||:PreCiouS RefLecTionS:||

Monday, July 31, 2006

I've been having the flu this couple of days which is why i wasnt able to drag myself out of bed to work on Thursday. Was chatting with my boss's secretary yesterday on msn, and when she found out i was sick she came to the conclusion that i'm having too much fun with all the free time i have. ahhahaha if fun = bored moments then i'd agree but so far whatever she must be thinking of what i've been doing with my time is sooo far off base. lolx!

Spent the day with dee today! Swimming in the morning, lunch, slacked at her place for a bit, went to school to clear out our lockers, dropped those heavy stuff at my house, went for a movie at the cathay and had dinner at P.S! whheeee... one of the most Funn days i've ever had. and now i'm dead beat! lolx!

Ouh and this happened when we were on our way down from the cinemas...

Upon me seeing a huge poster of Colin Farrell and Salma Hayek's latest movie "Ask the Dust"
Me : Ask The Dust? What Do you want to ask the dust?
Dee : When were you last swept?
Me : (Looks at Dee, absorbed what dee said, looked at her again and starts laughing)


Anyways i need to stop reading current juniors and seniors blogs. why? Because i miss school. I miss school a damn lot and I cant believe their semester time is back to normal. sigh.. must be i miss my friends too much since i'm used to seeing them everyday.

Oh yea btw i was so surprised when me and dee went by ILaw this afternoon to find it was empty! empty at 4pm?! I never remembered iLaw being that empty. There will always be somebody there, especially when we have tests in the afternoon, peeps studying as a grp, guys making a fool out of themselves... lolx! man those were the days...

I am finding myself addicted to Yahoo! Answers. One way to kill boredem and exercise my internet research skills. Like i told dee, i can open my own business already ahahhaa.. I especially find some questions posted on relationships amusing and most of em' revolve around the same issue. Since i have nothing better to do i've been answering those questions as well lolx! funny thing is i was even voted best answer. wtf! ahahhaa..

7/31/2006 10:30:00 PM

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Every night i tell myself
"Azi today you must go to sleep early. Your late nights are not doing you any good."
However everyday i still find myself infront of the computer screen during ungodly hours (i wonder what i do sometimes besides stoning and talking to dee on msn) and i would in the end be dragging myself to the shower and then to bed only when the whole house is starting to awake from slumber.

I know i know this is bad and so not good for one's health cause the body is not getting enough rest, not to mention the panda eyes etcetc blahblahblah. lolx.
I'm trying but i need to have something to do the next day that will actually motivate me to sleep early. Like work for example, or some fun activity with friends you know? lolx

Anyways mum's big 50 this friday, and me and my siblings are clueless. Clueless as to what to buy for her, and clueless on how we are going to celebrate it. Okie the first one is because we have no idea what to buy for her. Mum is a very practical person, she doesnt wear accessories except for the bracelet and ring dad bought for her when they got married and as history has shown, whatever presents we have given her, well i'm not sure bout the others, ok whatever presents i have given her, handmade or something i know she likes, she will just literally chuck it to one side. So you tell me, whatelse can i actually come up with that she won't actually throw back to my face? even if she literally doesnt do that.....

The only bright idea me and my sis came up with is this juicer we saw on tv that we know she will like since she's trying to live healthy and she used to make fresh fruit juices for us when we were younger. However the problem we have right now is money. As usual what else. See none of us siblings are employed full time. I'm working part time and my two other grown up siblings are still in school and their part time job allowances are basically their school allowances as well. So bottomline is, it is out of our budget.

Okie now the second bit about being clueless at how to celebrate her birthday? Well the last time i attempted to celebrate a birthday (which was my 21st btw) she did not even turn up and the movie i treated the whole family to? Well lets just say everyone ended up edgy and quiet. And i wonder why i always end up crying during my birthday...

sigh.. T-minus two days i hope we'll agree on something.

I know I sound like i'm describing mum in a bad light, but she's not in anyway a bad mother. She's the most strongest woman i know, with dad gone and having to raise 6 children on her own. After close to 10 years on her own i know she's tired and she's trying to do her best and every single day i feel guilty for not doing more then i'm currently trying to. And the sad part is i dont have that strong bond i usually see daughters and mothers have with each other. Maybe i blame the fact that i was absent from the family during my whole teenage years or maybe i should blame myself for not trying hard enough. The thing is when you've spent all your teenage years alone, you get used to dealing with your emotions and whatever is happening in your life on your own. Don't get me wrong tho, i love my mum just that i dont tell her that enough and i don't know how to...

Speaking of birthdays... National Day is coming soon, its going to take place for the last time at the National Stadium before the stadium is closed down for renovations. The saddest part about this is... i have never been in the National Stadium before and neither have i ever watched a LIVE run of the NDP in the National Stadium. Oh well i guess there's just some things in life you'll never get to experience... And then every year you keep reading news reports about people selling NDP tickets online and one of the reasons they are selling it? "None of my family members want to go" What about those people who really want to go but the balloting system just seem to pass them all the time?? haiz...
I don't think i'll be missing much anyways. I rather spend time with my friends and watching fireworks from the Bay. Oh yea btw did you know that the previous year's fireworks festival during National Day was my first time seeing fireworks LIVE? lolx.. i know i'm deprived. =P

Oouh ouh and i finally went swimming after months and months of procrastination and subtle hints from the physiotherapist. I gotta admit it was fun since i was with dee and i realise i really need to brush up on my swimming hehe.. so i'm making it a point to go at least once a week! Now i know why my lil bro keeps running off to the public swimming complex whenever he can. lol!

Aite its almost 3.30 a.m and i feel the need to cool off in the showers before i submit to some much needed sleep. Ciao!

7/27/2006 02:14:00 AM

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


I was going through my photos folder in my bro's computer, which i have yet to permanently burn into a CD. So much memories, the good, the bad, the hilarious, the what ifs and what used to be...

I realise people come and go in our lives but memories will always stay, especially the good ones. Life is too short for regrets and for some things you just have to let go and move on. Those who have crossed my path during my poly days will always be remembered and the bonds of friendship forged along the way will always be treasured.

My anchors of support: Tania, Candy, Marcus, Mx, Yi Mei, Melvyn, Nadira, Kay, Latha, Sinthu, Sashi, Nazurah, Apri, De Sheng, Hazelyn and Priya. I dont think i've ever said this, I want you guys to know that I'm really blessed to have met you guys in poly especially when i was going through some of the worst periods in my life and when i needed support, you guys were there. From the bottom of my heart, Thank you =) *hugs*

"When I find myself fading, I close my eyes and realize my friends are my energy."

Poly Life in summary
2003 - 2006
(in random order)

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7/25/2006 03:13:00 AM

Monday, July 24, 2006

He's Just Not That Into You

I think this is an empowering book that all single women should read. Written by former writers of the hit tv series Sex and The City, Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo.

An excerpt from the book:

Chapter One: he's just not that into you if he's not asking you out

Because if he likes you, trust me, he will ask you out

Many women have said to me, "Greg, men run the world." Wow. That makes us sound pretty capable. So tell me, why would you think we could be incapable of something as simple as picking up the phone and asking you out? You seem to think at times that we're "too shy" or we "just got out of something." Let me remind you: Men find it very satisfying to get what they want. (Particularly after a difficult day of running the world.) If we want you, we will find you. If you don't think you gave him enough time to notice you, take the time it took you to notice him and divide it by half.

Now you begin the life-changing experience of reading our book. We have put the stories we have heard and questions we've been asked in a simple question-and-answer format. If you're lucky, you'll read the following questions and know what they are: Excuses that women have made for their unsatisfying situations. If you're not so lucky, we've also included handy titles to clue you in.

