever will be will be
the future's not ours to see
Que sera, sera....

5/13/2005 04:48:00 PM

today i was reminded that i should be doing things for myself and not for an audience.
i suppose i've been too caught up with what people think that i forgot, that i'm living this life for me and not others.

like my blog for instance.
I blog mainly for me, myself and I. Be it what i think or what i feel. And i'm constantly amazed that people actually visit this blog of mine and read my posts! Heck somebody even got into my blog thru the street directory, which i had no idea was possible.
Most appreciated tho. Never in a million years would i think that people would actually want to read what i post. =)

anyways i think i had enough of the 'love' topic
cause i believe that it is a chapter in my life that will happen very very much later
give it a decade or so

i think i've been bitten by the travel bug!
i suppose the study trip has rekindled my yearning to travel...
at the moment i feel like seeing the world (well actually i've always wanted to travel)
jet set to all the interesting places the world has to offer
not care about anything else
especially what souveniers to buy for people
cause that is always a headache...
well a travel partner wont hurt
as long the person is not the kind who wants to rush everything
especially not the Kiasee type tsktsk then it wont be fun =P

but what stopping me is firstly my responsiblities as a daughter/student/employee....
secondly is... cash flow!!!!! yikes!!
maybe wait for another century or so, then i'll probably have enough money to travel...
unless some romantic bighearted guy plans to sweep me off my feet or something and fly me off to all the wonderful destinations that awaits us.. sigh...
wahaha...rite... stop dreaming azi! =P

somehow my project twinkle 2 is not going anywhere
my fault i suppose
for those of you who still have no idea what project twinkle is... (pls knock yourself on your head thanks ;P)
its actually my baby
hehe thats a way to put it =P
its my baby cause its something close to my heart. Making a difference for kids living in orphanages. Bring in some fun and joy into their lives.
Project Twinkle 1, was held in Sentosa in the beginning of this year, and it was absolutely fabulous, tho we had a lot to learn from it. and i'm glad it happened =)
(we still have unfinished business tho.. mx?)
now i'm thinking of project twinkle 2, but i've been told to consider passing the reins over to a junior or freshie cause i'll be a senior and will be extra busy especially with SIP around the corner...
Dilemma i have is.. who will have the committment and passion to actually take over cause i have not found the person yet... sigh...
i dont want project twinkle to be a one time thing...
new ideas have been brought up for PT2 but nothing concrete yet.. i suppose i need to get the foundation done up first before passing over...
or i could down scale and do something simpler... as long as our objectives are there.
Now is actually to form a committee who actually WANT to do this and not for the potential SEAL points they are gonna get....

oh and can we just crown Vonzell the next American Idol and get on with it?
cause i still dont get the fascination with Bo and Carrie is getting boring, her recent performance was a snoozer...

and i think i need Real time conversation.
these past few days its either been blogging or msning or smsing...
its been awhile since i've had a real conversation.
in case you're wondering
yes you're right
nobody calls me
i'm just too boring to talk to i suppose
or if i do get sympathy calls (which i dont need)
the person on the other side will just wish that the phone call will end

and it doesnt help i havent been out with anyone since i got back from the study trip
well except for the one evening with kabby, melly and naddy...

11 days away and people have already forgotten me
now i know where i stand
maybe i'm just paranoid
afterall everyone is SO busy
booyah =P
i'm a basket case bah humbug bleagh
i think everyone hates me *cries*

wahaha i'm kidding *smilez*

its not like its the end of the world
if no one wants to talk to me fine
i can deal with that
i'll always have mr computer as company
and cable tv
and my vcds
and my new patricia cornwell novel
and i can always talk to myself
muahaha ;)
*hums happy song*

hmm i so feel like gollum right about now
talking to myself again

and i realise i've been bloggin alot lately...
aaanndd its almost 3am!
i gotta get some shut eye!
gotta send my lil bro to the doc's tomorrow
he's having exam fever
i'm sure of it =P

aite then going to go read my novel

5/13/2005 02:03:00 AM

i so need ice cream right now
preferable ben and jerry's cookie dough
and a hug

5/13/2005 12:44:00 AM

Thursday, May 12, 2005

i need to get out of the house more
cause this headache is hurting like a bitch!
oops did i say bitch? am i allowed to say bitch? whoops i said bitch again
whoopiedo i'm getting lame bleargh
ah to hell with it =P

i need to get my ass off my bro's computer chair and clean up my messy messy room! i cant even find stuff that i need to find! argh!!
aziazi get your butt moving! school is starting soon!

