||:PreCiouS RefLecTionS:||

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

bonjour darlings

work update

end of my second day of work and i'm dead beat but work ain't all that bad actually only that all the backlog and things to learn in the expected short period of time is kinda fast for my brain to saturate everything at the pace i'm being set at.

The file management seriously needs a LOT of work and i forsee it being a potential headache. And i cant believe my computer is the ONLY one which is using the 'Microsoft Works' software! Can i just say that the software seriously sucks ass.... bleargh. It is seriously screwed up. Today alone i wasted the whole morning trying to print two WOS and ended up printing it on someone else's computer, and to add to that at the end of the day i cant even open any document using that software. grr.. I am patiently awaiting for the arrival of the latest Microsoft Office software that my boss has promised to buy to install on my computer so i can decently get work done faster than my current speed on WordPad. tsk.

Lunchtime is a bore. I dont know anyone and all i do is go to McDonalds and eat alone in a corner. The only reason i'm only at McDonalds is because i dont have time to explore my surrounding area even thou the office is IN Chinatown Point. ish. I'm already starting to get sick of MaCs. bah.
So if any of you happen to be around Chinatown, ring me up and we can have lunch together. At least i know i'm not living in some alternate universe where lunch time is a bore.

The boss keeps repeating to me that he has very high expectations of me just because i'm a TP diploma holder blahblahblah and he expects me to learn everything like that*snap fingers*... andd he actually forsees me learning everything within a month! omg the pressure.............................

I know i can do this. But i dont like high expectations being put on me cause the pressure can be so suffocating and i tend to keep second guessing myself which is not good.

aite before i rattle on and on about work its already close to 1am and i need to sleep or i'll be dead on my feet tomorrow.

bonne nuit!

5/31/2006 12:35:00 AM

Saturday, May 27, 2006

If you didnt watch American Idol 5's season finale
here's one of my favourite moments
its cute and funny at the same time
and clay aiken is wayy hotter than the last time i saw him! =)

5/27/2006 07:28:00 PM

sometimes i wonder about things
but then the more i think about it the more i realise that why should i bother cause rather than mull over some things, they are better off left alone. I've so much other things to be contented with and i dont need constant 'poison' to bring me down.

anyhoo i'm missing the gang already even tho the last time most of us saw each other was on Tuesday

Genting photos not uploaded yettttttttttttttt! *sigh*
My internet server is slow due to my brother's constant viewing of anime on youtube everyday. So its very hard for me to send out photos to the rest and uplooad the photos on my account. And i cant believe my bro keeps closing the window when i'm still uploading the albums to be sent out!!! He complains that it is making his anime uploading slow!!! bleargh.

I need to get my own computer.




- - - -

Me know. Me have problem.

Me love cookies. Me tend to get out of control when me see cookies. Me know it not natural to react so strongly to cookies, but me have weakness. Me know me do wrong. Me know it isn't normal. Me see disapproving looks. Me see stares. Me hurt inside.

When me get back to apartment, after cookie binge, me can't stand looking in mirror—fur matted with chocolate-chip smears and infested with crumbs. Me try but me never able to wash all of them out. Me don't think me is monster. Me just furry blue person who love cookies too much. Me no ask for it. Me just born that way.

Me was thinking and me just don't get it. Why is me a monster? No one else called monster on Sesame Street. Well, no one who isn't really monster. Two-Headed Monster have two heads, so he real monster. Herry Monster strong and look angry, so he probably real monster, too. But is me really monster?

Me thinks me have serious problem. Me thinks me addicted. But since when it acceptable to call addict monster? It affliction. It disease. It burden. But does it make me monster?