The "Maybe He Doesn't Want to Ruin the Friendship" Excuse

Dear Greg,

I'm so disappointed. I have this friend that I've known platonically for about ten years. He lives in a different city and recently he was in town for work, so we met for dinner. All of a sudden it felt like we were on a date. He was completely flirting with me. He even said to me, as he was checking me out, "So, what, you're working the whole 'model thing' now?" (That's flirting, right?) We both agreed that we should get together again soon. Well, Greg, I'm disappointed because it's been two weeks and he hasn't called me. Can I call him? He might be nervous about turning the friendship into romance. Can't I give him a nudge now? Isn't that what friends are for?


Dear Friendly Girl,

Two weeks is two weeks, except when it's ten years and two weeks. That's how long ago he decided whether or not he could date a model or a girl who looks like one. Can you be a pal and give him a nudge? Nudge away, friendster — but watch how fast that nudge doesn't get a return phone call. And if your dinner/date did feel different to him, it's been two weeks and he's had time to think about it and decide he's just not that into you. Here's the truth: Guys don't mind messing up a friendship if it could lead to sex, whether it be a "(expletive) buddy" situation or a meaningful romance. Go find someone that lives in your zip code who will be rocked to the core by your deep conversation and model looks.

I hate to tell you, but that whole "I don't want to ruin the friendship" excuse is a racket. It works so well because it seems so wise. Sex could mess up a friendship. Unfortunately, in the entire history of mankind, that excuse has never ever been used by someone who actually means it. If we're really excited about someone, we can't stop ourselves — we want more. If we're friends with someone and attracted to them, we're going to want to take it further. And please, don't tell me he's just "scared." The only thing he's scared of — and I say this with a lot of love — is how not attracted to you he is.

The "Maybe He's Intimidated by Me" Excuse

Dear Greg,

I have a crush on my gardener. He's been potting the plants on my patio. It was hot, I saw him without his shirt on, he was hot, and now I'm hot for him. I brought out some beers and we talked. I think he wants to ask me out but is afraid, because he is my hired man. In this situation, can't I ask him out?


Dear My Secret Garden,

He's capable of asking you out. Haven't you ever seen a porno? Hope he gets there before the pizza guy. But seriously, if he didn't pick up the vibe after the beer garden, it has nothing to do with you being his big boss lady. Time to stop and smell the bad news: He's just not that into you.

Let me say it again, sexual harassment rules and workplace memos notwithstanding, a guy will ask out a woman of higher status if he's into her. He might need a little more encouragement than normal, I'll give you that. You might have to lead Johnny the Office Boy or Phillipe the Exterminator to water, but you better not help him ask you out. Once again, ladies, a wink and a smile will do it.

By the way, why are you dating the exterminator?

Just kidding, he's a good guy.

The "Maybe He Wants to Take It Slow" Excuse

Dear Greg,

There's this guy who calls me all the time. He's recently divorced, and in AA. We got back in touch recently, had lots of phone calls, and then hung out twice in one week and it was real cool. No flirting or making out or anything, but fun. Since then, he calls me all the time but doesn't ever suggest we see each other in person again. It's like he got scared or something. I would understand if because of the divorce/alcoholic/starting-a-whole-new-life stuff he wanted to take things slow. But he still calls me all the time to have long heart-to-heart talks. What the hell should I do with this guy?


Dear Pillow Talk,

Sadly, not wanting to see you in person is massive as far as dating obstacles go. And as far as the recently divorced/newly sober/starting-a-new-life parts, blah blah blah, I'm getting sleepy, it's hot, I'm going down for a nap. When I wake up from that nap I'll probably thrill to the news that your friend is taking control of his life. You, however, will still not be going on a date, because despite all your excuses for him, he's still not asking you out. Now, if you're a person who enjoys a slightly satisfying phone relationship, talk on! But at this point it seems like he's just not that into you. Be his friend if you're at all interested on that level, but move your romantic inclinations onto a more suitable future husband.

If a guy truly likes you, but for personal reasons he needs to take things slow, he will let you know that immediately. He won't keep you guessing, because he'll want to make sure you don't get frustrated and go away.

The "But He Gave Me His Number" Excuse

Dear Greg,

I met a really cute guy at a bar this week. He gave me his number and told me to give him a call sometime. I thought that was kind of cool, that he gave me control of the situation like that. I can call him, right?


Dear Control Freak,

Did he give you control, or did he just get you to do the heavy lifting? What he just did was a magic trick: It seems like he gave you control, but really he now gets to decide if he wants to go out with you — or even return your call. Why don't you take Copperfield's number, roll it in a newspaper, pour milk in it, and make it disappear.

"Give me a call." "E-mail me." "Tell Joey we should all hang out sometime." Don't let him trick you into asking him out. When men want you, they do the work. I know it sounds old school, but when men like women, they ask them out.

The "Maybe He Forgot to Remember Me" Excuse

Dear Greg,

Okay, Greg. Listen to this one: I was at a conference for work and met a guy from another branch of my company. We hit it off immediately. He was just about to ask for my number, I swear, when the Big Blackout of 2003 happened. In the mayhem, I didn't get to give him my number. I think the Big Blackout of 2003 is a good enough excuse to call him, don't you think? It's only common courtesy for me to check up on him, right? If I don't call, he's probably going to be all sad thinking that I'm just not that into him.


Dear Judy Blackout,

The city blacked out. He didn't. You said you work for different branches of the same company. Certainly he wouldn't have to break a sweat to scroll through the company staff roster or interoffice e-mail listing to find you. And should he not be as resourceful as you are...I imagine that he has a mother, sister, or female friend that could show him how, if he was really interested.

P.S.: Shame on you for using an eastern seaboard disaster as an excuse to call a guy up.

Have faith. You made an impression. Leave it at that. If he likes you, he'll still remember you after the tsunami, flood, or Red Sox loss. If he doesn't, he's not worth your time. Know why? You are great. (Now, don't get cocky.)

The "Maybe I Don't Want to Play Games" Excuse

Dear Greg,

This is dumb. I know you're not supposed to call guys, but I call guys all the time because I don't care! I don't want to play games. I do whatever I want! I've called guys tons of times. You're such a square, Greg. Why do you think we can't call guys and ask them out?


Dear Nikki,

Because we don't like it. Okay, some guys might like it, but they're just lazy. And who wants to go out with Lazy Guy? It's that simple. I didn't make the rules and I might not even agree with them. Please don't be mad at me, Nikki. I'm not advocating that women go back to the Stone Age. I just think you might want to be realistic in how capable you are of changing the primordial impulses that drive all of human nature.

Or maybe you're the chosen one.

Men, for the most part, like to pursue women. We like not knowing if we can catch you. We feel rewarded when we do. Especially when the chase is a long one. We know there was a sexual revolution. (We loved it.) We know women are capable of running governments, heading multinational corporations, and raising loving children — sometimes all at the same time. That, however, doesn't make men different.


Imagine right now that I'm leaping up and down and shaking my fist at the sky. I'm on my knees pleading with you. I'm saying this in a loud voice: "Please, if you can trust one thing I say in this book, let it be this: When it comes to men, deal with us as we are, not how you'd like us to be." I know it's an infuriating concept — that men like to chase and you have to let us chase you. I know. It's insulting. It's frustrating. It's unfortunately the truth. My belief is that if you have to be the aggressor, if you have to pursue, if you have to do the asking out, nine times out of ten, he's just not that into you. (And we want you to believe you're one of the nine, ladies!) I can't say it loud enough: You, the superfox reading this book, are worth asking out.


