||:PreCiouS RefLecTionS:||

Saturday, December 31, 2005

ok i'm bored and uninspired to blog
so i shall do this quiz thingy

When you look at yourself in the mirror, what is the first thing you look at?
my eyes... why? urgh the eyebags and dark rings that wont go away!!

How much cash do you have on you today?
$16...= $9 went to the bookshop and $7 went to techno (the coffeeshop)

What word rhymes with "test?"

Favourite plant?
erm erm.. pass?
are liles considered a plant? lol

Who is the fourth person on your missed call list on your cell phone?
well i currently only have 3 and i have no idea who the 3rd person is...

What is the main ringtone on your cell phone?
Kelly Clarkson's 'Behind these hazel eyes"

What shirt are you wearing?
Minnie Mouse t-shirt heehee

Do you label yourself?
me the freak? i'm kidding. i'm the nobody ahahaha

Brand of shoes you're currently wearing?
I'm not wearing any shoes cause i'm at home *grinz*

Bright or dark room?
Dark with dim/warm lighting

What were you doing at midnight last night?
Staring at the bedroom ceiling trying to sleep which i then gave up and ransack the kitchen for food.

What was the last text message you received on your cell phone?
Tania telling me i can call her now

Do you ever click on "pop ups" or banners?
no i just close em'.. irritating buggers...

What's a saying that you say a lot?

Who told you they love you last?
hmmm....... hmmm...... myself? or was it my teddy bear? hmmmm.....

Last furry thing you touched?
my teddy bear!

How many drugs have you done in the past three days?
is strepsils a drug?
drugs? what drugs? i dont do drugs *cross fingers*

How many rolls of film do you need to get developed?
well i just sent 300 digital photos to be developed... so how many rolls of film is that??? LoLx

Favorite age you have been so far?
that has yet to come... or maybe it was 2 cause it might be my happiest cause i dont remember a thing. =P

Your worst enemy?
my self doubt

What is your current desktop picture?
well i'm using my bro's com and his desktop pic has gundam's freedom and destiny battling each other.

What was the last thing you said to someone?
nooooooooooo my mug is broken!!! *sobs*

If you have to choose between 1,000,000 bucks or to be able to change a major regret?
just gimme the money cause we are not suppose to live life in regret.. and every mistake is something you learn from and makes you grow heehee...
anyways the cash will be useful for my siblings' education and mine as well. oh yes and theres the home makeover i've been thinking about.

Do you like someone?
hmm let me think. I think the IL DIVO guys are hawt, the new guy on CSI:MIAMI aint that bad either.. LoL
i'm kidding.
well i like my family and friends *smilez*

The last song you listened to?
I'm Your Angel - Celine Dion & R Kelly

People i hope to see do this quiz?
anyone who is as bored as me... khehehe

oh and i need to get this off my chest...
did i mention how i hate it when it gets too crowded at the eastlink mall at the tampines interchange and everyone seems to be all over the place and shoving each other, oh and when people who need to photocopy loose sheets of paper and they do it at the red spot in the school library cause its conveniently located on the ground floor and they are too lazy to go to the other floor to use the photocopy machines or the conveniently provided photocopy shop that will actually photocopy your notes for you which due to their laziness conveniently makes redspot users wait for that one photocopy machine...., and also when people stand in the middle of a busy walk way/staircase and make people walk around them..., and people who alight the bus by the front door when the bus isnt crowded and they can perfectly use the normal exit door... bleah

oh and i pity famous bloggers. Cause all they do is keep defending their posts.
it sucks to be famous.
well unless you can make good use of it and do something good like the ONE project instead of badmouthing people, be controversial and keep having to defend yourself.
ridiculous. =P

ok my cough is irritating me

12/31/2005 01:46:00 AM

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Today has literally been a back breaking day
despite my wavering health and chest hurting coughs
i decided that today i was going to do something productive
therefore as soon i awoke this morning, i proceeded to clean my god forsaken mess of a room, scrub the toilet and do the laundry.
And yes in between i was breathless and almost gave up cause i felt too faint.

And afterall that, i had a stupid shouting exchange with my sister cause i waz using the washing machine and she wanted to bathe and she doesnt like the water source being too little, which i then ended the shouting exchange by storming out of the house to throw the three bags of rubbish i accumulated while cleaning my room and getting some much needed fresh air by walking to the supermarket two blocks away. bleah.