How can they be so callous? Me know there something wrong with me, but who in Sesame Street doesn't suffer from mental disease or psychological disorder? They don't call the vampire with math fetish monster, and me pretty sure he undead and drinks blood. No one calls Grover monster, despite frequent delusional episodes and obsessive-compulsive tendencies. And the obnoxious red Grover—oh, what his name?—Elmo! Yes, Elmo live all day in imaginary world and no one call him monster. No, they think he cute. And Big Bird! Don't get me started on Big Bird! He unnaturally gigantic talking canary! How is that not monster? Snuffleupagus not supposed to exist—woolly mammoths extinct. His very existence monstrous. Me least like monster. Me maybe have unhealthy obsession, but me no monster.

No. Me wrong. Me too hard on self. Me no have unhealthy obsession. Me love cookies, but it no hurt anyone. Me just enthusiast. Everyone has something they like most, something they get excited about. Why not me? Me perfectly normal. Me like cookies. So what? Cookies delicious. Cookies do not make one monster. Everyone loves cookies.

Me no monster. Me OK guy. Me OK guy who eat cookies.

Who me kidding? Me know me never actually eat cookies. Me only crumble cookies in mouth, but me no swallow. Me can't swallow. Me no have no esophagus. Me no have no trachea. Me only have black fabric throat. Me not supposed to be able to even talk.

Me no eat cookies.

Me destroy cookies.

Me crush cookies.

Me mutilate cookies.

Me make it so no one get cookies.

Everyone right. Me really is cookie monster.

5/27/2006 06:50:00 PM

Friday, May 26, 2006

Today i realise something...
when you think everything is going smoothly and nothing will go wrong
cause eventually something will just bloody come up and make you swear like there's no tomorrow

but then retail therapy always helps at the end of the day. *grinz*

anyhoo x-menIII is outt!
awesome stuff cant wait to watch it with the gang

5/26/2006 10:59:00 PM

Thursday, May 25, 2006

my life which has been in limbo for these past weeks is beginning to fall into place.
I'm now out of the unemployed category and moving on to officially being employed. Work starts on Monday and considering its gonna be interesting. Tho i'm not gonna blog much about work here since rumor has it that my boss goes around reading other people's blog. lol.

I'm postponing my further studies plans until i feel the time is right. I dont think right now is the best time to further my studies yet coz i feel that its damn high time i take responsiblity with regards to my family's financial matters and considering that my sis would be going overseas to further her studies once she graduates from poly next year.

Anyways Genting was fun. Photos will be uploaded and posted as soon i can get my hands on my brother's computer since my photo folder is in there.

I cant stop thinking of actually starting work. Yes i'm excited but kind of nervous at the same time. What if i don't live up to expectations? Considering my inexperience in a small firm, heck it seriously feels totally different as compared to a big firm like drew.
Speaking of which, i need to buy some office wear. I realised that i really need some new clothes when i couldnt find anything proper to wear for the last minute interview yesterday.

If you're wondering what last minute interview? Well the story is, i did not have roaming when i went off to genting, so upon reaching Singapore and getting a network on me phone, i received two sms' from a lawyer who got my resume from another lawyer in another firm. (I never knew lawyers passed around resumes... ) So i then called him the next day (yesterday) and he requested for me to come down for an interview the same day at 6pm (the time of the call was at 3pm) . Which was why i was frantically rummaging through my 'wardrobe' for something proper to wear.

And yesterday was also the first time i ever stepped foot in Chinatown. lolx.
Yup the firm is in Chinatown Square. So if you're around the area we could meet up for lunch/dinner =)

Even though i noticed that the other secretaries and staff were wearing casual wear, I dont think me being new and all should dress that casual and i wont feel comfortable considering that it is a law firm.

In reality tv news, Taylor Hicks won AI5! *round of applause*
Even though i find the constant shouting of 'Soul Patrol' irritating, i gotta admit he is actually a better performer than Kat, even tho i like her too =)
I actually prefered his rendition of his new song 'Do i make you proud' better than Kat's 'destiny' song.

I know Survivor:Panama has ended for quite some time now but i cant help but think Aras looks way better on the island as compared to when he gained weight and shaved in the reunion episode.