Well, it's obvious. Are you telling us that we have to just sit around and wait? I don't know about you, but I find that infuriating. I was brought up to believe that hard work and good planning are the keys to making your dreams come true. I spent my life making things happen for myself. I worked hard for my career, and was quite aggressive about it. I called people, made appointments, asked for favors. I took action. But now Greg is telling us that in this situation, we are supposed to do absolutely nothing. The guys get to pick. We're just supposed to put on our little dresses and do our hair and bat our eyes and hope they choose us. Why don't you just tie my corset too tight so I can faint in front of some man who'll scoop me out of the way just before the horse-drawn carriage runs over me? That'll get his attention.

Really, in this day and age, the hardest thing to do for many women, particularly me, is nothing. We like to scheme, make phone calls, have a plan. And I'm talking about more than just making sure our hair doesn't frizz. Most women who date, I would guess, don't have men throwing themselves at them every night of the week. Sometimes there's a long stretch during which nobody's asking us out. So when we see a guy that we feel might be a romantic possibility, it's even harder for us to take a backseat. That opportunity might not come back again for a long time.

But guess what: My way? Has sucked. Hasn't worked at all. I've never had a successful relationship with a guy that I've pursued. I'm sure there are many stories out there to the contrary. But for me, those guys end up getting back together with their ex-girlfriend, needing to take some time for themselves, or going out of town for business. Usually it doesn't even get that far. They usually just don't ever return my phone call. And let me tell you, that didn't make me feel very in control of anything.

Since I've been implementing Greg's handy-dandy "he's just not that into you" philosophy, I've been feeling surprisingly more powerful. Because if the men are asking you out, if the men have to get your attention, then you, in fact, are the one in control. There's no scheming and plotting. And there is something great about knowing that my only job is to be as happy as I can be about my life, and feel as good as I can about myself, and to lead as full and eventful a life as I can, so that it doesn't ever feel like I'm just waiting around for some guy to ask me out. And most importantly, it's good for us all to remember that we don't need to scheme and plot and beg to get someone to ask us out. We're fantastic.


One night I was drinking in a bar and flirting with the bartender. I asked for her number. She said, "I don't give out my phone number because guys rarely call me when they say they're going to. My name is Lindsey Adams, and if you want to call me, find my phone number." Which I did — the very next day. Do you know how many Lindsey Adams there are in the phone book of a major city? Let's just say I talked to about eight or nine before I found mine.

An actor we work with met a girl while he was making a public appearance on an aircraft carrier. He lost track of her in about ten minutes. And yet, because he was so smitten, he somehow managed to track her down in the army, and they are now married.

GREG, I GET IT! By Leslie, age 29

Greg! I get it. I went to this party and I met this guy. We started talking immediately by ourselves, off in a corner. He asked if I was single and seemed pleased when I said I was. Whenever we split up to talk to other people, or to get drinks or whatever, he always kept his eye on me. It was really cool. I was all excited and fluttery with that "Oh my God, I think I just met someone!" feeling. He didn't ask for my number, but we know lots of people in common, so I thought he was just playing it cool. He never called me! And you know what? Normally I would call our mutual friends and start fishing and trying to figure out what happened and maybe try to find another way to see him again. But instead, I'm just going to move on! Who cares what his deal is. He's not asking me out, so why should I start obsessing over him? I'm just going to go out tonight and try to meet someone else.


We did an incredibly unscientific poll where we polled twenty of our male friends (ranging from ages twenty-six to forty-five), who are in serious long-term relationships. Not one of their relationships started with the woman asking them out first. One guy even said that if she had, "It would have spoiled all the fun."

What You Should Have Learned in This Chapter

• An excuse is a polite rejection. Men are not afraid of "ruining the friendship."

• Don't get tricked into asking him out. If he likes you, he'll do the asking.

• If you can find him, then he can find you. If he wants to find you, he will.

• Just because you like to lead doesn't mean he wants to dance. Some traditions are born of nature and last through time for a reason.

• "Hey, let's meet at so-and-so's party/any bar/friend's house" is not a date. Even if you live in New York.

• Men don't forget how much they like you. So put down the phone.

• You are good enough to be asked out.

Our Super-Good Really Helpful Workbook

Hey, what's a self-help tome without a workbook? Our chapters will all be so brave and wise that we want to make sure you retain as much of the brilliance as you can. So for all of you who feel the need to get out of your problems and into your crayon box, have at it.


Greg and Liz

Remember in grade school how they told you not to write in your textbooks? Screw that! Grab a pen and list five reasons why you think you have every right or good reason to call him.






Put the book aside and wait an hour. Or at least ten minutes. Then ask yourself: Do I seem pathetic? Do I sound like someone who doesn't trust my own innate hotness? Yes,you do! Now put your dialing finger away, get out of the house, and go find some fun.

7/24/2006 01:55:00 AM

Sunday, July 23, 2006


1 - Caught Singapore Idol for the first time this week, I seriously think Mediacorp Studios need to do something with their sound system. It was really bad especially when Daniel Ong was speaking to the contestants backstage. Ouh and they should maybe change either their stage manager or their whole stage crew cause you can see alot of cues being missed and awful camera angles.

2 - RatedE. Channel 5's latest english entertainment news show after a very long haitus. I like the idea but you can obviously see that the concept of the show is not original and as refereshing as they want to make us think, especially if their audience actually tune in to Channel E on cable. And i seriously have doubts on the chemistry between Shan Wee and Michelle Chong. Shan Wee is kinda green since this is his first time hosting but i believe he can improve with time and when he gets comfortable in front of the camera. But for Michelle Chong, well somehow i feel a vibe of fakeness as well as lameness. They should replace her altogether and get someone fresher.

3 - Law of Employment. When you are really in search for a job you'll get no interviews. But when you take your mind off it and live in the moment and not worry about it, a job offer will actually come along. Therefore i shall no longer worry of not getting a job and take each day a step at a time and do the things that i've been longing to do for a long time, like taking piano lessons again, really learn how to ice skate, strum a tune on the guitar... =)

4 - I was looking at the new law inc exco photo on mat's blog and i cant believe i'm saying this but i was overcome with jealousy. I see alot of potential in the new comm. i know i know i need to move on since i've graduated and everything but somehow law inc has been part of my life for 3 years and i miss it. I miss being part of a committee, orgainising events for students, interacting with students to know what they want, their feedback and stuff, i miss the experience, the journey, learning more about what i can do, my strengths and weaknesses. sigh.. i need to get a life and move on.

5 - I like the idea of falling for a guy who is misunderstood by many. Because then it wouldnt matter what other people will think of us so long as we understand each other and I will also get to laugh at all those women who had their chance to get to know him and passed because they thought they were being 'clever' and thus missed out on the great things he had to offer.

6 - Seriously thinking of going away for the weekend somewhere next month. Doesnt really matter where, Redang, Bangkok, KL, wherever.. for some R&R and perhaps some alone-reflection time, i can do with some company but with my besties being busy with school/work, we'll see how it goes.. but you know me i'm the 'spur-of-the-moment' kind of girl =)

7 -What do you do if you have feelings for someone that you know is just impossible? Feelings that you have been denying and laughing at yourself for how ridiculous it sounds. How do you know that it is even real to begin with? How do you know if it just something your mind does to occupy the idle time you have? hmmz...

8 - I just dont get guys who kills their girlfriend's self-confidence and in their defence says that it is for her own good. wtf.

9 - Went over to one of my closest friend's place today cause i was concerned about the phone call she gave me last weekend, hanging out with her today, just talking and listening to her made me realise how much i actually missed her company and how bad a friend i have been these past few years. I am going to be a better friend.

