||:PreCiouS RefLecTionS:||

Friday, November 25, 2005

ok i must admit
I am so stupid to let whatever happened the day before yesterday to affect me so much that the after effects of it lingered on till yesterday.
To those who were there with me during lunch, i am terribly sorry, i shouldnt have let my emotions get the best of me..
I suppose its still hard for me to get over something considering that it happened within a span of a few hours before.

Anyways i felt better after a few hours of work yesterday. Work is good. It keeps you busy and occupied. And did i mention i love my current department?
I'm so gonna miss this place after next week.

Yup, final stretch ppl!

and i'm feeling much better
especially after sitting by the river after work yesterday (thanks vit for the company hehe...)
oh and i fell on my knees on my way to work today
in the middle of rush hour and rain
the pain somehow felt good
reminds me that i'm alive
and somehow i feel very hyper and like i'm the most cheerful one when i reached the office
yes i'm wierd
but its all good
so long as i feel happy muahaha =P

hmm i sure hope tomorrow is gonna go well
if not i sure hell dont know what to do
but then i've learnt my lesson and dont expect much
as long as my close friends are there its all good =)

aite i've watched the HPGF
let me just say that
ok if you're not a Harry Potter Book reader i admit you'll enjoy the visual effects and how dark the movie is compared to the previous movies..
but if you're an avid reader of the book.. well.. you'll be a bit dissapointed.
I know i was, especially when almost the first 1/5 of scenes from the book is non-existant!
and where was dobby and winky?

oh yea and i think the chemistry that is suppose to be present between ron and hermoine is not there... i think she is better off with Harry.. they have better chemistry and they seem to care for each other more from what i gather from all the HP movies.

oh well....

still i wanna watch it again. Cause i didnt enjoy myself at the particular moment i was watching it due to alot of irritating distractions. bleah.

okie i've run out of things to say for now...
I will now go and find some things to keep me occupied till work comes...

ciao peeps =)

11/25/2005 10:04:00 AM

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

I am such a fool to believe that today was going to be perfect
who wouldnt right?
finally of age
turning a day older
wishes all around

but i was wrong
i am such a bloody fool
i shouldnt have let my guard down
i shouldnt have expected
expected things to happen right during my birthday
cause it will only end up in tears
like how it always does every single year

I tried
But yet i keep failing
Why is it so freaking hard to get my family together?
why is it so freaking hard just to be happy for me just for one day?
what's with the attitude mother?
what did i do wrong now?
do you hate me so much that even on this day you had to ruin it for me?

everything seems to go all wrong today
i hate my birthday
nothing good comes out of it
it always end in tears
and i so wish i could cry it all out but only escaped tears seems to fall down my cheeks
i'm at my wits end

thank you to those who had wished me today
no more celebrations for me
happy occasions just has something against me....

11/23/2005 11:24:00 PM

Monday, November 21, 2005

Cold Cool Monday

two days to go!
oohh weee!!!
It has been raining cats and dogs this morning
took a cab to work as i was too lazy to walk in the rain in my heels and skirt
caught some much needed sleep in the cab
hmm maybe that was a mistake cause somehow i'm still sleepy despite my tall tumbler of self made mocha (milo + nescafe) courtesy of the company's pantry.

oh yes
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (HPGF) is now in cinemas. I have yet to watch it tho and i actually have friends who has already watched it twice! wtf! LoLx

Caught snippets of scenes from the movie in behind the scenes specials on various tv channels and tho i might say it makes me even more excited to watch the movie, there's elements of the characters in the movie that i saw that varied alot from the book. Those who has actually read the book should know what i mean.

For example i never imagined that Dumbledore would actually raise his voice at Harry when he found out that Harry was selected as one of the champions for the Triwizards Cup. To me Albus Dumbledore has always been this patient character who would never raise his voice unless necessary, especially at Harry. So it was kind of shocking to have seen Dumbledore raising his voice at Harry and almost strangling him in the process. It was like Dumbledore was a totally different character from how he is being potrayed in the book.

