||:PreCiouS RefLecTionS:||

Thursday, June 30, 2005

I'm in love with Rooster's Staring at the Sun
Its been on loop in my mp3 player all day
I love the lyrics and it doesnt help that the singer reminds me of someone....

Currently in Ilaw watching the minutes go by
peeps rushing their defence and resumes whheeee
me killing time waiting for peeps so we can finally go catch Batman Begins *beams*
(updated a few minutes later: looks like i might be going on my own... oh well all is not lost i can still go on my own *smilez*)

Oh and...
Congrats to Jay for finally becomin a daddy!
The twins are so darn cute! Olivia and Benjamin =D

MLOCT is screwed up
we are getting penalized for something we learn...
the most comforting part was that we were told that since almost everyone made the same 'mistake' marks will still be deducted so technically we are not getting penalized only that we lose marks... oh great.. that makes me feel sooo much better....

i'm getting bored... sigh...
maybe i should do a little revision, then i wont feel guilty having not started on revision for next week's mid sems...

6/30/2005 02:03:00 PM

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

I won't give up
No I won't break down
Sooner than it seems life turns around
And I will be strong
Even if it all goes wrong
When I'm standing in the dark I'll still believe
Someone's watching over me

received a very early birthday present today
as a matter of fact 4months and 25days earlier...

what was it?

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yeap a letter from the ministry of health
encouraging me to donate my organs when i die
but who would want my organs?
my heart aint exactly the perfect choice to give to someone who has to have a heart transplant cause mine aint working pretty good with the murmur and all...
my eyes? well with my previous operation on my right eye, who wants an eye with an artificial lens? and i pretty much cant see anything with my left eye...
hmm what else?
lungs? liver?
considering my long health history, well... i really dont think its advisable.. i wouldnt one anyone who would be getting my organs to suffer...

well as a muslim i'm pretty much exempted from the HOTA (Human Organ Transplant Act) but i have the option to get my included by signing the green form they sent me... oh and i need 2 adult malay guys to be my witness... something along those lines lah.... hmmz....

so do i sign up? considering my bad medical history? hey if i do then i get to be on the list of priority if one of my organs fail me and i need a transplant...

oh great i just found out that tomorrow is the last day that the lecturers will check our SIP resumes and cover letters.. and i have yet to get started!!! eeks!

okie i should get started now.....

6/29/2005 09:54:00 PM

I realised that sometimes what we think is something we need the most isnt what we need at all....

Its a bloody 2am in the morning and i should very well be sleeping. Wouldnt want to strain the back do we? haha..
today was much better than yesterday. Must be the supplement mum gave me cause i didnt need any painkillers at all today. Aches here and there but manageable thank god =D

My mind cant seem to stop churning. I've been a thinking mood since this afternoon and i'm getting a headache. I'm so want camomile tea at this moment. Perhaps it will help soothe my aching muscles and help me go to sleep eh?

Yes if you're wondering this is another mindless entry, just needed to channel some excess energy somewhere =P
oh and i've uploaded some long overdue photos from my cam and i felt like posting it up here... so enjoy!

Random school photos!! =D

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oh and remember my previous posting when i said that i went to the orphanage during the weekend? well i have photos too!

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More photos uploaded in my photo galleries =)

6/29/2005 01:58:00 AM

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Its kinda quiet here now that i've brought down the tagboard hmm...

Anyways started this entry out addressing about something with regards to the first half of the previous entry, but i decided to no post it up.


Because i felt that i should let it go. What's the use of explaining something that has come and gone and should be left in the past. I bear no grudges or ill feelings whatsoever. Just wondering why i'm obviously being avoided. *shrugs*

Went into one of my thinking moods today.
I had so many things on my mind and i also began self reflecting. What i've been doing right and what have i been doing wrong.
I started to see a pattern in one area of my life that i dont particularly like. Somehow or rather this area of my life concerns the matters of the heart.
I won't go into details about this cause i'll make you very confused if i do. We'll just leave it as that aite

And now i've come to the part where i'm thinking what's the point of this entry in the first place? haha...