10 - I dont know why but as i was walking from my friend's home to tampines interchange i suddenly felt numb and decided to continue walking all the way home. I felt like i could continue walking forever and not stop. That has not happened for quite some time now and i wonder what has actually triggered this.

11 - The Veronicas' Heavily Broken has been playing
continously in my head like a broken record and i dont know why. I seriously need it to stop cause i'm afraid i'll just break down and cry.

Everyday I sit here waiting
Everyday just seems so long
And now I've had enough of all the hating
Do we even care, it's so unfair
Any day it'll all be over
Any day there's nothing new
And I just try to find some hope
To try to hold onto
Then it starts again
It'll never end

I'm heavily broken
And I don't know what to do
Can't you see that I'm choking
And I can't even move
When there's nothing left to say
What can you do
I'm heavily broken
And there's nothing I can do

Almost giving up on trying
Almost heading for a fall
And now my mind is screaming out
I've gotta keep on fighting
But then it starts again
It'll never end

I'm heavily broken
And I don't know what to do
Can't you see that I'm choking
And I can't even move
When there's nothing left to say
What can you do?
I'm heavily broken
And there's nothing I can do
And there's nothing I can do

Feels like I'm drowning
I'm screaming for air
(Screaming for air)
Louder I'm crying
And you don't even care

I'm heavily broken
And I don't know what to do
Can't you see that I'm choking
And I can't even move
(What can I do)
When there's nothing left to say
What can you do
I'm heavily broken
theres nothing i can do

7/23/2006 11:10:00 PM

Saturday, July 22, 2006

found myself awake bout half an hour ago and i'm still wondering why am i awake at such an hour with only 2 hours of sleep??!?!? Being groggy as i am in the state of numbness, i accidentally deleted all the messages in my handphone. Bloody hell.

So now what in the world am i suppose to do this bright and early Saturday morning? I feel like taking a jog but i'm too lazy, i feel like going for a swim but i have yet to buy myself the proper public swimming pool attire which i have been procrastinating to do so all these months, i feel like going back to sleep but my mind just doesnt seem to be cooperating and i'm freakingly bored out of my mind.

Law investiture yesterday. Kudos to the new committee for a job well done, especially to Ruz the event I/C. Comments on my speech was either they thought i wanted to cry or they could hear that i was nervous as hell from my voice. lolx! but i guess it went ok =) Personally i loved the performance by Dominic and the other guy (i'm sorry but I didnt catch his name =P). Prefered their second song as compared to the first one. Darlings Tania & Naz came down but missed the whole thing, i'm not going into the reasons why *stares at Naz* But being in time for the food was what mattered right? tsktsk lolx.. but seriously thanks guys for coming to support me, you guys are the best! *hugs*
I know i'm being impatient but Mat you owe me photos =)

So what should i do today? Catch a movie on my own later this afternoon (Murderball or Thank You for Smoking??)? Go to the library and borrow some new books to read? Laze around at home and watch weekend cartoons and DVDs? Update my photoshop-ing skills and make me a new blogskin? Do some window shopping in town and stare in envy at people who are actually shopping? (speaking of which the GSS ending tomorrow!!), go down to the esplanade this evening for some free live music at the waterfront? hmmz so many choices so little time...

maybe i should go and rummage me up some breakfast first...

7/22/2006 07:14:00 AM

Friday, July 21, 2006

Law Investiture this evening.. and... i have not come up with anything for my speech. Lolx what's new? hehz i've never been good with speeches, and usually when i eventually come up with one i end up not following it altogether. So now what does an outgoing member say to an LT full of students (of which half she may not know) and to the brand new committee? *Scratches head* hmm i think i'll sleep on it, it will come to me sooner or later. =)

I don't know why i still tolerate this boss of mine. Seriously. Some of the things he say to me, i feel like taking those words and shoving it back into his mouth. It seriously takes alot of patience to actually restrain myself from rolling my eyes and saying something sarcastic back to him. ish.

But nevermind tolerate i shall. What goes around comes around.

ouh and funnily enough apparently the boss has decided to look for a new full time secretary and wants me to help him find one. rrite.. Well apparently his grand plan has backfired, the other part time girl he hired has somehow become a liability and now he realise the workload is too much to handle with his current plan. And can you believe it he blames me for the disarray!!?! Bloody hell. #$*&*&@#$ ... Nevermind azi breathe.. its just another test... *breathes*

to take my mind off things i shall do this thingy that dee has tagged me with.. hmm..


- Fave Colour : red, green, white, black

- Fave Food : pizza! chocolate anything.. okie if i'm to list it all it's gonna take too long.. lolx!

- Fave Song : Currently i'm into the oldies, feel good music; BBking, the temptations, etc

- Fave Movie : Pride & Prejudice, King Arthur, LOTR trilogy, POTC...

- Fave Sport : Spectator Sports

- Fave Day of the Week : I'm usually in a good mood on Thursdays =)

- Fave Ice-Cream Flavour : Choc Chip Cookie Dough!! Duh!

- Fave Car Model : 1970 Torino GT fastback, Volkswagen New Beetle

- Fave Subject in School : Geography! French!

- Fave Snacks : Ice Cream! Choc Chip Cookies! Milk Choc w/ Almonds/Hazelnut/Mint/Nougat bits


- Current Mood : "Stoned"

- Current Taste : urm? taste in what? men? clothes?

- Current Clothes : tank top, 3/4 pants, cardigan

- Current Desktop : some sort of hooded angel with a big assed sword

- Current Toenail Colour : pinkish gold

- Current Time : 1:28 a.m.

- Current Annoyance : people who stops suddenly in a crowded walking area or just stands infront of a moving escalator

- Current Thoughts : i cant believe i'm doing this and why isnt 2 a.m here sooner so i can catch this week's episode of Supernatural on AXN


- First Best Friend : hmm... i can't seem to remember

- First Crush : Bruce Wayne.. i'm serious.. lolx!!

- First Movie : Beauty & the Beast

- First Music : Hotel California - Eagles

- First Car : well i have yet to have my own car but first car in my family was my late dad's which was a Hyundai.

- First Real Date : never been on one.


- Last Drink : peach green tea

- Last Car Ride : hmm... it seems like ages ago...

- Last Movie Crush : Superman/Clark Kent

- Last Phone Call : Hiekal (ex-ITE classmate)

- Last Song Played : Get Right -JLo

- Last Food Ate : Rice w/ chicken curry

- Last Thing I Do Before Sleeping : Wash face, tone, moisturize, flip thru a magazine, stare at the ceiling, turn off bedside lamp


- Have You Ever Dated 1 of Your Bestfriend? : nope.

- Have you ever broken the law? : in a way. heck i'm no angel *wicked smile*

- Have you been arrested? : nope.

- Have you ever skin dipped? : nope.

- Have you ever been on TV? : blink and you'll miss me

- Have you ever kissed someone you didn't know? : nope.


wasnt this asked just now? hmm

- tank top

- 3/4 pants

- studs

- watch

- ring


- went to work

- chat to an ex-classmate

- blogged

- ate


- the tv

- the fan



- music

- water


- grab a good book to read

Aite i'm not going to force anyone else to do this only because i'm nice =) but naz if you're feeling too free as you are right now since you're reading this, feel free to do it! hehe...

7/21/2006 12:47:00 AM

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Yesterday was simply awesome. Been awhile since the group has congregated in one place. Missing the joker himself, Vik a.k.a Mr manhunt. lolx havent seen him eversince he started serving the nation. Anyways yesterday was nice; food, conversations, planning our next future escapade and simply chilling under the stars. Brought back memories of our chilling out sessions we used to have at the airport. I miss the feeling i get just being there and listening to us talk. Even if it meant listening to the guys with their 'men' talk and dirty jokes. lolx.

