||:PreCiouS RefLecTionS:||

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Attn Law Seniors

less then 3 weeks till we say goodbye to the school term
before we bid each other auld lang syne
we have one last time to enjoy ourselves as a cohort before cramming for the final exams and saying goodbye to poly life as we know it...

incanto:in-'kan-tO italian
1)enchantment (insignificanto generale)
2)captivation/a charming state of incantation


location : Asian Civilisation Museum - Empress Place
date : 10 Feb 2006
time : 7.30pm til late
tix : $60 - law peeps
$55 - dates (non law peeps)
attire : formal (it aint boring unless you make it so *winkz*)

more details ---> here!

be there.enjoy.have fun.make memories.soak in the atmosphere.
you wouldnt want to miss THE event of the year!

p/s - interested but lacking of funds?
approach any comm members so we can help you work it out =)

see you there!

on a slightly different note

The juniors are collecting funds for their coursemate Aishah. She was recently discharged from the ICU and recovering from a stroke. From what i understand is that she has lupus. So guys if you want to contribute let me know as i'm helping to collect funds on behalf of the seniors.
Please help by praying for her too =)

thanks peeps!

1/26/2006 01:11:00 AM

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

BSB concert

I'm too tired to update abt the concert right now since its 2.46am and all...
i promise i shall update once i can
but for now i shall leave you with this.... enjoy!

1/25/2006 02:45:00 AM

Sunday, January 22, 2006

the past week has been really testing and it has yet to end
deadlines and tests that has yet to come
and all happening in the next 3 weeks
then there will be the exams to look forward to

its a wonder how i can actually last this long without collapsing...
well there was my recent episode with my health in the previous week
but heck i'm still surprised
tho i'm sometimes angry with myself for being unwell at the most unappropriate timings that usually makes me feel like a hindrance to society, especially to my friends as i wouldnt want to be the cause of unnecessary worry when they are all pretty much stressed and tired themselves.

sometimes i just cant help being angry at myself for my limitations, be it for anything... especially when i'm the only one preventing a group of people from doing what they want. It actually makes me so guilty that it me sick to my stomach, even so when they try to accomodate to my limitations...
I guess i'm still getting used to having people who actually cares...

TP Open House has come and gone...

Kudos to:

one event down, few more others to go...

The time on my desktop clock is 2.30am
i am shagged but somehow i cant seem to bring myself to fall asleep
i guess it must be all the caffine that is running through my system and not forgetting my Adv Civil Pro project due on Monday which i have yet to start andd the IP test on the very same day and B&F test the following Wednesday...

Oh and yes
did i mention that i finally got the tix to the BSB concert this coming Tues???
I cant wait!
yes i have to study for wed's test before going off for the concert
and thank god its open book
or else i really should be shot dead to avoid any agony

well okie dokie
i have stuff to do
ciao! =)

1/22/2006 02:18:00 AM

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

A song that actually pulls at your heart strings and sends shivers down your spine...
somehow good old fashion romance still exist but only in songs... sigh...


Solo en ti por siempre sere f solo en feliz
Historia que presenti mucho antes
De vivir en mi
Porque solo en ti encuentro lo que
ayer perdi
Tu eres en mi existir mi gran

Si tu me amas you sere esa esperanza
Que jamas se querra morir
En este amor sin fin
Tu seras siempre mi alma

Despertar paraisos de pasion y paz
Se que solo los podre encontrar
En mis dias junto a ti.

Si tu me amas yo sere esa esparanza
Que jamas se querra morir
En este amor sin fin
Tu seras siempre mi alma

Si tu me amas yo sere una esperanza
Que jamas se querra morir
En este amor sin fin
Tu seras siempre mi alma

Jamas querra morir
Abrazame hasta el fin
Volare si me amas

Haces realidad la magia de sonar
Volare si tu me amas.

1/17/2006 11:44:00 PM

Friday, January 13, 2006

I am feeling much much better now
thank you me friends for all your concerns! *hugs*

the weather has not changed these couple of days
the only thing that i love about this wet weather is the cool cold air that is rarely felt in our hot sunny island of Singapore. If only it is cool as this everyday then i wouldnt mind walking and walking and walking. LoLx

Oh and yes
I am now currently the proud owner of.......