Now my back is aching like mad, my chest still hurts whenever i cough, sometimes the cough gets so bad i think one of my aorta is gonna rip from the heart.... I've been trying to do my divorce project and banking project but the pain is too much that i give up. And i'm typing all this in frustration before i head off to bed. argh.

Tomorrow classes as usual, loads of deadlines ahead....
And i just found out i have a project meeting tomorrow at 9.30 bloody AM!!!
I just love being informed last minute... i feel so included in the group especially when i already feel like one of the most stupidest person in the group and always the last to know about any decision. yay me!

ok i think i'm gonna get one of those back support thingy at the pharmacy tomorrow... somebody just please end my misery. That will be the best post-christmas cum new year present ever.
Thank you and good night.

12/27/2005 12:21:00 AM

Thursday, December 22, 2005

I'm falling sick
my throats feels like someone left a burning charcoal in my throat, i'm losing my voice anddd i feel a fever coming... argh!
i am so blaming this on my late nights!
my body clock is screwed up i think
and i'm still up at this hour
i have no idea
its like i have so much to do that i've listed in my head and the brain fill so jammed pack and i feel guity of having to keep pushing reponsiblities back...
argh i'm a sloth! bleah.

Anyways since Christmas is coming and everything............
i've decided to change my background music to one of my favourite xmas songs, so do enjoy if your system can actually play it =)

Annd since i've been tagged by Mr Darren Lin on his blog
here goes.....

Read the rules and play the game.

Rules of the game: Post 5 weird and random facts about yourself and list down 5 victims at the end of your list who has to play this game. Please leave a tag at the blog of the 5 victims that goes: " You have been tagged! Read my blog and Play the game!"

Five weird and random facts about myself:

1. I am an absolute fan of B&J's Choc Chip Cookie Dough

2. I get bored with my hairstyle easily, thus the frequent change of hairstyles LoLx

3. I want to know what being in love is really like

4. I have metal, screws and wires in my back

5. I am a bookworm and can just sit for hours in the library =P

The 5 victims:

To all the "victims" below: i know i'm suppose to tag on your blog but i'm just feeling too sick to do so and i trust that you are reading this ehehe =)

1. MeL
2. Mat
3. Nad
4. Kay
5. Halimah =)

okie then, i shall now go and try to get some shut eye before i really fall sick with whatever i'm down with...


12/22/2005 02:09:00 AM

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

i was wondering
why is it always deemed as someone else's idea and never mine? Am i incapable of being a good planner or something that every single thing is thought to be someone else's idea when i was the one who came up with it?
sigh... nevermind...
as long things work out in the end i'm happy

Anyways i was thinking
i think i know the reason why i'm unable to change some things
Its because of the time constraints we have, plus the constant change of people every year.
Which why not everything sticks. Especially what is considered to be tradition.
Well then theres also the commitment issues...
Sigh making a difference aint easy especially if you only have abt 5 months to do so...

well in school now waiting for my project group to get here and start working on our PBL problem... and currently i'm trying to do my Divorce Project...
trying because the amount of retyping i have to do for each proposed plan is making my eyes water.. LoLx

Okie answers to all those who tagged =)

melvo - i really think its the hair.. LoLx

mat - same thing for me back in secondary school, well and primary school too LoLx I usually dont disclose my race too cause somehow most of my friends are javanese haha...

Lily - dont worry i think everyone struggles with their identity at some point in their lives ;)

Tania - i received it already! thank you! =)

d2 - ok ok i'll do it when i'm free =P

naz - yupyup Kong is darn cute and yes i did notice naomi watts resemblance to nicole kidman! scary! LoLx and okieokie Adrien Brody is HOT... i noticed it only now can? haha..

12/21/2005 01:28:00 PM

I cant believe i'm still awake at this hour!
and guess what i've been doing?
school projects!
and its suppose to be my term break...

well actually i just got home ard 1/2 hour past midnight after celebrating kay's bdae...
and before i knew it i was multi-tasking
uploading photos and doing my divorce project followed by my Wills project...
and i have an IP project meeting in school tomorrow!!!
argh my brain feels so saturated at this moment LoLx

The past two days has been very eventful
Caught King Kong on Monday. Two Thumbs up!! I wouldnt mind watching it again.
Another great masterpiece by Peter Jackson. I didnt know the movie was 3 hours long until i looked at my watch after the show. You wont even feel like it was actually that long! LoL
and the movie actually made me pay attention to Noami Watts. Her acting was bloody brilliant. AND somehow i thought Adrien Brody was kinda good looking when i didnt think much of him during his climb to fame courtesy of The Pianist.

moving on, let move the subject to the focus of the movie, KING KONG. Peter Jackson was able to bring out the different emotions of Kong that enabled viewers to feel affection towards it. Kong is darn cute! Well when he's not angry and not in one of his fiery moods that is.... You'll be able to see a side of Kong that one may deem as human. His affection to the lead actress, possesiveness, playfulness and also his ability to learn.