Met mx's 'ms lui'. I've fallen in lust. Just holding her and experimenting with her functions makes me forget my surroundings for quite a bit. That one night with her, however short it was, made me realise how badly i wanted one just like her. So my short term goal at this moment, besides getting employed is to save up enough money to buy my own.
Strange isnt it how men name their objects of great importance after a female. But i kinda understand cause in this case, this certain object is something you'll bring along with you wherever you go, always by your side, ready when fully charged to work when you need to aim and shoot. So when i do eventually get one of my own i'm going regard it as my very own boyfriend lolx. Seems appropriate somehow. Always there when you need him, with time you slowly begin to understand him and how it can work well with you.... *winkz*

And for those who still dont know what in the world i've been talking about... well... 'ms liu' is a digital SLR camera. lolx

7/16/2006 11:41:00 PM

Saturday, July 15, 2006

As i stand underneath the shower every morning and run my fingers through my hair, it stills wierds me out on how short it is. The best part of all this is that i now spend half the normal time i usually do in the showers lolx.

This week has definitely been a week of change, madness and spontaenous activities. I feel like nothing is going to stop me from trying out new things and feeling so carefree that i feel dizzy from all that has been going on. Chopping off my locks, piercing my ears, buying shoes i know that will somehow end up in storage with the lack of occasions to wear, one would think i was drunk and had lost my mind. And now being broke and unemployed (not counting my part time gig at the firm) i wonder what holds for me these few weeks down the road. I dont even dare to think so far ahead.

I like this new feeling i have, daring to try new things, daring to be different and i dont mind the feeling of being unafraid of anything and walking with my head held up high and knowing that people notice but deep down i'm still afraid. It is not something I'd like to admit to the world but here i feel like i can say anything and be damned what people think.

To some of you it might sound kind of pathetic/strange/whateveryounameit on how i feel safer behind a computer screen being honest with my feelings instead of real flesh and blood. *shrugs* I guess its the looks in people's eyes that i see that stops me from saying more, saying anything. Through experience I''m quite good at recognizing vibes i get from people and my prediction are usually on the spot. Sure i long for that one person who'll just listen to me and not judge, listen and be there for me no matter how ridiculous i sound because that person knows me. But wanting that is just like wishing you were living in a fairytale. But funnily enough, the ironic thing is that here people actually read what you type even if they disagree with what you think or just plain curious to know what goes on in your life. Sure readers might judge what you type but no one is forcing them to feel anything. I don force you to read what i type, I dont force you to agree/disagree with me, i dont force you to feel anything towards me. But still i see my blog counter rise even thou i know its not by the hundreds that other blogs get. Heck i'm even surprise people are actually reading this. Even so, it gives my mind some comfort cause i have an outlet for my thoughts, i would have ended up in a psych ward if i didnt. Behind a screen you dont look back at eyes, eyes that judge you, eyes that tells you alot on what people are thinking, feeling.. Behind a screen you dont feel vibes that people throw at you. You dont get hurt. I know here hurtful words can be thrown at me when someone disagrees with me, hates my layout, the background music, hate me.. but there's nothing i can do about it cause those are just words. Words that i can laugh at because how ridiculous they sound, words from people who dont know me but are rattled enough to say something.

But all in all i thank god for the few close friends i have in my life. Those who has been there for me thru some of my worse days. Those who actually listens and tells me things straight and not blur the truth. =)

Enough of that and back to what i was talking about intitally. Everyday as i lie on my bed at night, i dream of what my life can be. Spreading my wings, moving out of the house to anywhere i want, the UK, the States, anywhere where i can learn, experience, feel and earn enough for myself and to send some home to the family. But that is only part of dreams that i have and deep down i know it would stay as that cause the ties of responsibilities i have and my conscience just does not allow me to do so, and not forgetting the lack of monetary funds. Even tho i've resigned from the first job i ever had because i did not want to get caught in a rut of regrets and what ifs, in the back of my mind i keep asking myself if what i did was right? Am i wrong to want to try out and learn something new, something that i have passion in that i wont mind staying back late after office hours because i enjoy what i'm doing? I seem to help wondering why i'm still in here in the state of nothingness?

No job interviews, nothing, na-da, zilch. Somehow it doesnt matter how educated i am as long as i have a couple years of job experience under my belt which i dont since i'm a fresh graduate, and somehow the vibe i seem to get is that fresh graduates are nothing. peanuts. so i wonder if fresh graduates are not given a chance where the heck am i gonna get what like '2 years job experience' under my belt and considering our country is an aging population, did i miss the memo that says " ignore the youth and those keen to learn", and the other one that goes, "employ more expats! They are sure nice to look at", ouh and one more, "speak mandarin or nothing"? sigh.. Should i go back to where doors are opened for me because of the diploma i possess or should i wait till what i know is right comes along?

Maybe i should just become a radio dj, sit behind a radio console, being able to be yourself, talk all you want, play great music, accompany lonely people who listen to the radio.. but then i prefer doing that in the olden days where radio djs are not that recognised, people dont really know what you like but only the sound of your voice which allows the listeners to run free with their imagination on what you look like and you dont need to be a public figure as what radio djs are now, you dont even need to look half as good as djs are nowadays cause only what you can bring to your audience that matters. oh well i guess that too will remain as a childhood dream.

anyways today i'm not going to let my mind wander off anymore. I have a birthday celebration to attend and i'm gonna focus on having fun with my friends and be in the moment.

Dearest Tania,

Happy 21st Birthday!

Love you babe! Thank you for being you and may the years to come bring you precious and wonderful memories. All the best in your future endeavours, keep shining and god bless. *hugs*

7/15/2006 04:33:00 PM

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

What Moments of Madness May Do To Someone....

Mainly moi.

In a spontaneous move by me i did something way wayyy drastic. Dont worry nobody got killed or anything. I wanted to try something different, and with the way my life has been going, i figured a change would do me good. To start things afresh and throw away some bad luck along with it.

Still dont know what i'm talking about?

Here you go....


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

so what do you think?

I'm slowly but surely growing to love it lil' by lil' and i love the absence of weight on my head. I know i know some of you may be thinking, what the hell have i done. lolx. But i think the cut actually suits me.

Funny thing was that my hairdresser, Dawn and the salon's makeup artist, Ida, kept asking me before the cut if i was really absolutely sure of chopping off my locks. Well since i was having a positive mood today, i actually told them not to worry cause its only hair and hair does grow back you know. And i have absolute faith in my hairdresser. Afterall she was the one who did my hair for prom. =)

During the cut itself i tried to not look at myself in the mirror as i was kind of afraid of what i was going to see. But afterawhile i couldnt help it but look at myself and what Dawn was doing to my hair cause this is the shortest hair i've ever had and i was curious. lolx

I'm sure glad i trusted Dawn and voila. My new do. Even Ida changed her mind and said i looked better with my new hairstyle.

so there you have it. My most spontaneous and drastic moment of 2006.

7/12/2006 12:09:00 AM

Monday, July 10, 2006

So now then... what happened to Zizou on the field during extra time? I swear he was voodoo-ed or something. What a way to retire! Going out with a bang! and a red card to boot! lolx. But seriously, i know the french are dissapointed in what he did with the head butting episode but like i told my sister, i seriously think that Materazzi guy must have really said something bad to make Zizou react the way he did. The Daily Mail reported that French newspaper L'Equipe allegated that Materazzi had called Zizou a terrorist. If that statement was true, man that Materazzi seriously deserved more than being headbutted by Zizou For the clueless on why would that statment affected Zizou? Well perhaps mainly because Zizou is a muslim. But we cant really be sure what really happend out there since both sides has yet to confirm or deny anything.