IL DIVO's Encore DVD!!
boo yah!
i absolutely love the LIVE performances *melts*
yesyes i know there will be guys shaking their heads reading this wondering why the hell i'm infatuated with four guys who they think are gay.
bleah. they are not gay ok. They are just four good looking men who CAN sing. Some guys are just jealous tsk. =P

MTV have recently been playing 1 hour's worth of music videos from the Backstreet Boys everyday. Somehow all these video clips do trigger my memories of my early teenage years up till the present. sigh. and i always burst out laughing whenever i see those old videos, from nick carter's floppy center parting hair to the fashion style of the 90s where baggy pants and caps worn backwards was still considered cool. muahaha...

oh and dummy me was not aware that there was an arbitration deadline this coming Monday! *gasp* Thank god i got to know about it today or else i'll be screwed with all the things that needs to be handed in together with the file. tsktsk. I need to recheck all my deadlines again before i actually really forget about an important one.

okie its getting late and i should help my sis with her creative writing thingy khehehe....

oh yea btw i just realised that
i have something against crooked teeth!!!
i donno why but if i see someone with not properly aligned teeth (which has to be obvious in the first place of course) i'll just somehow end up staring at the person's mouth when the person is talking and in my mind i'm going like
"argh!!! i cant stand it! i want to do something with his teeth so it'll look nice and straight!! argh!! *pulls out hair*"
of course this is all in my head and i'll get frustrated with myself buahahaha
tho i dont really like it when people who actually do get something done with their teeth and they end up having teeth like Hillary Duff's fake ones. LoLx
so fake *rolls eyes* LoLx =P

i told my sisters this and my youngest sis suggested that i should become a dentist. wahahaha.
which will never happen of course cause i cant think of actually looking into people's mouth all day. kehehe...

okie before i get lost in ramblings i shall stop here now khehehe...


1/13/2006 01:21:00 AM

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

oh fark
i so feel like crying right now.
i cant stand the pain and i feel like passing out but i cant afford to cause i have a lot of things to do and i'm afraid my group wont understand and take it as if i'm giving excuses cause i'm always sick all the time.


man i cant stand this

i hate being sick! i hate being weak. i hate feeling that i'm not pulling my weight even tho i'm trying.

all i feel like doing now is curl up and cry.
but that wont help my situation now will it?

i dont even know if i can make it to school tomorrow with all the pain i'm feeling...

1/11/2006 12:20:00 AM

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Its hard to concentrate on work when you're trying to ignore the fact that your body is screaming in pain. sigh and double sigh.

Spent the whole of today trying not to hurl all the contents of my stomach everytime i drink or try and eat something. bleah.

I'm currently listening to some IL DIVO to calm my nerves. Good music always helps with the nerves. yupyup

I think i want to make a new resolution since i have yet to come up with any for the year. I want to take better care of myself. I'm sick of feeling sick and weak all the time. I'm not only dissapointing myself but making people who actually cares for me worried. I'm going to start living healthy. Perhaps start exercising cause even tho i love to walk i have not been doing much of it because of the weather. The doc told me i should take up swimming as it will help me strengthen my back. Maybe i shall take up on that advice and go swimming once a week. I should also cut the amount of crap i eat andd stay away from people who are trying to kill me with their secondary smoke. yay!
i'm gonna start on this as soon as i feel better and strong enough to do so =)

okie i have loads of work to do before i can call it a night
so i shall end this entry here and get back to my learning issues and concentrate on arranging the skeleton for the legal opinon as well.

oh and yes before i forget...
Salam Aidiladha to all my fellow muslim friends


1/10/2006 11:32:00 PM

wheee new skin!

now i can sleep in peace

oh and btw all photos used are originals okie ;)
and in conjunction with the backstreet boys coming to our fine city soon
i've changed my backgrd music to one of my fave songs in their current album Never Gone

bonne nuit!

1/10/2006 02:59:00 AM

I am drowsy and feel like i'm floating on air.

and no i am not on drugs. well nothing illegal that is. LoLx

I've been bedridden the entire day cause my lower back has been killing me and i have minimal mobility. I can hardly pick something up from the floor. I have to sit as if somebody put a rod thru my spine. Eh wait i do actually have a rod in my spine! LoLx AND i feel as if someone left a couple of knives in my back. hmm so this is how it literally feels like to have people stabbing you in the back!

khehehe i'm kidding.

well i got sick being on my back the whole day that i took a huge dosage of painkillers and here i am now in front of the computer letting the painkillers do its work while i try and work out the kinks in my stiff joints.

Man i so sound like an old lady. bleah.

This situation so doesnt help when hari raya haji is tomorrow and i'm expected to be at a project mtg which i'm not sure what time it is, there's a presentation for IP on our learning issues on Thursday and i am so scared for my group, Arbi test is on this Saturday which i'm not prepared for AND the B&F deadline is this Friday and i'm afraid i'm not pulling the weight that is expected out of me.
I am so in deep shite. you know it and i know it.