Anyways, i've always loved the potrayal of Dumbledore by the late Richard Harris as compared to Micheal Gambon. To me Richard Harris and Christopher Columbus had the right idea of how Dumbledore should be like when they did the first two movies.

Omg... i just read imdb's review of HPGF and... they said that the scenes with the Dursleys and Molly Weasley were cut due to time constraints???? wtf???? is that true??
man they should have just made the originally planned two part movie instead of cramping the whole 734 pages book into one movie...

Well anyhow i hope no other characters are spoiled by the movie and no other important dramatic scenes are deleted.

argh i cant wait to watch it!!!
*note to peeps who i'm suppose to watch this with... PLEASE DECIDE ON WHEN YOU GUYS WANNA WATCH IT! Prefereably on a weekend so everyone can make it since some of you end quite late on weekdays. midnight movie anyone? pls decide kthanks =P

anyways i'm gonna watch it twice cause i'm 'belanja-ing" (translation = treating) my family to watch it on my birthday.
yes the birthday girl has to treat people in order to get them together. If not i reckon the birthday girl will be spending the eveing alone. LoL

ooh and i didnt know how much i've been missing my B&J Cookie Dough Ice-Cream until i had some yesterday! LoLx
After running my errand at the orphanage yesterday morning, i decide to catch a movie alone since i have not done that for quite some time. Decided to catch Just Like Heaven as recommended by my sis and a friend. Bought myself B&J cookie dough ice-cream from the popcorn counter and i finished it just right before the movie started. ehehe...

Speaking of Just Like Heaven. I would seriously recommend it. I loved it. Both leads, Reese Witherspoon and Mark Ruffulo were amazing.
The plot may be simple but it tugs at your heart especially in those heartbreaking/warming scenes. The movie somehow reminds you on how we should not take our lives for granted and that there is more to life than just your work.
Go catch it before it ends it runs in the cinemas!

Next movie i so wanna catch besides the Chronicles of Narnia will be Pride and Prejudice. One of Jane Austen classics. Tho i hope Matthew MacFadyen does justice with Mr Darcy's character as Colin Firth did in the 1995 tv series.

Alritey "Jalan Raya" Photos are up! Well not all tho.. but here are some sneak peeks LoLx

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aite before i end off this entry and get ready to go for lunch
here is a mini wish list of what i want for my birthday/christmas
tho i must say some are just wistful wishing on my part
a girl can just dream cant she? LoLx
and i wont go into details cause those who knows me should very well know my taste ;)

The mini List

1. smart casual ladies jacket (size acc. to U2 jacket sizes: XL)
2. black leather strap swatch watch
3. ipod mini speakers
4 a pair of sneakers (EU size: 42/ UK: 8)
5. a bag
6. Lancome's Miracle
7. Disney's The Little Mermaid VCD/DVD/ BackstreetBoys Never Gone CD/Kelly Clarkson's Breakaway CD
8. Singapore Airlines Return Tickets to London/Rome w/ accomodation ;)
9. My own apartment w/ a view and access to the roof
10. Four years of fully paid school fees and living expenses in an overseas university
11. Catch IL DIVO LIVE in Concert
12. A full makeover of the family home

aite then..
i gtg off now
and i'll leave you with this...
(i hope the link works ehehe)
enjoy! =)

Tesco Ad & Il Divo's LIVE performance of their version of "All By Myself" ---> link

11/21/2005 04:02:00 PM

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Three more days till i turn to 21
i'm not really sure what i'm suppose to feel
happy? elated? excited?
all i know is that its gonna be just another ordinary day passing by with nothing extraordinary happening

You know i had this one super long entry of what i wanted for my birthday, my thoughts and stuff, but then somehow the computer system at work went loopsided on me even tho i've tried to post it thrice.
So i eventually took it as a sign that i'm not suppose to post it up and gave up trying to...

I have some things that i actually want to talk about but i'm kinda distracted by the telly as Harry Potter and the Chambers of Secret is on... so till then...

salute =)

11/20/2005 07:40:00 PM

Monday, November 14, 2005

Contemplation II

I was watching Mulan II for the umpteenth time yesterday and somehow or rather this exchange between Mei and Ting Ting stuck with me...