I guess when the heat is on, it doesnt matter what dirty tricks you have up your sleeves as long as you win. And i still dont get why post match France supporters are saying how it was because of Zizou being sent out that they lost the match and how they lost all hope when that incident happened...

well helloooo, what do you take the other players for? Decorations for the team? seriously. tsk. *rolls eyes*

Well que sera sera, it has all been said and done and no use crying over spilled milk. I wish all the best for Zizou in his future endeavours.

Oh and before i stop talking about the world cup, i would like to say that i personally do not like the match commentator on Starhub Cable. For every match you can obviously know which team he is supporting by the 'bias-ness' in his words. It seriously gets irritating after awhile when you actually want to hear objective comments on the match and not what he personally thinks about the opposing team and its players...

In case you've noticed my current blogskin is a recycle of one of my previous ones with a few alterations. This is only temporary until i'm done with a new one. So bear with me ppl! =)

Finally got my hands on "RENT" DVD! Awesome awesome stuff. Below is an extract of the lyrics to one of my fave scenes...

There Is No Future - There Is No Past

Thank God This Moments Not The Last

There's Only Us
There's Only This
Forget Regret Or Life Is Yours To Miss

No Other Road No Other Way
No Day But Today

I Can't Control

My Destiny

I Trust My Soul

My Only Goal
Is Just To Be

Without You
The Hand Gropes
The Ear Hears
The Pulse Beats
Life Goes On
But I'm Gone
Cause I Die
Without You
I Die Without You
I Die Without You
No Day But Today
I Die Without You

No Day But Today

Will I Lose My
Will Someone
Will I Wake
From This

There's Only Now
There's Only Here
Give In To Love
Or Live In Fear
No Other Path
No Other Way

No Day But Today
No Day But Today

7/10/2006 05:02:00 PM

In the Law Firm today...

Keith (the cute one) was dismissed.. major bummer since he was the only good looking one to look at but i guess it was expected since his closing was weak. Hmm kinda reminded me of my closing during law advocacy. lolx. Tho i seriously think that Deep should be dismissed too. Damn full of rubbish and hot air. Then again which lawyer wannabe aint full of hot air?

Anyways the Law Firm reminded me of how interesting it would be like if i actually decide to pursue law and fight for a case i believed in in court, the adrenaline, the challenge, the satisfaction of winning a case. But then again i'm the kind of person who takes things too personally for my own good, and i hear the judges in court loves scolding lawyers in the middle of trial.. and there's also the possiblity of me burning out even before i reach 30 so i guess i better stick to something i love doing and instead of doing something just to get a kick out of doing it and be the envy of my snobbish relatives.

Which reminds me. I donno why but i seriously dont get when people goes 'wow' when i say that i have a diploma in law & management. seriously what is the big f-ing deal? It only makes me feel like stuffing that diploma down their throats. lolx. Seriously having the diploma is just sugar coating the fact that you have been trained to become the slaves to lawyers and before you know it you'll be chained to a desk with mountains of files welcoming you and your social life with open arms. And no you do not become a lawyer with a diploma, you have to do 4 years of law school first. Kind of like if you major in Psychology in BA (Arts & Social Science) in NUS but you cannot become a psychologist because you have to take your Masters first.

Anyways went out with aida, ifah and wan today. Had dinner at Swensens, window shopped and had a camwhoring session at the bus stop on the way to the airport cause Wan had to work tonight. I totally had a blast today and got ifah a belated birthday present. The POC DVD that she has been dying to watch. lolx. Cant wait to meet up with them again soon! Aida i 'm awaiting for your available schedule and wan's too =)

As of today i think i've applied to like 10 different companies for 10 various positions. The best of it all is that non of them have anything to do with law! whee.. its now or never! try and die trying! lolx.. But seriously if i dont get any reply in two weeks i am so going to be panicking like you wouldnt believe it.. or not? lolx..

The World Cup finals is starting in half an hour! I so cant wait! Italy v France! I'm so not telling you who i'm rooting for, but i gotta say both teams are good. I guess the team that wins is gonna be team which is most hungriest for the cup.

Oh yea btw before i end of this entry, something in the news has been bothering me. You know some of the hospitals in our country have been running out of hospital beds due to the surge of people getting the flu and all that. Well in review of what had happened in London last year (for the clueless its the 7/7 attack on London), i was thinking, if that same thing was to happen to Singapore (touch wood) around the same time this year, what will happen to the victims if all the available hospitals are maxed out?

aite i shall end my post here then
gotta wake up my bro for the match which is happening in 10 mins! eek!
i havent even gotten my snacks ready yet.. hmm..

aite ciao darlings!

7/10/2006 01:26:00 AM

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

7/09/2006 11:58:00 AM

Saturday, July 08, 2006

I realise today that i'm the queen of all procrastinators. Lolx. If there was a society for one i'll think i can become the President.. hmm no scratch that the CEO perhaps lolx. Thing is when it comes to being a professional with work i like doing things fast, clear my table and not have things lying around in my intray. However when it comes to doing things for myself or what is somewhat still in existance of what is called my social life, i tend to procrastinate.

Let me see what are the things that i have to do which i have yet to do.. hmm... As of now it has been a couple of months since i had made up my mind to go to one of the seamstress in the neighbourhood 'market' to order myself some nice pair of tailor made pants. and i have yet to do that. It has been hmm... what like 3 days that i was suppose to have gone to the library to return and borrow books, shop for birthday presents and do some personal much needed shopping which i have been pushing and convincing myself that i could do the next day but when the next day comes the same thing would happen again, same thing also happens with 'my' room, at least my side of the room that i need to clean, oh and there's the bag that i brought to genting which i have yet to put back in strorage. Andd my laundry has been begging for a week to be washed.. oh wait its already in the washing machine.. at least that is being done.. hmmz... i could go on but then i dont want to brag. lolx

I know i know this bad habit has to stop but i cant seem to help it. But the best thing of it all i cant stand mess, dirt and running out of things. lolx.
I wonder if it would be better if i had my own place. would it actually make a difference? hmmz.. *ponders*

*ends pondering* *shrugs*

anyhoo Saturday today. Sure feels like Sunday. Woke up late, cooked spagetti for the folks at home, took a damn long shower, did my laundry, ate, watched tv and now currently killing time on the net.

Oh yea treated the family to Superman Returns a couple of days ago because i'm nice and the fact that the siblings were hounding me on whether we were going to watch it or not. lolx.. Doesnt matter that i have to watch it again but its alright. I dont mind watching Brandon Routh on the big screen again and anyways its not always i can afford to treat the family to a movie =)

Currently life aint going nowhere, the only thing that is a sure thing in my life is the twice a week trips to the firm to clear my intray of work and keep track of the files i'm handling. I wish those places i've sent my resumes to will answer me this coming week or else i'll start panicking. Oh yea and i just remembered that i have to come up with a speech for this year's law investiture due to the fact i'm the outgoing president. Who would have thought? Three years ago at the benches of TP's basketball court during law welcome i had decided to join law inc because i wanted to be part of it, what it stands for, its potential.. If ya told me at that moment that 3 years down the road i would be trying to come up with an outgoing presidential speech, i would have rolled my eyes and said 'rright'.. lolx. Still i wish i could have done more. I wished that the semester wasnt so screwed up and too darn short to do all the things we could have come up with. Ouh and i wished that the school wasnt so stringent with the damn funds and had allocated each diploma interest groups with a portion of the funds instead of giving it all to B S C for them to decide who gets it and have the student interest group go through all those official hoo haas.