Something came to my attention these couple of days.
Child trafficking and Child prostitution.
I cant believe this is still happening. I seriously think that the government seriously needs to look into this. I even read that the younger the child is the higher the asking price. wtf? All these people who associates themselves with this kind of activities may it be smuggling the child or paying for this so called services should burn in hell.
I'm glad that organisations like UNICEF are making people aware of this issue. By making people aware is a step foward to stop this monsterous doings.
More info on this --> click here


i have an itching to change my blog skin again.
sigh... yes i'm prone to get bored of something i know that can be changed easily, like blogskins and umm hair? lolx hair grows back you know so why not change when you feel like it khehehe =)

ok i need to lie down for awhile cause i'm starting to feel drowsy.

ciao =)

1/10/2006 12:18:00 AM

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Its been raining cats and dogs for the past few days
A great time to snuggle up to something comfy and enjoy the cool weather
alas i have nothing comfy to snuggle up to except the hard wooden floors of the living room and my teddy bear. LoL.

Indeed this weekend can be labeled a lazy weekend
the cool cold weather, doing absolutely nothing even tho you know that you have a lot of things to do but just cant because you're trying to make the headaches and heart wrenching coughs go away.

I know i know some of my friends are saying i'm crazy and stupid to continue eating whatever i want and not eat food that sick people normally eat. And that's what? porridge and more porridge or maybe chicken soup? Unlike most caring household most of my friends have, in my house so what if you're sick cause its already a normal occurance. I dont have a grandmother or parent who has the time to fuss over you and make you porridge and eat it. Why do i always eat out? Cause usually when i get home there's nothing to eat unless you're okay with me eating instant noodles everyday.
so continue telling me i'm stupid. continue telling me i'm crazy. but i do what i'm already used to cause when i'm sick i only have myself and i'm used to knowing what is right and wrong.

Anyhow the rain is very tempting right now. I feel like running out of the house and just sit in the middle of the field and soak myself in the cooling rain. Let all my worries and frustration be washed off by the rain..

I was watching an old movie set in the mid 1960s about a group of friends who were finishing high school and how they spent their last day and evening as seniors in their school. Each individuals had their dreams and plans on what they were going to do.
I envied their passions and the dreams they had and willingness to go ahead and not let anything stop them.

It made me wonder, after our final days in poly, after the final paper of our senior year, what was going to happen to us all? law&mgmt's class of 2006. Will all of us find what we've been looking for. Will we still see each other 3, 5, 7 years down the road? or will everyone be too busy with their own lives and forget whatever memories we all had once shared?

Perhaps i'll continue this entry another time, when the time is right cause i'm not ready to finish senior year yet. =)

1/08/2006 07:26:00 PM

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Yesterday I found my self in bits and parts of conversation that I wasn't able to relate to and I realize how boring my life was. Where were all these fun and excitement that has been missing in my life? I never did quite live the normal teenage life but I thank god for what am I now. Still…. Conversations with friends that I can never relate to somehow makes me empty. So I remain silent. Letting the excuse of losing my voice cover my uneasiness.

Somehow I wish there was more to my life then how it is and has been. As a child I was sheltered. I played in my own world. Creativity and Imagination were my best friends and how I envied the other children around me with what they have, cause as a child I had even though I had a lot of things going for me like art lessons, piano lessons, etiquette lesson etcetc I only went for it all because I had to. And me being one of those who doesn't like being told what to do, instead of taking advantage of what was given to me, I hated it all. I was rebellious and spoke my mind.

Then the early teenage years came. Dad died when I just started secondary 1 and my world turned up side down. I was sent to the orphanage cause my mum couldn't support us. There I was made fun of cause I was different. I was the the strange alien looking one because of my long limbs and the way I walk. From thereon I became withdrawn and I started to lose trust in everything I know.

Before dad passed away I was diagnosed with scoliosis and I had been wearing a brace for my back. I stopped wearing it soon after dad died...and then I got the news. I had to go for major surgery cause it was not getting any better. 2 surgeries had to be done to correct my problem.

My first surgery was during the end of my secondary 1. It was originally scheduled to be in November but was postponed due to an allergic reaction I had to one of the drugs they gave me before my surgery. After the first surgery I had to learn to walk again. No friends came only close relatives cause I never told anyone.

I missed the first few months of school and I had just been transferred to a new school closer to the orphanage. Secondary school life was a blur. It came and it went. I merely existed because of my heart that still beats and me trying to accept all the changes around me.

My second surgery came around when I was in Secondary 3. I recovered faster than the first but I got very sick in the healing process in the hospital.

At this time, everything already fell into a routine. I was still the somewhat the "unpopular" kid in the orphanage being weird and all. But then I learnt to be independent and self sufficient. I learnt how to act in front of people just to get away with things and wanting to feel what its like being a normal teenager.

At the end of secondary 4 I knew my way around. Then I found out I did badly for my Os. I blame myself actually. I excelled in the subjects I loved but flunked the subjects I had no interest in that were really important to get me into poly.
I soon found myself applying to an ITE and received the news of how I needed surgery for my right eye.

With all these things happening in my life (tho I did leave out a few other details) how could I possibly relate to any happening stuff in my teenage years? The well known gossips of independent/top schools, schoolmates/friends weird/funny antics, the usual teenagers hanging out sessions, puppy love, romance, first love, dates and whathaveyous.