Mei: How can you do that?! How can you look right at someone, realize you share a special connection, and then just -
Ting Ting:: I know where my duty lies,
Mei: Do you?

And I'm asking myself the very same question Mei is asking Ting Ting.. Hmmz...

I just love awkward situations with the opposite sex, don't you? =P

Do you believe in omens? Signs?
Cause coincidences don't occur regularly right?

A friend commented recently, "surely a person who writes about relationships wouldn't really say that she cant be bothered about being in a relationship."
Well that may not be the exact phrase but it was along those lines.

Not that I cant be bothered about being in a relationship, its just that I am not the luckiest sort in the love department tho I may have commented a lot about it. I think I scare away guys. LoL
And I'm the old fashioned kinda girl. I'm not the kind who makes the first move. And my height doesn't help either, being taller than most guys I know. LoLx

Ah well... It may all just be mere excuses
Perhaps I just love my independence too much =)

I thought it was long gone. Whatever there was to begin with. But perhaps I'm wrong. Or maybe my heart is just messing around, playing with my head.
Just when you were thinking about something and things around you suddenly seem to associate themselves with the very thing you're thinking about.
Its kinda scary, unless I'm just being paranoid and expecting some thing to happen which never will...

I guess it is better to stop expecting for something so you'll stop getting hurt. To not expect someone to turn up for your graduation ceremony, so you wont feel disappointed, to not expect people to be there for your birthdays, cause you'll get used to spending it on your own and wont feel down hearted, to not expect a thank you for sacrificing your time cause you know you wanted to do it from the goodness of your heart and it does not matter if you are not appreciated, to be there for someone and not expect anything in return cause it will simply hurt when they do not need you any longer and only look for you when they need more help, to not expect a person to make a move or simply do just about anything so you would not get your hopes up and feel a painful pang in the heart when you realize nothing is ever gonna happen...

It's the final 3 weeks of our internship.
Its kinda bittersweet I suppose. I'm so looking forward to school but then there's also the familiarity and routine that I've gotten used to working in this firm.
But still I'm more looking forward to school, even tho I know there are tons of work and projects to be done when we get back.
Spending Xmas and New Year's week in school, that is definitely going to be interesting.

Okie moving on to a timeline abit further away, I am thinking of going off for a short holiday after the final semester exams.
I have no idea as of yet but perhaps this trip can be a motivation for me to work hard in the final sem and enjoy myself later. But then there's also the thing about who to go with? Somehow that has always seem to be the problem. Kinda hard to find someone like me who likes to do things at the spur of the moment

Argh I'm still tired from the "jalan raya" yesterday, 'twas a mistake for us to have gone on a Sunday instead of a Saturday. My eyes are gonna just close any second. I think I shall now proceed to find something to keep me awake and keep my growling stomach at bay. Hehez =P

70 mins to lunch!

ciao peepz =)

11/14/2005 11:50:00 AM

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


I woke up very early this morning
despite me trying to get more sleep
eventually gave up, made meself some soup and here i am

And i decided yesterday
that i'm going to take the SATs
to help with my application into SMU
self study here i come =P

Oh and somehow i came to conclusion that i'm an impulse buyer
I buy things on impulse if i need something or find something that i like
well when i have the spending cash of course
but still i need to stop my habit before i have a cupboard full of things i've only used once or insufficient cash to last me thru the month/week

anyways i dont get it when some peeps try and hide things from me
when i'll eventually find out in the end
and sometimes i realise i'm always the last to know about some things
especially when it involves people close to me
and usually i'll find out from other people
Its like the people who informs me assume that i know since i'm suppose to be close to the person and the actual person thinks that i'm acutually stupid or that i'm insignificant and pretend like nothing happend. w/e
I shall vent but i will ignore
why waste my time on people who clearly doesnt care

Dont you just hate it when people find you just to get something they want

what happened to the good ol' fashion thing called friendship?

Anyways i should get ready for work


11/09/2005 06:34:00 AM

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Badd Start

ARGH my MP3 player wont PLAY!