I watched the National Geographic documentary on the 7/7 attack on London yesterday. My prayers goes out to all the victims and their loved ones. The attack is sort of a reminder that no matter how safe we think we are, we never really are. I'm utterly repulsed by the actions of these terrorist, claiming to be muslims and doing it for their people, their brothers and sisters. Now what bullshit are they talking about? Islam doesnt teach people to kill others. And i so cant believe that they think by doing what they did they would be rewarded and go to heaven. Omg what a load of crap. Ultimately what they did is called suicide and the aftermath of their actions i think hell would welcome them with open arms.

Which brings me to this another thing. Violence, war, religion prejudice and racism. Things the world can do without but sadly is happening all around us. Power, men crave for it, which is why wars happen. And dont give that lame reason that war is being waged so that peace can happen. That is a load of crap. Look at what happened to Iraq. Anyways let say you can obtain all the power you can in the world, then what? Use that to make use of people, rule the world, etc.. dont you get bored with it after let say a couple of decades down the road? Then when your time comes, you die.. unless of course with all that power you have immortality that comes along with it. But would you really be happy? To sell your soul for power.. hmm.. perhaps it does makes a person happy since it is a common occurance ever since the world came into existance.

Then there is the religion prejudices and racism. And dont tell me it doesnt happen in our country cause i've already had my fair share of being discriminated against. But who gives a damn to the minority right? Because ulitmately we are still the minority? rrigghtt.
Arent we all ultimately still human beings? Why the need to feel superior?
If you take five people of all different races and religions, and let say they happen to be in a burning house and let say they are all burnt beyond recognition. Tell me would they still look different or the same? When that same five people are in another senario and in that scenario they are on a surgeon's table having surgery, does their insides look different? What about blood? Does the blood that run thru my veins a different color from yours? Does the color of my skin makes you more superior? I think its even worse if you discriminate against your own race. (Tho i would have to agree the world can do without those poseurs mats and minahs littering the streets with their "i'm too cool for you" attitudes.) Anyways...

Does a terrorist who claims to be of a certain religion makes all the people in that religion bad? Do you believe a terrorist over a religion which has been around for centuries? Does one bad apple make the whole barrel bad? Why is it when a minority commits a crime the race/religion of that person is reported in the news and not when it is committed by a person of the majority religion/race?

Ouh and don't get me started with academic qualification discrimination. How JCs are better then polys and if you dont have a degree you are nothing etc...

So help me understand this first. The reason for war, racial & religion discrimination.

7/08/2006 05:51:00 PM

Thursday, July 06, 2006

A talk with a friend a few days ago reminded me on how i do not want to be involved in a relationship even if those lonely pangs gets irritating. The bottom line is that what's the point? Why go through all the heartaches, pain, doubt, insecurities (which ever applies), torment yourself and then end up broken hearted. Doesnt even matter if you've been in the relationship for a couple hundred of years.

Sure i know there are those moments of sweetness and comfort you feel in a relationship and i know that all that i've mentioned above is very cynical of me. But sometimes a girl has to think of these things to prevent herself from getting hurt ya' know. To tell you the truth, i actually believe in happy endings, true love and all that jazz. Which is why i enjoy romance movies and novels, even tho some of em' makes me feel like puking when i know its so damn far fetched that it wont happen in real life. But somehow its kind of like a form of escape from reality. Makes me forget about all the ugliness for a bit.

So when friends actually come up to me and tell me about their relationship problems and ask me what are they suppose to do, heck i can only give the most positive opinion i can and give that person hope but i'll put a disclaimer beforehand because i for one aint the best person to ask bout' relationship advice only cause mainly, i aint never been in a relationship before but i'll give that listening ear and a shoulder to cry on anytime.

When a person is in doubt with their relationship my advice usually will be based on trust because i believe in trust, but trust has to be earned and not be given lightly, which is why one of my questions usually would be, has your significant other given you any doubts or have done anything to not make you trust him/her? And if the answer is no, then have faith in him/her. But as positively i want to think about the situation and the lil bit of hope i want to give to my friend, at the end of the day when i'm lying in bed at night, things like these are constant reminders why i should be happy being single.

Just look a the divorce rates in Singapore. When i was still at the firm, day in day out i see clients who are going through a divorce with haunted looks on their faces. Battles of custody and matrimonial property. How does two person who had once loved each other so much and promised to love and cherish each other through sickness & in health and till death do them part end up broken? Are vows and promises no longer sacred in this modern world? If it is then what's the point of marriage when it somehow seems to me like just another contract between two people and when they are tired with it, tired of each other, tired of the life they had chosen to make for themselves, they can easily break the contract as if it was nothing?

But then just because you have a problem with your marriage do you run away? find the easiest way out? stray because you feel that you lack something in that relationship? Doesnt a relationship/marriage take work and effort? Unless you live in a fairy tale that is. So when all the problems happening, especially if that marriage involves a child, is the child well being taken into account? Sometimes adults tend to forget and focus only on the problems concerning each other. How they make each other unhappy, how could the person betray his/her trust and stray.. etcetc But do they stop to think how their child will feel in the midst of all those problems? The quarrels, the custody battle, etc...

However i would understand in some cases where an abusive spouse is involved. Then that you should run as far away as possible with the children (if applicable).

So all in all i have no idea what's point of this entry cause i'm drained out and somehow amidst all these criticism and thoughts i would still like to believe that true love still exists and that marriage is more then just a contract between two people.

On another note, France made it to the finals!
So long Portugal its been fun =) gg
i cant believe i'm going to say this but did you hear the sweet sounding of 'boos' at cristiano ronaldo whenever he had the possession of the ball? wahahhaha.. i'm sorry naz, i know you love him aside from iz that is, but i was grinning whenever it happened during the match. Ouh and the agony on his face when his team lost. ishishishish.. lolx

aite then i better get moving if i wanna get some things done in the to-do list in my head.

ciao =)

7/06/2006 12:33:00 PM

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

i dont even know why i agreed to continue as a part timer at the firm. At moments like yesterday i just wish to strangle him. I'm refering to the boss that is... blearghhh!

you see yesterday, upon his request i came down for the briefing he wanted to give to me, the new part time girl and his permanent secretary on how things are gonna work from this week onwards. I remembered asking him on Friday what time i was the briefing scheduled at, and in reponse to my enquiry and in front of the other secretary he told me to come at 6.30pm. Then yesterday when i reached chinatown point at 6 pm and proceeded to the post office since i figured i was early and had a registered article to do for the office. Then out of the blue i received a message from the boss asking whether i was coming or not. And my intutition told me that the no doubt the message was sent because the boss thinks i'm not going to turn up etc..
I ignored that feeling in my gut and quickly proceeded upstairs to the office. Upon reaching the office, i saw my desk was empty as the computer as expected was already in the boss' room and there were already a pile of files in my intray on the shelf.

So i started looking through my piled up intray and the boss came up and said how he was waiting for me blahblahblah. He showed me how the work routine is going to be like, introduced the new girl, sorted out some admin stuff and it was all done in 10 mins!

bloody hell.

I travelled for an hour, wasted precious travelling money just to go to the office yesterday for a 10mins talk abt what to do when i start coming in today.
Like he couldnt do it when i came in today.. $^*&%^%&*#%


and today the permanent secretary told me that the new girl came in early and the boss had the cheeck to say that he didnt know where i was when i was suppose to come! heck i was 15mins early! bloody hell.

Dont you just love a boss who is forgetful and talks behind your back?

*Grumbles to self*

*sidetrack* since i'm grumbling, do you know how irritating Cristiano Ronaldo was during the match between Portugal & England???? Its like he was trying to get everyone from the other team sent off with his nose stuck in other people's business.. seriously. And portugal's play acting was just as bad. bleah. But England's losing was expected. the curse of the penalty shootout. lolx *end of sidetrack*

haiz anyways thank god i met aida this evening. She needed someone to talk to and i wanted to be there for her.