went out to town by my lonesome self yesterday since everyone is busybusybusy as a bee
did some much needed shopping
and i had the worst tasting pasta EVER!!! eeks!
even i can cook better pasta
argh waste of my money!!!

speaking of which...
i need SHOES!
mainly ladies shoes (heels are optional)
why is it freaking hard to find shoes my size in Singapore?????
if there is, its usually out of stock!!

dear retailers, if it is always out of stock doesnt it usually mean something???
get more size 9 or 10 shoes!!!!

UK is no better
"oh i'm sorry that size is out of stock, but we can make an order for you which will be made available in two working weeks."
at least they are nice enough to offer me an alternative... which i kindly turned down because i was leaving the UK in four days. sigh...


How can you care for a person so much but they keep letting you down?
time and time again
you get your hopes up and they just shatter it to pieces
the careless words which are spoken are like darts to the heart
but to them its nothing
because its all about them
it is just words
it is nothing
cause i can always take it
cause i always understand
cause i am too bloody nice for my own good
cause i am just someone who so happens to be in this course of their lives...
cause i am someone people come to find only when they need something from me...
oh yea and not forgetting
i need more stress in my life! woohoo!

awww thanks
i just feel sooo appreciated right now

i dont even know why i even care
i shouldnt should i?
cause people who love you dont hurt you do they?
gee who am i kidding...
like brilliant shakespeare once wrote...
"love is merely a madness"

perhaps this is why cynical me have never been a relationship before
if friends and family you care about and love can do this to you
what about other people?
it'll hurt 10 times harder
but thats what falling in love means i suppose
you literally fall and hurt yourself
not to mention almost everyone that i ask on their first impression of me is that i'm either hao lian or intimidating, isnt exactly helping either...
and no i'm not proud, according to ppl i'm the most nicest person they ever met
so thats another problem too, cause there's the tendency to make use of my niceness...
hmm added to everything else in my life and potential hospital bills and heartbreak of losing me to death... hmm....
thus making me one very complicated girl...

anyone need complications in their lives?
all you need is me
just give me a call
its 1800-i-need-complications-in-my-life
if that doesnt work
theres always my email addy

but then i dont have the heart to hurt anyone i'll fall in love with
i shouldnt even try should i?

oh well

oh gosh i'm talking nonsense arent i?
somebody stop me!

5/12/2005 11:49:00 PM

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Moulin Rouge

one movie that i'll never get tired of....
the songs, the passion...
love like that dont exist anymore...
it just doesnt...

You'd think that people would've had enough of silly love songs...

i was afraid to believe
a fool to believe...

5/11/2005 12:26:00 PM

a word so simple and uncomplicated
but an undesirable thing to many

i can pretty much say that i'm open to change
but who am i kidding, i do fear change when it happens
the uncertainty it brings
the fear of the unknown

sure you learn to adapt to it
but then there will always be a certain resistance to it...

not sleeping for the whole night actually makes you think alot doesnt it? well for me at least...

for the past couple of nights i've been lying on my bed/sitting in front of the computer/tv accessing my life. Things i've done, things i want to do, my dreams, my goals, my ambitions, my learning journey... and i realise that sometimes i let my fear control me, holding me back.

You know how friendster allow your friends to give testimonials about you. Somehow it always sounds good never bad? haha well sometimes you gotta be cynical... so whenever i read the way people describe me, like how smart i am, or nice etcetc i sometimes do question whether i'm really that person they are describing or whether its just a farce.

However i've come to realise that i can be that person people describe me to be. Or else they wouldnt have typed all that down and waste their time would they?
I've always make myself feel inadequate, perhaps its something i've brought over thru growing up... and i realise i'm making myself lose out on things. Afterall i'm the person who i want myself to be right?

And i've come to realise that i should accept change and not fear the uncertain, cause only when i'm confident and ready to face anything, only then can i actually achieve whatever i put my heart into.