But then if given a chance to rewind time and wish things were different? I don’t I will take that chance cause I would have become the person I am today. Tho there are still areas in my life I feel that needs to be sorted out and learn more about, I feel that I’ve come out of all the experiences I had as a stronger person.

Anyways speaking of which I have yet to visit my father's grave for quite some time now. Anyone fancy a trip to Yio Chu Kang's Pusara Abadi cemetery?

Anyhow lets move on to another topic.

Recently a friend of mine was picked up by two very good looking men and she was so oblivious to it and let them go!



Naivetivity can be very sad sometimes. But still I'm sure she'll get picked up by loads more good looking men and have a nice deserving love life she deserves unlike me.

Me I've totally given up on. I think I'm gonna die an old maid.
Till this day I've never been on any dates, in any relationship whatsoever nor have I been picked by any men before.
I'm either too tall, intimidating, fierce looking, plain looking, weird looking or have a "do not touch/disturb/get close" sign over my head.
I'm not lovable.

So for senior prom while most of the people I know are gonna get dates, I'll be going stag and immerse myself in the music provided and drown myself with fruit juices at the bar and definitely make it a night to remember. LoL. unless of course by a twist of fate a date presents itself to me which i doubt will happen. buahaha

But perhaps being single all these years aint that bad as I look back at all the ugly fights and heartbreaking tears I've seen some couples around me have been through. The heartache, the very very bad endings. I thank god I've never gone through all that. If i did i think i would have lose whatever trust i have in the human species and become a hermit for the rest of my normal life.

But perhaps if i'm lucky, I'll find my one when the time is right. When everything falls into place and everything is just right.

1/07/2006 11:27:00 PM

Friday, January 06, 2006

this sucks.
i have temporarily lost my voice
well i should have seen it coming i suppose
the ongoing sore throats and coughs i've been having
and the amount of stress that has befallen upon me...

imagine waking up everyday to stressful msgs on the handphone demanding you to fulfill whatever responsiblities you are expected of and in trying to satisfy these demands people who dont know the exact position you are in are pissed/irritated at you for the things you cant help but ask/say/do.

Adding to the above, there is still the endless projects that has at least one dateline every week, my unstable health that is not helping matters and my inabliity to sleep before 2 or 3 am.

I think if i stop to take a breath my whole system is gonna collapse which i cant afford cause the final exams are coming. ho hum.

great start to a new year huh? ;P

I apologize if i'm rambling away but after staring at the blank screen for the past few minutes or so i forgot what i originally wanted to blog about. lol.

sigh now the guys in ilaw are telling me to stop trying to talk when i obviously cant. lol.

okie i'm getting sleepy staring at the screen again.

ta. *smilez*

1/06/2006 02:48:00 PM

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

I had actually typed out this one uber long post during the new year...


as fate has it, the post was never meant to be
it got lost when the idiotic computer started to have a mind of its own and shut it self down.
so yea...

maybe i'll re-do the post again when i have the time and inspiration
right now i have to change lab at the request of miss tania tay =P

till then!

1/03/2006 05:03:00 PM

.The Writer.

I love standing in the rain, letting the feel of raindrops caress feverish skin, letting it wash away my thoughts, worries and pain. I love the feel of sand between my toes, the cool wind whispering in my ear, the soothing sound of the sea, the warmth of a hug. I love anything vintage, historical, mysterious and magical. I like to laugh, I like freedom and happiness, I like the idea of romance, being swept off my feet and happy endings. I currently have no idea where i'm going but i know i'll get where i'm suppose to be in due time. I want things i cant have, I dream of things that can never be but i'm too afraid to leave the things i'm familiar with even when i know i'm adaptable to change. I can be the person you love or hate, like or loath, admire or envy. I am not perfect,
I am just me.

.Through Their Eyes.

::azfar ::amin ::apRi ::candy::
::celine ::desz ::david:
::dexter ::darren ::deedee::
::denise ::edel ::ernie::
::fidz ::haider ::han::
::haze ::hally ::huda::
::ifah ::indra ::ezad::
::jaslyn ::jasmine ::jay::
::jjonsson ::kay ::lily ::lin::
::matsie ::melvo ::marco::
::massy ::mei ::mitch ::mraz::
::mrbrown ::nadz ::naz::
::nur ::nurul ::ode ::priya::
::peiming ::riah ::roihan::
::soffie ::sashi ::seasons::
::sheng ::tania ::vit::
::vonny ::xuantong ::YoLie::


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  • .ShoutOuts.


    .In My iPod.

    Fall Out Boy - Infinity On High
    Josh Groban - Awake
    My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade
    James Morrison - Undiscovered
    Justin Timberlake - FutureSex/LoveSounds



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