Oh yes Civil procedure is starting to give me a headache. Conveyancing seems like a breeze right about now. But heck i shall endure. Civil pro is afterall the backbone of every civil proceedings. i think. haha...

Mid sems in exactly 7 days. Gosh. Time flies so fast. Need to get started on revision already.

okie dokie gonna get started on my tutorial now
wah so hardworking *Rolls eyes*
i cant believe it either haha...

aite then

Daylight on my shoulder
Makes me feel alive
You kept me standing in your shadow
And it’s a cold cold place to hide

I’m running away from this messed up place
I’m breaking free, yeah yeah

I’m tired of staring at the sun
Can’t stand the way you burn my eyes so I can’t see
Stealing every breath I breathe
You push me into overdrive
And I don’t need this kind of high coz now I’m done
You took everything while I was staring at the sun

I know you won’t let me
But just turn and walk away
You'll tie me up, kick me around
Trying to kill my dreams and break me down
But I won’t hang around

I’m running away from this messed up place
I’m breaking free, yeah yeah

I’m tired of staring at the sun
Can’t stand the way you burn my eyes so I can’t see
Stealing every breath I breathe
You push me into overdrive
And I don’t need this kind of high coz now I’m done
You took everything while I was staring at the sun
I was staring at the sun

Daylight on my shoulder
I know its time to run
Yes I know its time to run

I’m tired of staring at the sun
Can’t stand the way you burn my eyes so I can’t see
Stealing every breath I breathe (stealing every breath I breathe)
You push me into overdrive
And I don’t need this kind of high coz now I’m done
You took everything while I was staring at the sun
Yeah, yeah staring at the sun
You took everything while I was staring at the sun....

6/28/2005 08:07:00 PM

Sunday, June 26, 2005

I dont understand some people...
you make a mistake you take responsiblity for it
not run away or turn the other way
epsecially when it concerns another

it is such a bloody turn off
especially when a man avoids responsiblity
heck dont even talk about responsiblity
avoids the person he has hurt
being shy is one thing
but avoiding a person because he does not know how to react?

maybe he is not a man yet
he still needs to grow up
oh well

anyways my tagboard is down i think
i'm getting feedback that tagging is near to impossible
no worries tho
i still have my comments link which has been there since the beginning of my blogging days which people seem not to notice hehe =P
in case you're wondering where you can tag/comment, it is at the bottom of every single entry where i sign off =)

stayed at home for the weekend
had no plans
well thats the downside of being single
so stayed at home
with my aching back not helping
i so wish this pain will go away soon
somehow my back operation seemed like a piece of cake compared to this
and i do not want to rely on painkillers for my pain...

alrite how do you actually respond when people ask you if you're ok but you're actually not?
what i do is usually give them what they wanna hear and get them off my back, that i'm ok. I appreciate the concern but will it actually make my pain go away?

There was one instance when i actually told a friend upfront that i was not ok and she reacted hurtfully. I so seemed like a bad person because i didnt smile, i was in pain and i was in a bad mood. And i suppose it struck me that sometimes telling the truth is not good, might as well fake it and say that you're ok, then the person will say ok and stop looking at you like you're some alien/monster.

I have no idea where i'm going with this but i couldnt help but think about it. To say that you're ok when you're not but its actually what people want to hear, that you're ok... argh i'm making you confused arent i?

okie no use going on and on over this
gotta think positive
aite shall go watch spiderman on tv now...


6/26/2005 07:05:00 PM

Friday, June 24, 2005

I was reading a friend's blog earlier today, well two friends actually, and both were mentioning about relationships. Well one noticed that there is a strange phenomenon surrounding him cause all his friends are getting attached or for some seeing somebody. And the other friend, also has the same thing happening and people are pressing her to get attached.