Afterall i am only turning 21 and there's so many things in life that awaits me, so many things out there to learn from, to experience =)

I know i can't expect everything to happen all at once, especially with me having this new outlook, but however slowly but surely i'm gonna start changing...
the way i look at things, especially the way i do and react to certain things...

okie now that i've gotten this off my chest
i shall go to sleep now
somehow i feel like an owl...
when i go to sleep everyone wakes up sheesh...
i really need my body clock to go back to normal cause its so not going to help once school starts... haiz...

aite then
gd morning everyone
and take care


5/11/2005 06:12:00 AM

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

funnily enough i miss work
and i miss all my zealous colleagues

almost two weeks away from work
will only be back on friday
i sure hope i dont get sacked by the boss
*fingers crossed*
i heard 3 peeps already got sacked for FOH
understandable knowing who it was but still *shudders*

it has been a cool rainy day
but i'm still hot!
is it just me or is the wheather here becoming uncomfortably hot?

stayed up the whole night yesterday (with the help of my jet lag)
to plan out what i'm going to do after my diploma
as of now i suppose i have a pretty rough idea of what i want to do
now what is left is actually doing what it takes to make it happen, making the choice and securing it...

5/10/2005 06:51:00 PM

Monday, May 09, 2005

anyone up for kingdom of heaven?
let me know cause i wanna watch....
movie date anyone?
i need to catch up on movies =)

can't wait for batman begins... and there's also madagascar... and star wars eps III


school's gonna start school's gonna start... *starts humming to own tune*

*wonders when the timetable is gonna come out*

tannie! tanah! tania! *take your pick =D
when is your off day? we need to meet up!
ds as well
and candy
and the rest (too many to mention)
not forgetting yimei

oh yea same goes for kabby, melly and naddy
we need to meet up as well
let me know when you guys are free

and not forgetting my darlings ifah and aida
we need to meet up too! =)

okie preferably before friday cause i start work again then hehe =D

5/09/2005 12:56:00 AM

Sunday, May 08, 2005

When you are in the land of the english people and they tell you that you speak good english, it actually reflects how low they really thought of you doesnt it?


often then not questions that most of us singaporeans get is....

"so... Singapore is in which part of China?"

*me falls off chair*

wahaha omg... '_' "

which part of china?? *rolls over laughing*

if the british thinks we are a part of china, now i'm not that surprised that an american thought that we were a third world country...

some commented that we speak funny english.. its either we speak too fast or maybe its our accent ( i reckon its the singlish)

i never really understood why they said that until i was watching the telly one night in Birmingham, about a guy purchasing a cruise ship in Singapore and i heard how the singaporean guys talked. Yes i gotta admit, singaporeans do speak funny english. Its the singlish i tell you! haha...
but i suppose it makes up the identity of us Singaporeans. How we are a cosmopolitan city and how each unique language of our forefathers has been fused and has now become uniquely known as singlish.

I know there are alot of singaporean out there who tries to fake their accents. To sound more american or british like but failing cause they are so darn obvious. And i fail to see what is actually achieved by doing that.
To pretend that you were overseas educated? To sound more respectable? I dont know.
Why cant they just be themselves?

Yesyes i know how bad singlish can be and all the more i think we should speak proper english. But i just find singlish unique in a way. haha go figure...

oh yea contrary to what i thought....
i'm still considered tall in the UK!! and here i thought i would be about the average height... maybe in the US of A... i have yet to find that one out...

and as usual i got a comment from a bloke in London who said "You're very tall for a Singaporean"

...yesyes i kinda figured that out with all the comments and glances that keeps coming my way wherever i go... thanks for the comment tho... =)

okie my train of thoughts just got shot...
so i'll end my entry here and go look for food...
its past 12am now in singapore and past 5pm in London...
dinner anyone? hehe...

cheerios ;)

5/08/2005 11:28:00 PM

i hate to admit this but....

i think i'm suffering from JET LAG!!!


so way not good.. i'm sleeping according to london's time
sure i do get my 8 hours of sleep but its at the wrong time! argh!

it doesnt help matters that i'm missing london eeks!
i miss the weather especially.. .now i know why foreigners keeps complaining that singapore is hot.

speaking of which i havent done the assignment that we're suppose to email to miss lim by tomorrow... and.. 16 more days to our deadline for the submission of our project article...
i'm still waiting for the required photos from minghao and added to the fact that i have no idea where to start... wow i should say i'm off to a good start...
hmm rite...

called up work today. There giving me a few days rest before starting work. I know they are short handed there and stuff.. but i'm thankful for the rest cause i need to get over this jet lag thingy.. i cant keep waking up at 4pm singapore time everyday rite? haha...

aite i gotta confess, after the trip i feel like studying in the UK... but....
yes there is always the BUT
even if i do get a scholarship to study there it wouldnt help much..
with tuition fees, living expenses etcetc... where am i gonna get enough money for 3 years of studies there?
unless i work first... which has its pros and cons...
and there's another thing.. what am i gonna study there?
am i still gonna persue law? or am i gonna take another path?
questions and more questions
i have gotta get this sorted out.. hmm....