And with regards to the hippies winning the Amazing Race, well there's alot of to learn from them. Aside from the tremendous amount of luck they had, their whole attitude towards the game and their onlook of life is something to actually learn from i think =)

Aite gotta go off now
got an appointment in town in awhile
will update on genting as soon i have my photos uploaded

5/25/2006 02:16:00 PM

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Ooh Weee..

this site has been viewed 20.000 times
people actually read/browse/visit this place
*twirls around*

anyhoo Mother's Day today
Happy Mother's Day to all Mothers around the world!!

I think mother's are one of the strongest and inspiring bunch of people around.
andd my blog background music, i believe the lyrics is appropriately a tribute to me mum...
tho i may not tell her so cause we dont communicate as much as we should.
She's so strong and has been sacrificing a lot for me and my siblings and we owe her so damn much but me being me, i have no idea where to even begin in repaying whatever she has done for us cause nothing i'll ever do will even make up for everything she has done.

Mum aint even home today. She's in JB with the two younger kids cause they have some sort of motivation course. Didnt buy mum any mother's day gift cause firstly i'm broke, secondly nothing i ever bought her ever showed that she likes it cause everytime i give her a present for whatever occasion it is (i.e birthday) she usually chucks it to one side... and thirdly nothing i buy is ever gonna show how much i love her.
So what i did was wash the dirty dishes in the sink which was piling up. Not much i know but at least its something cause i dont usually do the piled up dishes (only the ones i use) cause it strains my back when hunching for whatever time it takes to clear all the dishes with the sink counter being very low and it makes my hand itch. I know i know i'm giving pathethic excuses, so sue me.

Anyways i dont know if i'm being paranoid but sometimes i feel underappreciated or in another sense simply put, just being used. Maybe its my paranoia but then time and time again my intuition has always been on the dot so i dont know what to think. Then i realise why the fuck should i antaganoize myself with people who doesnt give a damn about me the way i do about them? Why bring myself down when i am the only one who can choose whether or not i want to be down for this sort of people and when i know i do have friends who are there for me no matter what. Makes me think of what Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "Remember, No on can make you feel inferior without your consent".

I wonder... why women can't seem to get along when they for example first meet and turn into absolute bitches when they think they have competition but it is so easy for men to bond and establish a brotherhood and help one another?

5/14/2006 02:46:00 AM

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Things to drool over
in our materialistic world
Things i cant afford to splurge on =P
(Birthday & Xmas Wishlist *hinthint*)

(T-minus 6 months & 10 days to moi's birthday)
(T-minus 7 months & 12 days to Xmas)

Nike Merge - Transit

Canon Ixus 65

Samsung D820

Creative Zen Vision

5/13/2006 02:42:00 AM

Random Thoughts

1- Travelling from one end of Singapore to the other for two days back to back is not my ideal idea of killing idle time even if it is necessary to do so...

2- CT scans makes one sleepy, especially when one only got an hour's worth of sleep the night before.

3- The season i'm dreading most is looming close, Summer, just because its Singapore and i don't have the comfort of an air conditioner at home.

4- Some people just cant seem to help themselves but think that the world revolves around them and only what they say is right. Someone please burst their bubble and splash a bucket full of reality at them. tsk. but then again they may just be insecure peepsqueaks, so why bother? *shrugs*

5- Some people should just stop being hung up on certain things in the past and just move on.

6- What was the point of Singaporeans overseas being able to vote when their votes were only counted 4 days after the General Elections?

7- Congratulations to Ms Sylvia Lim (My former Crim law tutor) for being selected for the slot of NCMP.

8- I cant wait for next Friday to come! and i have yet to think of what to bring. (...a road trip we will go a road trip will we go heyhoamerryo a road trip we will go...lalalala...)

9- I'm in need of a caffine fix soon, i cant even remember the last time i had a cuppa. Starbucks has this new java chip drink that i want to try, i think its the replacement of rhumba! whee..

10- The 2006 Official World Cup Song aint that bad. Featuring Il Divo and Toni Braxton. To have a listen click the you tube link below.