Hmm sounds familiar?

Cause i have the same strange phenomenon happening around me too

It must be the time of year
where singles get attached
except the few of us who are outside this invisible circle which seems to draw singles in...

oh well i'm still young, why should i care right?
It aint the end of the world just cause i've been single all my life haha... *grinz*
there is more to life than getting hooked up
heck i can get so much done being single
not always have to check in to the significant other etcetc
all the emotional ups and downs that complicates things
who needs more complications when life is already complicated as it is?
hey i love love love my freedom
hmm if only i had wings, i feel like flying already hmm...
but then you dont exactly need wings to fly nowadays do u? =P

some may argue tho
what about those lonely nights
or when you see couples around lovey dovey and all that...
ok true sometimes it gets lonely
but you do get used to it you know

Its human nature to want companionship
they say everyone has a partner in this world
i have yet to find mine
but that doesnt mean i'll go into any relationship just for the heck of it.
I've always believe things will come in their own time, in their own way
you may not believe in fate or destiny
but i do

ok here people will tell me stop dreaming and bring my head down from the clouds. That i should face up to reality and that there is no such thing as fate and destiny, and that we are the authors of our own fate.
Yes true true. But believe me my eyes are wide open and neither is my head up in the clouds I've always believed we are the authors of our own lives but no matter what choices we make we do not have the last say cause i believe god has a hand in it.
Things happen for a reason remember?

alright i've run out of things to say haha...
Gonna get ready to go to school even tho i have MC for the day
BUT i got deadlines to meet... =P


6/24/2005 12:48:00 PM

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Went to the hospital today cause my back was bothering me
Got an xray, thank god no fractures whatsoever... got a shot from the doc for pain relieve, the shot made my right side numb bleah... Got 2 days MC and more painkillers.. sigh... like that will be much help *rolls eyes*

For those not up to date, i was hit by a soccer ball on my back where i was once operated on. No worries i've been through much worse. Perhaps its pretty much my fault being there in the first place. Sigh.. i suppose its a sign.... i'm always at places i shouldnt be. Wrong place, wrong timing...
i hope this ache in the back doesnt haunt me as i grow older. The incident itself still runs through my mind everyday. argh.

So much to do, so little time. Deadlines have come and gone and i have yet to hand in some of my work due to my absence. tsktsk i am so lagging behind.
Its so not helping that mid sems is in 12 days.

there was law games today. well a mini one i think... and there was capt's ball.. i so wanted to play.. sigh...'
this sucks bleah
oh well nevermind then
next time perhaps

everything is gonna be fine
as long i have a positive attitude =P

oh yea father's day during the weekend
spent that time nursing my bleeding jaw cause i had a tooth extracted. Oh and also went to the orphanage, missed the kids there alotalot...
i suppose we all had something in common that day. Father's day being any normal day.

I was thinking abt my dad recently when i saw a daughter with her father.. and i began thinking what it was like to have a father.. cause frankly i forgot how it feels like to have one. Whenever i watch a show where the daughter is close to their dads, i wonder how is it like. The bond they have....
oh well....


wellwell found out that law inc elections taking place tomorrow
guess what
i'm one of those running
wish me luck!

orite gotta go lie down now
wouldnt want to stress my back =P


6/23/2005 08:14:00 PM

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Things just couldnt get any worse
My back is hurting like hell
thanks to the soccer ball that hit me directly on my back....
like my back operation wasnt bad enough
thanks to today's incident my back pain will hurt even more when it comes and goes as it usually does....

thanks for the apology but your distance hurt even more....