As you all might realise i was the only malay on the trip
its funny how some people convert their conversations to mandarin hoping that i would not understand..
wahahaha.... rite...
little do they know that i do understand a lil bit of mandarin... tsktsk
well it doesnt only happen here
it happens elsewhere too...
lets be honest here
it's also vice versa
this always happens when there is a majority of the same ethnic people in a certain group
lets say there's a majority of malay people.. they will tend to speak malay to each other..
same with the chinese, more mandarin speaking people, there's the tendancy to speak in mandarin...
so no big deal, altho i wish everyone will just stick to english...

this topic came up on the third night of the trip.
a person saying "I want to die by the age of 40"
imagine a 17 year old saying that....
ok honestly i was shocked
a perfectly healthy person with their lives ahead of them planning to die by a certain age
heck i dont even have a luxury doing that
knowing what i have, i'll be lucky to even hit 40...
i think i should not go on with this topic cause it will only make me feel depressed bleah...

Mother's day today
here i am again feeling like the world worst daughter
almost 6 months back at home and i dont think i'm helping out much on the situation at home...
i feel like everything that i do is inadequate and that there is so much more that i should be doing, to help lighten the burden on my mum's shoulders....

but somehow more then ever i wanna try living on my own, to make something out of myself, to prove to some people that i'm not as worthless as they think i am...
to start over
to do something new
to be somewhere else
to strike it on my own...

i suppose i'm too independent for my own good huh...
there you go, a true blue saggitarian for you =)

5/08/2005 04:38:00 PM


ok ok i confess i was bored hehe.. =P

Your dating personality profile:

Liberal - Politics matters to you, and you aren't afraid to share your left-leaning views. You would never be caught voting for a conservative candidate.
Big-Hearted - You are a kind and caring person. Your warmth is inviting, and your heart is a wellspring of love.
Romantic - You know exactly how to melt your date's heart. Romance comes naturally to you and is an important component of any relationship you have.
Your date match profile:

Conservative - Forget liberals, you need a conservative match. Political discussions interest you, and a conservative will offer the viewpoint you need.
Practical - You are drawn to people who are sensible and smart. Flashy, materialistic people turn you off. You appreciate the simpler side of living.
Big-Hearted - You want someone compassionate, someone gentle and kind. A loving, nurturing person will fill that hole in your life.

Your Top Ten Traits

1. Liberal
2. Big-Hearted
3. Romantic
4. Athletic
5. Practical
6. Sensual
7. Funny
8. Adventurous
9. Religious
10. Intellectual
Your Top Ten Match Traits

1. Conservative
2. Practical
3. Big-Hearted
4. Outgoing
5. Religious
6. Intellectual
7. Romantic
8. Traditional
9. Athletic
10. Adventurous

Take the Online Dating Profile Quiz at Dating Diversions

any conservative, practical, big-hearted guys out there that i can date?
haha.. ;D

5/08/2005 03:12:00 AM

Saturday, May 07, 2005

After a pretty long entry on my trip i decided not to post it.

cause i think you guys are gonna get pretty bored, but here are some photos...
diclaimer: photos are in no particular order....

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one big happy photo with the banner =P

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grace's first plane ride

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grace, moi and cakee

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view from where i'm sitting... yup no personal screens for the first leg of the flight... sigh...

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transit via doha

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patiently waiting in doha....

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taking a break from all official visits.....

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this is one tall fella.. eeks!

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moi on london's public bus.. it aint that bad =)

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a walk in the park

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welcome into the tower of london...

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here is where you'll step into warwick castle...

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swan lake

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ice cream anyone? =)

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smile for the camera!