I need my daily dose of music
My companion on the lonely MRT rides to and from work
This is so not happening to me

This is starting out to be a really irritating bad start to the day

Woke up fairly late with my muscles aching everywhere
Then my mp3 wont start as I was waiting for the lift in my housing estate
The morning heat was irritating me as I was waiting for the bus to the interchange
Couldnt get a seat in the MRT to work
Thus my feet ached like a bitch (thank you heels)
The Hot Chocolate at Polar Cafe Sucked
Omg what do they put in the drink? Talcum powder? It leaves a disgusting taste in the mouth eeew
Not to mention the lady at the cafe almost spilled the drink on me grrr
AND I have yet to be given work


I shall now proceed to look for my supervisor and beg work
The final thing I'm going to do for her before I get pushed off to a new dept tomorrow

If not
I shall start with crapping my way thru on my work reflections for the past 2 weeks that I have yet to complete
Yay =P

Anyway in the news, a HK guy got arrested for sharing movie files over the Internet

Bit-torrent users beware
I pity that guy though
He is one among the thousands of peeps who actually download movies online and he got caught as a warning to other users.
Pure bad luck

Anyways I’m against downloading movies online
Cause hello the quality sucks
Well of course considering its pirated and free
But still, just to save a couple of bucks rather than go watch the movie at the cinemas?
Imagine yourself squinting on your computer screen trying to adjust your eyes to the grainy picture on screen and straining your ears to hear what the characters are saying tsk
Oh and not to mention the background noise and irritating laughter, coughing and people standing and walking to the bathroom ish
I rather go watch a movie worth paying for and watching it at the cinemas
If you don't think its worth the money, then don't watch
Or why not just wait till the VCD/DVD comes out?
Not worth your money?
Go find a friend/acquaintance who has it and borrow it from them.
Or better yet if you have cable, wait for it to be premiered and shown on TV, which will have reruns almost every week.

Ah ha
I just received an email from the firm
And they are organising a xmas lunch for 3 orphanages that they are supporting

Argh so cool! I want to volunteer!
The xmas lunch is held the week after we're gone
What bad timing

Oh and yes I think I've decided that I really want to help people
Especially women and the less fortunate
So perhaps I'll go and apply for the scholarship I've been eyeing and take up a degree
Now the question is whether I'll be able to get it or not
And whether any UNI will actually accept my undergrad applications

If not, I could always wait till I'm older, maybe 25? Which is in four years, and then apply under mature applicants. LoLx

But will I be too old for a woman at that age to enter Uni?

Well my father had been constantly studying until the day he died
And he was only 42
So maybe 25 aint that old afterall

Oh well we shall see what the future has in store for me

11/08/2005 10:57:00 AM

Monday, November 07, 2005

Monday Evening

argh i have an uber huuge headache!
gonna go eat my dinner in awhile and hopefully get some sleep =P

My last day tomorrow at the probate dept... gonna be moving to a new dept the day after tomorrow... just when i was getting used to the current dept... hehz...

anyways did you guys in Singapore catch the Channel 5's Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Exclusive advert where Adrian Pang interviewed Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Katie Leung and Robert Pattinson?

Did you see Katie Leung's hair???
OMG what was she thinking? geez

oh and Adrian gave Daniel and Rupert a so called souvenier from Singapore that spells out their names in Mandarin...
hmmz i'm not surprised why some Brits actually think Singapore is a part of China
I know its cool for a non asian person to get something that shows their name in mandarin but to be a representative from Singapore and give them something that actually reinforces their thinking that Singapore is part of China?
err hello?


AND i finally have my hands on the new IL DIVO album ANCORA!! yay!!

awesome music!
oh and i selected one of my fav song in the album as my blog's background music


11/07/2005 09:07:00 PM

Sunday, November 06, 2005


Well i got home early
Had to cut short my house visiting trip with my family
However my mum and siblings are still outt
I was having an uber huge headache and too sleepy to continue going to more houses trying to put up a smile =P

I was just reading the news
and the riots in france are somehow getting worse
I'm glad such things wont happen in Singapore with the system the government has put in place after the riots in the 1960s