5/13/2006 01:43:00 AM

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

well my langkawi plans is officially a bust
the brightside of it all, we are now going to Genting next weekend.
Disheartened as i am to not be able to laze around on the beautiful beaches of Langkawi
at least i'll be with some of my closet friends on a hilltop. lol.

The internet connection at home has been down for almost a week now and finally (thank god) my internet service provider technician came down today to hook us up with a new modem and fix the problem. The idea of not having any form of internet connection for almost a week was pure torture. I kept sitting alone on my bed past midnight thinking "now what?". *shudders*

I realise i'm an internet addict, if there's such a thing. lol. Even if i dont even play online games like some people do everyday, blog about my mundane life or thoughts everyday or even have any good reason to go online, i would have a peace of mind knowing that i can easily connect to the internet and be connected to the world.

Isnt it funny how technology can nowadays affect your life?

5/10/2006 11:33:00 PM

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Today's Random Observations & Reflections

1 - Rain shelters should not be called rain shelters when there is a gap in the middle of nowhere and people still get drenched. *rolls eyes*

2 - Minutes before one wants to step out of the house, the weather outside the window will look damn hot and blazing. The next thing you know as you are waiting for the bus at the bus stop the sky threatens to open up with heavy downpour.

3 - During one of the election updates on Channel 5 yesterday - the Secretary General of the WP with regards to the JG issue actually said " the PAP is making a molehill out of a mountain" instead of vice versa. I nearly choked on the chips i was eating and couldnt stop laughing... I'm not kidding. My sis heard it too. Or we could both be wrong =P

4 - People who keep commenting that other people other then themselves are ugly or berate other people for seeing certain issues their own personal way should take a look at themselves in the mirror because ultimately every single person is the same.

5 - In today's NewPaper, A kid from the orphanage i was once from got punched in the face and was hospitalized for a week. I just knew something like this was one day going to be reported. Things that happen behind close doors...

6 - A koala with an english accent is funny.

7 - Not all handsome men and stud muffins are gay straight.

8 - I need more sleep and exercise

9 - Even in denial, I am still in love with my first love, Nicholas Gene Carter, no matter how fat people say he looks now hmpz... *winkz* lolx

10 - I love my friends. *hugs*

5/02/2006 11:48:00 PM

Monday, May 01, 2006

Don't you think that Jason Mraz looks like Paul McCartey when he was younger??

5/01/2006 04:00:00 AM

.The Writer.

I love standing in the rain, letting the feel of raindrops caress feverish skin, letting it wash away my thoughts, worries and pain. I love the feel of sand between my toes, the cool wind whispering in my ear, the soothing sound of the sea, the warmth of a hug. I love anything vintage, historical, mysterious and magical. I like to laugh, I like freedom and happiness, I like the idea of romance, being swept off my feet and happy endings. I currently have no idea where i'm going but i know i'll get where i'm suppose to be in due time. I want things i cant have, I dream of things that can never be but i'm too afraid to leave the things i'm familiar with even when i know i'm adaptable to change. I can be the person you love or hate, like or loath, admire or envy. I am not perfect,
I am just me.

.Through Their Eyes.

::azfar ::amin ::apRi ::candy::
::celine ::desz ::david:
::dexter ::darren ::deedee::
::denise ::edel ::ernie::
::fidz ::haider ::han::
::haze ::hally ::huda::
::ifah ::indra ::ezad::
::jaslyn ::jasmine ::jay::
::jjonsson ::kay ::lily ::lin::
::matsie ::melvo ::marco::
::massy ::mei ::mitch ::mraz::
::mrbrown ::nadz ::naz::
::nur ::nurul ::ode ::priya::
::peiming ::riah ::roihan::
::soffie ::sashi ::seasons::
::sheng ::tania ::vit::
::vonny ::xuantong ::YoLie::


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    .In My iPod.

    Fall Out Boy - Infinity On High
    Josh Groban - Awake
    My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade
    James Morrison - Undiscovered
    Justin Timberlake - FutureSex/LoveSounds



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