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ooh la la =P

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after a full day's walk

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okie okie here's one official photo with our graduates studying in warwick hehe...
did i mention how much i hate the godamn blazer... bleagh

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another photo of us with mak chun kit on the extreme left with christina boi who are now currently working in london

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armor anyone?

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you might need swords too =D

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as you can see height can easliy be overcome with...

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ahh castles... did i mention i love castles.. =P

okie i cant possible post ALL my photos...
so you can find it here or you can go to the link study trip under the other stuff column.
however i still have more photos to upload so watch out for more hehe =D

10 day of fun, who could ask for more. Hmm i'm missing the weather already haiz...
we did so much things, things that i cant imagine that i actually did... we went to watch les miserable at west end, it was utterly fantastic! Watched the changing of guards. Explored warwick castle. Saw the birthplace of shakespeare. Got a backstage tour around the Royal Shakespeare Centre (RSC) theater. Went around the city of nottingham, not to forget the town in cambridge. Sat in my first church service, it was certainly interesting for me... well didnt sat thru the whole thing, just listened to the choir at st mary's at nottingham and the evansong at king's college.

Ah and not forgetting shopping. The market at Convent Gardens in London, the Bullring in Birmingham, the shops in Cambridge... oh yea and not forgetting Harrods! i think the guys did more shopping than the girls in the first half of the trip.. hmm...
and i couldnt help but notice the lack of public internet service in the UK.. hmm...

then there's the official part of the trip. Visiting the magistrate court and Queen's court in Birmingham, Going around the university campus in Leicester and Warwick, seeing the famous Old Bailey, meeting the ex-graduates... speaking of which i didnt know Mak Chun Kit was in this year's CLEO most eligable bachelor.. hmm.. he's better looking upclose and personal as compared to that photo in the magazine.. hmm... haha...

oh yea living with a group of people for 11 days you really get to know a person. True colors really shows.. i wont get into that but i'm glad i got to know some people better during the trip. Especially the group of year ones. =)

whoa so much we did, too much to say. So i suppose i'll end here. Perhaps i'll post my reflections on different parts of the trip later on.

So for now enjoy the photos...


5/07/2005 08:55:00 PM

wassup y'all!!

yay i'm back!!!

so is that good news or bad news? haha...

anyways miss you guys alotalotalot!

how was the chalet? hope you guys had fun.
if you were not at the chalet... how was work and everything else?

my trip wasnt that bad, had fun moments and down moments but overall it was alright
you actually get to know a person better in a span of 11 days hmmmz... will tell you guys more, but later....

will update on the trip in the next post
too tired out to do a lengthy post hehe..

gotta call my stand in asst RM tomorrow with regards to work
and here i was dreaming i could slack off until school reopens
fat hopes azi

aite guys
till then

take care

5/07/2005 12:23:00 AM

.The Writer.

I love standing in the rain, letting the feel of raindrops caress feverish skin, letting it wash away my thoughts, worries and pain. I love the feel of sand between my toes, the cool wind whispering in my ear, the soothing sound of the sea, the warmth of a hug. I love anything vintage, historical, mysterious and magical. I like to laugh, I like freedom and happiness, I like the idea of romance, being swept off my feet and happy endings. I currently have no idea where i'm going but i know i'll get where i'm suppose to be in due time. I want things i cant have, I dream of things that can never be but i'm too afraid to leave the things i'm familiar with even when i know i'm adaptable to change. I can be the person you love or hate, like or loath, admire or envy. I am not perfect,
I am just me.

.Through Their Eyes.

::azfar ::amin ::apRi ::candy::
::celine ::desz ::david:
::dexter ::darren ::deedee::
::denise ::edel ::ernie::
::fidz ::haider ::han::
::haze ::hally ::huda::
::ifah ::indra ::ezad::
::jaslyn ::jasmine ::jay::
::jjonsson ::kay ::lily ::lin::
::matsie ::melvo ::marco::
::massy ::mei ::mitch ::mraz::
::mrbrown ::nadz ::naz::
::nur ::nurul ::ode ::priya::
::peiming ::riah ::roihan::
::soffie ::sashi ::seasons::
::sheng ::tania ::vit::
::vonny ::xuantong ::YoLie::


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  • .ShoutOuts.


    .In My iPod.

    Fall Out Boy - Infinity On High
    Josh Groban - Awake
    My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade
    James Morrison - Undiscovered
    Justin Timberlake - FutureSex/LoveSounds



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