Before i get screamed at for giving out spoilers which i dont think i'm doing, i'll end this short review by saying GO CATCH THE MOVIE!!! It is worth every single cent! LoLx. =P

Anndd for Darling Kay's Birthday,
Me, Nad and Melvo decided to treat her to Wild Rice's Oi! Sleeping Beauty! The Wake Up Musical on Tuesday evening.

Since the play was held in the National Library's Drama Center, I faked that i needed to borrow a book at the National Library and off we went after our dinner at Swensens.
Upon reaching the library we proceded to blindfold her with my shawl despite protest from the Birthday girl.. LoLx
At one point of time while waiting for the musical to start, she even thought we were in a church! Well she was still blind folded of course LoL

Well the musical was good and the script was bloody brilliant and i can definitely say we really enjoyed it.
The show ends it's run this Friday.
So if your egging to go and catch a theater production go catch this one before it ends!

okie i'm getting sleepy
so what i'm going to do now is post up photos that i've been meaning to put up..
All photos below are photos from the past 3 weeks.. LoLx

First week of School

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sniff sniff

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ciggie anyone?

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ughh smoking kills!!

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Ever wondered what's on the side of my bed??

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my sleeping companions.. LoLx

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i'm starting to think in need to get shelvings.. LoL...

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box full of mini B&Js!!!!

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best buds =)

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Start of Term Break!

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Kay's Bdae Celebration

The Birthday Girl
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The Birthday girl was blindfolded and she thought she was in a church! LoLx

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12/21/2005 03:17:00 AM

Monday, December 19, 2005

Its past two a.m in the morning and i cant believe i'm still up
sitting in the dark
using my sis's laptop
hungry as hell
my bad late night habit has returned
and here i am trying to reduce the dark circles and eye bags around my eyes

and now i dont even know why i'm blogging

oh yea btw

a late birthday shoutout to



all the best in your future endeavours and may you shine like the brightest star in the sky cause to me you're already a star in my eyes
may the year ahead bring you precious and wonderful memories to keep =)

anyways the subject of race suddenly comes to mind
as some of you may know there are different types of malays
javanese, boyanese, bugis, etc...

In malay families, your race is determined by the race of your father.
i never really like to disclose my race cause sometimes i'm afraid of the reaction i will get.
Well more or less, this is due to the things i hear around me...

You see most old folks are the traditional kind
I had a friend who was in a relationship with a person who had the same race as me
everything went well for them, well until the part they decided to get married.
When my friend's grandmother found out about that her boyfriend's family's race she was totally against the marriage and went on and on about how bad people from this race is. She gave a condition that if my friend really wanted to marry the guy, the 'mas kahwin' or is it 'duit hantaran' i'm not really sure which one, has to be a certain amount, which is obviously quite high for a middle income family.
Well as you may have guessed, their relationship started to become sour soon after...
now they are no longer together...

anyhow, i find the whole thing stupid.
Why judge a person or his/her entire family because of race?
Even if the people in the race a loonnngg time ago were known to be 'bad' people, but hello arent we living in the modern world?
Its like paying for a wrong you never knew about and did not commit.
you know i actually did try to do some research about the race, its history, facts, anything that has to do with the race, but the only closest thing i could get is that the race originated from somewhere in indonesia.

In case you're wondering
I'm a Boyanese
do i hear gasps??
anyways i reckon no old fogies would be reading this

Tho i still want to learn more about this race that is reflected on my IC
all this talk about what Boyanese people were like has certainly whet my interest....
researching and reading about history is always fascinating.

okie my eyes are getting itchy and tired
which are signs for me to stop whatever i'm doing
get into bed and get some sleep
if not just stare into the neverending darkness LoLx

bonne nuit!

12/19/2005 02:14:00 AM

Sunday, December 18, 2005

LFG yesterday was fun!
Tho it got off to a slow start, the few of us who were there certainly had fun!
And to top it off we won two out of the six events!