6/21/2005 12:34:00 AM

Thursday, June 16, 2005

alright alright i promised to update once i came back
the thing is i've been busy this couple of days, finishing up my writ of summons and statement of claim, filing both the wos and soc (no i'm not suing anyone, its my civil pro project), etcetc
ok i have to admit, the other reason is that i didnt have any inspiration to blog even when i had the time. hmmmz.......

and i think i'm a lazy bum
i need to get off my butt and call up work so that they can put me in the working schedule
i've been spending and not working
i should know better haiz
and it doesnt help that i keep eating ice-cream almost every single day! not that i'm complaing of course *winkz*

anyways i mentioned in my previous entry that i went away for the weekend.. and i have photos!!!
where did i went?
well my family and i went to the beautiful island of.....

Tioman =)

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aint it a be-a-u-tiful day =)

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On the boat ride to our destination

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see how clear the sea is

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welcome to the lost world... where humans are the endangered species...

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view from our room

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guess where i'm going?

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first stop - waterfalls!

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we then went snorkeling! see whether you can pick out where i am...

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the whole crew going for dinner excluding bro no.4... He got sick after the full day of activities....

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aint he cute =P

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The youngest and the oldest..

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mummy and me

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the youngest and oldest male in the family....

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The whole crew

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final look at the beach....

kinda sad that we could only spent a limited time there. I havent yet gotten my fill of tioman! Maybe next time, when i am successful and loaded and can stay as long as i want there hehe... yea i wish =P

anyways the trip back was horrendous!
The boat ride back was back breaking, the coach back to Larkin is another story altogether...
can you believe it, the bus airconditioner broke down not even half way to Larkin. When we had a rest stop at Kota Tinggi the bus driver and conducter didnt even attempt to fix it!! It was already damn hot and it didnt help that the bus was packed. But the most irritating bit was the family group that was seated behind us. The 'children', as i like to call them as they really look damn immature and i reckon are in their pre-teens/early teens had this bloody sign on their foreheads that screamed "i'm a singapore mat and minah! look at me! hear me roar!"
bloody hell...

and here comes the best part... one of them dropped a stink bomb in the middle of the journey and the whole bus stank! AND they not surprisingly found that amusing... as if its the best thing that has happened to them...

and when the bus became unbearably hot they started talking loudly, complaining, demanding their money back.... Dont they know that they are already taking most of the oxygen that is already scarce in the god forsaken coach already??!?!? geez

wokie i'm spent
enough bitching already =P
i need to get back to my company law tutorial hehe


6/16/2005 09:07:00 PM

.The Writer.

I love standing in the rain, letting the feel of raindrops caress feverish skin, letting it wash away my thoughts, worries and pain. I love the feel of sand between my toes, the cool wind whispering in my ear, the soothing sound of the sea, the warmth of a hug. I love anything vintage, historical, mysterious and magical. I like to laugh, I like freedom and happiness, I like the idea of romance, being swept off my feet and happy endings. I currently have no idea where i'm going but i know i'll get where i'm suppose to be in due time. I want things i cant have, I dream of things that can never be but i'm too afraid to leave the things i'm familiar with even when i know i'm adaptable to change. I can be the person you love or hate, like or loath, admire or envy. I am not perfect,
I am just me.

.Through Their Eyes.

::azfar ::amin ::apRi ::candy::
::celine ::desz ::david:
::dexter ::darren ::deedee::
::denise ::edel ::ernie::
::fidz ::haider ::han::
::haze ::hally ::huda::
::ifah ::indra ::ezad::
::jaslyn ::jasmine ::jay::
::jjonsson ::kay ::lily ::lin::
::matsie ::melvo ::marco::
::massy ::mei ::mitch ::mraz::
::mrbrown ::nadz ::naz::
::nur ::nurul ::ode ::priya::
::peiming ::riah ::roihan::
::soffie ::sashi ::seasons::
::sheng ::tania ::vit::
::vonny ::xuantong ::YoLie::


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    .In My iPod.

    Fall Out Boy - Infinity On High
    Josh Groban - Awake
    My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade
    James Morrison - Undiscovered
    Justin Timberlake - FutureSex/LoveSounds



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