I know alot of people will always have something against the government or in popular blogging terms 'gahmen' (which i feel is a very ridiculous word)
But sometimes you gotta stop and think. Singapore will not be as it is today without the laws and policies implemented. So stop complaining!
If you're soo dissastified feel free to move anywhere else you feel that has a better 'gahmen'

is coming out in cinemas SOON!
i CANT wait!!
i found out that tickets are like fully booked for DAYS after its release
looks like i have to wait for the hoohaas to die down before i'll finally get to watch
I seriously do not want to be in a cinema full of screaming and annoying kids
not that i hate kids
just that, i'm not paying for an overpriced movie ticket and not enjoy a movie i've been so looking forward to...

okie The Apprentice on Channel 5 is starting
aite folks gotta sign off now hehe =P


11/06/2005 09:00:00 PM

Week of Festivities

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So here it is
a spanking new skin
v.simple and clean cut but it serves its purpose hehe

Its been quite awhile since i last posted and much has happened
to summarize...
well its the festive season
Two celebration in a week
Deepavali and Hari Raya Eid
Spent the former following my sis around town
and the latter visiting relatives in the late afternoon =)
ooh and i did something to me hair
you gotta see it to believe it

Since 'raya' is a month long
i'm taking this opportunity to wish all muslims
and to all i sincerely apologize if i've said or done anything that might hurt anyone's feelings


Going out with the family tomorrow to visit more relatives
to be honest i just feel like staying home and do absolutely nothing
Doing nothing is better then seeing your relatives that you see once in a blue moon
even their smiles are fake

oh and in case you're wondering
i'm not going to go on and on about my 'raya' preperations and what i did on the eve of 'raya', the first day of raya and the two days after that.
cause firstly i'm too lazy to do that
and secondly the details will only bore you to death

Law peeps going 'jalan raya' next week i think
i'm kinda looking forward to it since its the final year all of us will be together
must make more memories LoL

The new semester timetable is outt
i'm not saying i love it
its alright i suppose
i have no idea who is in my class
cause all the other peeps i know are not
so yea *shrugs*
all the subjects are LAW subject
i'm not lovin the thought of that at this particular moment *grinz*

speaking of which...
this final semester is the final stretch
and then its goodbye poly and hello working world
in short
well i'm currently turned off with working in the legal industry currently
so big possiblity you wont be seeing me there quite so soon
so its either Uni or a different job scope altogether
still considering if i should apply for this particular scholarship i've been eyeing
and i know there are two main things i wanna do
and perhaps i can fulfill one first before i fulfill the other
oh well
we shall see hehe =)

11/06/2005 11:15:00 AM

.The Writer.

I love standing in the rain, letting the feel of raindrops caress feverish skin, letting it wash away my thoughts, worries and pain. I love the feel of sand between my toes, the cool wind whispering in my ear, the soothing sound of the sea, the warmth of a hug. I love anything vintage, historical, mysterious and magical. I like to laugh, I like freedom and happiness, I like the idea of romance, being swept off my feet and happy endings. I currently have no idea where i'm going but i know i'll get where i'm suppose to be in due time. I want things i cant have, I dream of things that can never be but i'm too afraid to leave the things i'm familiar with even when i know i'm adaptable to change. I can be the person you love or hate, like or loath, admire or envy. I am not perfect,
I am just me.

.Through Their Eyes.

::azfar ::amin ::apRi ::candy::
::celine ::desz ::david:
::dexter ::darren ::deedee::
::denise ::edel ::ernie::
::fidz ::haider ::han::
::haze ::hally ::huda::
::ifah ::indra ::ezad::
::jaslyn ::jasmine ::jay::
::jjonsson ::kay ::lily ::lin::
::matsie ::melvo ::marco::
::massy ::mei ::mitch ::mraz::
::mrbrown ::nadz ::naz::
::nur ::nurul ::ode ::priya::
::peiming ::riah ::roihan::
::soffie ::sashi ::seasons::
::sheng ::tania ::vit::
::vonny ::xuantong ::YoLie::


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    Josh Groban - Awake
    My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade
    James Morrison - Undiscovered
    Justin Timberlake - FutureSex/LoveSounds



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