My first medal ever in my three years in TP!

and for all our hardwork, apart from the spread of yummy buffet food, we were treated to two boxes of ben&jerrys!!!!!!! well not the one pint ones but the kind GV sells hehe...
cookie dough and chocolate brownie! omg!
courtesy of mr looi and much psychoing (if there's such a word) from the girls in the island adventure challenge team, namely me and tania. LoLx

photos will be up soon once i get it frm miss tania tay
since she is too lazy to post it up on her own blog khehehe
ok before she hits me when she sees me.... see next sentence...
i'm kidding! =P

our so called term break is starting tomorrow
well 'so called' because there is the wills, advance civil procedure, IP and Banking projects to look forward to... oh well what's new...
its all about time management ppl!

anddddd i'm still trying to decide whether or not i should get the tix to the BACKSTREET BOYS CONCERT ON JAN 24!!!!!!!
the dilemma!

i know i know
it may be a no brainer to some
but i'm not the richest girl on this side of the planet
i dont work cause i cant juggle schoolwork at the same time, my health somehow doesnt seem to allow it
my mum dont give me allowance and i dont dare to ask her for any cause i know how tight our finances are
i rely on whatever financial help i'm getting from the orphanage every month
and with whatever i get every month i have to divide it between food, transport and other stuff...
surprising to some of you aint it
considering i'm managing on my own and dont borrow money like how some people would expect from ppl like me...

tho i may be in this position i'm not the most thriftiest person
i dont believe in starving myself cause no good will come out of that
so my money usually goes to food
tho if i'm totally broke its hello plain water and instant noodles for me =)
then there are things that i see and like that will make me happy, so i'll buy it, cause my way of thinking is, why wait for somebody to actually buy it for you when you know its not gonna happen, so why not and buy it yourself and make yourself happy... =)

anyways i dont need ppl to tell me how to manage my money cause i've been doing just fine these couple of years, tho i know some people may frown upon the way i spend my money, which is why i usually take it in my stride. People will always have their opinions even if it doesnt concern them. *shrugs*

Sigh i need to go visit the national library very soon
The last time i read a really good book was two weeks ago?
hmmz i miss reading
yes i'm a nerd, so sue me
but then i'm not a very good nerd
i just like to read
i used to spend hours in the national library after secondary school and ITE
i'm not a good nerd cause i'm not as intellectual as a totally bona fide nerd
i think i'm more of a hands on person
i learn and absorb better when i do things hands on and learning through failures
i admit i'm never good with theory subjects
neither am i good with memorizing tsk
oh well

rite then
kuch kuch hota hai gonna start soon on central
wouldnt want to miss it LoLx


12/18/2005 08:28:00 PM

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Well the SIP report is over and done with
now we can move on beyond SIP
tho this is just the beginning of more deadlines to come
I look at my planner with horror at the amount of time we have left
time for whatever it may be
project deadlines, final exams, etc...

And i still have my Project Twinkle II which i coming soon!
whheee i can't wait!! =)

I can't believe we are in the process of Project Twinkle II!!
A year and a half ago it was just a dream
something that i want to do for kids who i was once like
under privilged kids who are away from whatever family they have left
Tho i wish i could be doing more if i have more resources to work with...
perhaps in the near future... you'll never know =)

Anyways Law Fraternity Games (LFG) going on tomorrow at Sentosa
definitely going to be there and perhaps participate in some of the games.
It has been a long time since i've been physically active and i guess some exercise will do me good. I've been getting alot of acute headaches this past few weeks tsk...

Something has been bugging me for quite some time now.
How do you change a prejudice that has somehow been etched to stone?
And its damn frustrating when you want to change this prejudiced thoughts and somehow you feel like you're the only one trying.
It also doesnt help when time is not on your side and you have other responsibilities to take care of as well.
How do you move forward when the group of people who are suppose to work together to make a difference doesnt seem to give damn?
How can i turn things around and make a difference and do what is expected out of me?

Sometimes i don't know if i can live up to the high expectations people seem to set on me.
I dont even know what they see in me that i cant see.
I'm not even half as good as some better people out there.
But then there are people who just makes use of me because i'm too bloody nice for my own good.
If i am as good as some people think i am then why am i not for example in the Directors' Honors List (DHL)? But then i'm not the kind of person who gives a damn about being in any list. Why add unnessary pressure to oneself? But point is i'm not the cleverest. I'm not the strongest neither am i talented. But then somehow there's this invisible sign above my head that says "Come to me only if you need help, if nothing else i'm just a person you pass by who does not have any feelings and can ignore and make fun of..."
well that's some ego boosting
*rolls eyes*

And i've come to a point where i dont give a damn anymore
i'll just stay true myself and continue to be nice to whoever it is
if making fun of me give you kicks
go ahead
but do it behind my back cause i do not want anything to do with it and i wouldnt want to get personal with you. Well bottomline is in my eyes you're just as bad as the devil himself.