Well my wasted trip on the MRT wasnt such a waste i suppose. It got me thinking and plan out what i'm going to do these few years down the road. I aint getting any younger you know. lolx.
I had thought that all my goals i've ever written down has time lapsed. I never did any real concrete goal setting in poly, only when i was in ITE. Then i realised something, a few years back when i was attending 'Supercamp' we had this goal setting exercise where we had to put one main goal we had on a chopping board (those kind that is used in karate) and what we think will stop us from achieving it at the back and then break that board as a symbol of... er.. i forgot. lolx. Anyways my goal was to get my degree with honours by the year 2010. And guess what 2010 aint here yet! and if i actually continue my studies next year i'll be able to reach that goal!

The thought of having that goal and to actually have a chance in achieving it somehow makes me feel warm inside. I have something to actually look forward to and work towards.

Now the next step is worrying abt the money part. Tuition fees, accomodation, transport, living expenses, etc.. hmmz....
for every problem there is solution.. i know i'll work it out, i'm not sure how right now but i'm going to try =)

ouh and since dee has tagged me and i need some distraction anyways.. here goes....

5 snacks I enjoy
1. Ben & Jerry's Choc Chip Cookie Dough
2. Freshly baked baguette w/ creamy butter
3. Freshly baked garlic bread w/ cream of mushroom soup
4. Chocolate Malted Milkshake
5. Hersheys/Cadbury milk chocolate w/ Almonds

(does pizza count as a snack? if it does add that too! yum pepperoni or curry chicken with extra cheese, light on the onions for the latter.. drools... =P )

5 songs I know the lyrics to
1. All BSB songs
2. Some of Il Divo's songs that i can actually pronounce lolx.. (ouh and i can tell you who is singing which parts, i'm gd at that heehee)
3. Most of Westlife songs
4. Some of NSYNC's songs (fine i'm a boyband junkie. well used to that is with the exception of those aforementioned bands..)
5. To Where You Are - Josh Groban

5 things I would do with 100 million
1. Get into university and not worry of my expenses & tuition fees
2. Get my own bachlorette pad near the ocean with all the latest ehome gadgets
3. Buy my family a bigger home
4. Support all my sibling's school fees & expenses
5. Send my mum off to the haj trip she always wanted

5 places I would run away to
1. Anywhere where i can find the ocean/sea/river
2. the library
3. a cafe
4. any place playing good live music
5. Hawaii, France, Italy, Rome, Ireland; basically anywhere romantic, exotic and full of history

5 things I would never wear
1. spandex
2. bikini
3. revealing outfits
4. tight leather anything
5. itchy uncomfortable fabrics

5 bad habits
1. i'm too nice
2. i bite my fingernails when i'm nervous about something.. sometimes without even me realising it
3. sometimes i say things without thinking; hurt people with my words/ tone of my voice without meaning to
4. When i'm totally engrossed in something, everything around me doesnt exist in that moment
5. i think and over think too damn much

5 biggest joys!
1. Doing something i love
2. Doing something that i know makes a difference in someone else's lives
3. Doing something that brings a smile to the person's face
4. Music, Photography
5. Friends!

5 fictional characters I'd date
1. Clark Kent in Superman Returns (played by Brandon Routh)
2. Mr Darcy in Pride & Prejudice (played by Matthew MacFayden)
3. Chris Perry Halliwell in Charmed (played by Drew Fuller)
4. Pete Monash in Win a Date with Tad Hamilton (played by Topher Grace)
5. Ryan Wolfe in CSI: MIAMI (played by Jonathan Togo)

5 unfortunate individuals to do this
1. Tania Tay
2. Nazurah
3. Ifah
4. Rahmat
5. Denise

7/04/2006 02:21:00 PM

Saturday, July 01, 2006


yesterday was my last day as a 'full' time employee in the firm. 'full' because i'm coming back doing part time work. only because i'm a coward and too nice. I mean looking at all the files around me i wonder how its gonna be managed when i will only come back twice a week. Well they've been managing even before i came into the picture so i guess they'll find a way.. and anyways my boss did told the other secretary in a 'private' meeting that the files i'm handling are not that much.. rright.. i just want to see him do all the work we've been doing when he's not around. *mumbles to self*

sigh i think, i think too much.

hehz *sheepish grin"

actually i thought yesterday was going to be uneventful. I'll just work as per normal, transfer my folders and files to the other's secretary's computer i'll be using when i come back two nights a week and at the end of the day pack up my stuff and go home. However that morning was seriously my ultimate patience test with a certain client. Some people just need to be given a good strangling for their lack of respect, courtesy and big shot attitude. At the end of that eventful phone call try as i might to be accomodating, nice and sincere, at the end of the phone call i was so angry and i actually felt tears in my eyes. bugger.

so anyways now the BIG question is what am i going to do now?
I have a few plans up my sleeves, nothing concrete but it is still a start =)

well was suppose to have plans today but then it just got scrapped this morning so here i am at home wasting time away. Read all the books me and sis borrowed from the national library and school library respectively so perhaps after i finish watching saturday cartoons i'll drop by the national library to return me books and borrow new ones.

Caught Superman Returns with dee and melly two days back. I would recommend it cause i personally like it, it had its sad moments which i would usually under normal circumstances shed some tears for the characters but i suppose i was too tired, and dee was right saying it made her feel lonely after watching the show, cause i felt the same way too. lolx.
It also doesnt help that the man of steel, played by brandon routh is sizzling hot! lolx.
I love this picture of him...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

had it on my desktop in the office for awhile. Looking at the photo just gives me a sense of peace. I dont know why, tho you dont really see the man's face clearly in the shadows but its exactly that. The man in the shadows with the georgeous backdrop behind him. sigh.


oh well sometimes a bit of day dreaming gets you thru the day and make you forget abt all your worries in reality for just a bit =)

7/01/2006 01:17:00 PM

.The Writer.

I love standing in the rain, letting the feel of raindrops caress feverish skin, letting it wash away my thoughts, worries and pain. I love the feel of sand between my toes, the cool wind whispering in my ear, the soothing sound of the sea, the warmth of a hug. I love anything vintage, historical, mysterious and magical. I like to laugh, I like freedom and happiness, I like the idea of romance, being swept off my feet and happy endings. I currently have no idea where i'm going but i know i'll get where i'm suppose to be in due time. I want things i cant have, I dream of things that can never be but i'm too afraid to leave the things i'm familiar with even when i know i'm adaptable to change. I can be the person you love or hate, like or loath, admire or envy. I am not perfect,
I am just me.

.Through Their Eyes.

::azfar ::amin ::apRi ::candy::
::celine ::desz ::david:
::dexter ::darren ::deedee::
::denise ::edel ::ernie::
::fidz ::haider ::han::
::haze ::hally ::huda::
::ifah ::indra ::ezad::
::jaslyn ::jasmine ::jay::
::jjonsson ::kay ::lily ::lin::
::matsie ::melvo ::marco::
::massy ::mei ::mitch ::mraz::
::mrbrown ::nadz ::naz::
::nur ::nurul ::ode ::priya::
::peiming ::riah ::roihan::
::soffie ::sashi ::seasons::
::sheng ::tania ::vit::
::vonny ::xuantong ::YoLie::


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  • .ShoutOuts.


    .In My iPod.

    Fall Out Boy - Infinity On High
    Josh Groban - Awake
    My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade
    James Morrison - Undiscovered
    Justin Timberlake - FutureSex/LoveSounds



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