But then who am i to criticize? I aint perfect either. I can be a cynical bitch if i want to.
heck i dont even know whats the point of my whole entry now.

I should get attached, be happy, get drunk with love and not care about the troubles in my life. Life is too short for me to worry about things that people dont seem to appreciate.

but then what is love?
lately i've seen couples fight, break-ups, dilemmas, etc
basically things that makes up the reason why i selfishly thank god that i'm not currently attached
cause well basically i'm a force to be reckon with when i'm in one of my mood swings or i feel bitchy and i say things without thinking.
yes i am god damn unpredictable and it would perhaps take a saint and the most patient man in the world to actually want to be with me. LoL

oh well
now i have no idea whats the point of this entry
gee whiz
anyways my lil bro is calling for me
so i'll be off now

oh and yes i owe some peeps photos
so i've posted em' below...

ciao =)

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Le canzoni non si scrivono
Ma nascono da se
Son le cose che succedono
Ogni giorno intorno a noi
Le canzoni basta coglierle
Ce n’e una anche per te
Che fai piu fatica a vivere
E non sorridi mai

Le canzoni sono zingare e rubano poesie
Sono inganni come pillole della felicità
Le canzoni non guariscono amori e malattie
Ma quel piccolo dolore che l’esistere ci dà

Passerà, passerà
Se un ragazzo e una chitarra sono li
Come te, in città
A guardare questa vita che non va
Che ci ammazza d’illusioni
E con l’età delle canzoni

Passerà su di noi
Finiremo tutti in banca prima o poi
Coi perchè, i chissà
E la angoscie di una ricca povertà
A parlare degli amori che non hai
A cantare una canzone che non sai come fa
Perchè l’hai perduta dentro
E ti ricordi solamente passerà

In un mondo di automobili
E di gran velocità
Per chi arriva sempre ultimo
E per chi si dice addio
Per chi sbatte negli ostacoli
Della diversità le canzoni sono lucciole
Che cantano nel buio

Passerà prima o poi
Questo piccolo dolore che c’e in te
Che c’e in me, che c’e in noi
E ci fa sentire come marinai
In balia del vento e della nostalgia
A cantare una canzone che non sai come fa
Ma quel piccolo dolore che sia odio, o che sia amore passerà

Passerà, passerà
Anche se farai soltanto
Passerà, passerà e a qualcosa una canzone servirà
Se il tuo piccolo dolore
Che sia odio, o che sia amore passerà

12/17/2005 01:12:00 AM

.The Writer.

I love standing in the rain, letting the feel of raindrops caress feverish skin, letting it wash away my thoughts, worries and pain. I love the feel of sand between my toes, the cool wind whispering in my ear, the soothing sound of the sea, the warmth of a hug. I love anything vintage, historical, mysterious and magical. I like to laugh, I like freedom and happiness, I like the idea of romance, being swept off my feet and happy endings. I currently have no idea where i'm going but i know i'll get where i'm suppose to be in due time. I want things i cant have, I dream of things that can never be but i'm too afraid to leave the things i'm familiar with even when i know i'm adaptable to change. I can be the person you love or hate, like or loath, admire or envy. I am not perfect,
I am just me.

.Through Their Eyes.

::azfar ::amin ::apRi ::candy::
::celine ::desz ::david:
::dexter ::darren ::deedee::
::denise ::edel ::ernie::
::fidz ::haider ::han::
::haze ::hally ::huda::
::ifah ::indra ::ezad::
::jaslyn ::jasmine ::jay::
::jjonsson ::kay ::lily ::lin::
::matsie ::melvo ::marco::
::massy ::mei ::mitch ::mraz::
::mrbrown ::nadz ::naz::
::nur ::nurul ::ode ::priya::
::peiming ::riah ::roihan::
::soffie ::sashi ::seasons::
::sheng ::tania ::vit::
::vonny ::xuantong ::YoLie::


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  • .ShoutOuts.


    .In My iPod.

    Fall Out Boy - Infinity On High
    Josh Groban - Awake
    My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade
    James Morrison - Undiscovered
    Justin Timberlake - FutureSex/LoveSounds



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