||:PreCiouS RefLecTionS:||

Monday, August 21, 2006

Recently caught the ads on local TV with regards to the coming IMF, about how service begins with me blahblahblah...
It got me wondering, why step up service only when this big event is going to be held in Singapore?
I heard from my service line friends that they have to undergo extra training specially for the IMF. So is this great service that we are suppose to show the IMF delegates going to continue after the event ends? Or is just merely a facade for those few weeks of the IMF event?

You know the constant problem of some service line people here in our 'friendly' country who are prejudice with customers? I wonder will it get better or worse?

Busy week this week. =) I love busy weeks, it means that i have something to do!
Planning to go out with my 2nd sis tomorrow for some sister time, crashing naz's lecture on wed and meeting up with tania after that for some catching up, work on thursday, temp job & dinner afterwards with dee & mel on Friday and Dinner gathering with my ITE mates on Saturday.

Mum started a new class today. She was complaining yesterday how she would miss her 'Indonesian soaps' in the afternoon and missing Siti Nurhaliza's wedding ceremony. lolx. But I know she enjoys attending courses where she can learn something new. Takes her mind off us kids and stuff at home for awhile. I guess that's something i got from my mum. Always wanting to learn something new. =)

She's also been coughing alot lately. Been telling myself to visit a chinese traditional medicine shop to get her one of those herbal drinks. But i tend to forget about it until i've reached home and hear her cough. haiz.. i should go and jot it down on the handphone to remind myself.

I've been thinking alot about what i want and need to do in this coming few months. Not that i have a full proof concrete plan on what is going to happen in these coming few months, but for sure one thing i know is that i am not going to shortchange myself and make a decision based on a technicality. I dont want to regret choosing a safe full proof option and later regreting it because it was a safer route.

8/21/2006 11:55:00 PM

Friday, August 18, 2006

Its 7.30am in the morning
and i have yet to get some sleep
I blame it on the Large Mocha Ice Blend i had the previous evening *grinz*

So here we are with a new blog skin and all
amazing what a person can create with one night of boredom...

Well the week has been more or less the same
The boss has finally gotten a new full time secretary, so i've been switched to doing something different at work, mainly personal injury claims. Not that i'm complaining =)

I can't believe its already the middle of August. Time sure flies damn fast.

Heard on the radio last night that Mathilda got booted out from Singapore Idol. Not surprised cause i predicted she would be gone sooner or later, i just find her boring i suppose, but i'm quite surprised that mediocre singers like Joaqim (is that how his name is spelled?) is still around.

Since we're on the topic of Singapore Idol, my mum mentioned something to me that i think is quite true. If you compare this season and the first season's group , for the latter group you can actually see improvement in the singers week after week. But somehow this season's group varies from week to week and there's not much improvement. Sometimes its like torture sitting through some of the performances. (Thank God for Rockstar:Supernova showing at the same time as SI on StarWorld). Perhaps this season's group has lesser time to practise and improve on their vocals due to the constant promo shoots they have to do and the meet and greet session with fans every weekend.

oooh speaking of the weekend... its FRIDAY!
I donno why i'm so happy about it but hey it is the weekend afterall *jumps about*

alritey then
my stomach is rumbling for some breakfast and i need to get some shut eye if i'm gonna stay awake for this evening's briefing i have for a temp job i'm doing next week. lolx!

ciao peeps!

8/18/2006 07:36:00 AM

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The weather is simply perfect at the moment
cold and wet
goes along with my mood

Snow patrol's Chasing Cars has been on replay and i'm not sure why
perhaps it goes along with the weather and what i'm currently feeling

In a few minutes i have to get my ass off the chair and go off to work early cause the boss wants to have another 'talk' with me and he said i could leave earlier after work. rright we all know that's not true. Since when have i ever left work early? And the 'talk' he's gonna have with me i bet would be the exact same thing he keeps talking to me abt and trying to make me feel guilty for leaving work. seriously whatever. I cant believe he actually had the cheek to ask me last week 'Don't i have any remose?' bah. Since i was sick and tired of his 'psychological games' i just told him in the face a straight out 'No'. Seriously the man just cant seem to take a hint.

I dont like where my life is right now. I keep waiting for something to happen, waiting and waiting, but now i'm tired of waiting. I'm tired of sleeping late, waking up at noon and thinking of what to do next. I need to do something. But it doesnt really help when in order for me to move i'm relying on various Human Resource ppl to actually call me up for an interview. And what basically stands against me and an interview? My lack of job experience.

For example, a very very old friend of mine, which i've lost contact and now working at the firm has two years of experience under her belt and is the same age as me. My boss then questions me, 'why does she have more experience than you?'. To which my reply was " I went in to ITE first remember?' and the reason he employed me in the first place was because of that reason. seriously *rolls eyes*


i dont even know why i'm blogging about all this
i just needed to get some things off my chest instead of wallow in self pity and the coming ons of depression.
On the bright side, Westlife is having a concert next month! I soo want to go!

okie i better get my ass moving or i'll be late for the 'talk' my boss wants to have with me. bleah

8/15/2006 03:49:00 PM

Monday, August 14, 2006

How much of your life do you actually control?
And how much of your life is pre-planned and will happen no matter what?

The above somehow came to me on a bright and early Sunday morning, and i was having a splitting headache to boot.

Destiny, Karma, Fate and all that jazz. Life works in mysterious ways sometimes and i wont argue with it. Things happen for a reason right? Good or Bad. What i can definitely agree on is that all of us have a certain amount of control in our lives. The choices we make everyday affects how we live even we dont realise it.

Right-O i shall move on, wasnt my initial intention to get into debates on life and what-nots lolx.

Been pretty busy the past week. I know it was National Day week and all, that doesnt mean one cant be busy. lolx. Oh yea before i move on, belated birthday shout out to Miss Tan Yi Mei.
Apologies for the late wishes, the 'procrastinativeness' got the best of me i'm afraid. Better late then never right? heehee

Alrighty then, what have i been busy with? Well i've been busy with a certain project which i shall not name here cause i'm so afraid i'd jinx it. This opportunity given to me is like the opportunity of a lifetime and i really really want to succeed. The thing is the competition out there is so great and i'm just a novice that wants it as badly as the next person. sigh.

Job hunting has come to a standstill. Tho i am still working part time at the firm and the boss is fishing for me to go back full time or take up extra days to do some other files of his, I know i won't be happy if i just stayed put. Needless to say i still have yet to go for any job interviews, and i'm getting tired of browsing through job ads on the net. At this point i so cant wait to go back to school.

I know people who secretly hate/dispise me will be sooooo pleased to hear about the state i'm in, unemployed, etcetc. Who the hell bloody cares? Heck it aint end of the world yet and sorry to burst your bubble, i'm not the kind of person who gives up easily. A wise person once said, 'when there's a will, there's definitely a way'.
So puhlease wipe that smirk off your face and show it to someone who actually gives a damn thankyouverymuch.

hmm i'm now craving for some fresh bagels w/ cream cheese and B&J's cookie dough.
I'm beginning to think i eat too much. Must be my metabolism. hmmmz....

I actually have loads more to talk about, from the fireworks festival to Singapore Idol to some inconsiderate members of the public who really deserves a kick in their butts. Well the first two is starting to become old news as the new week begins, and the latter, well i can compile a list and post it up when i'm having a bad mood.

Three things i'm looking foward to this month:

1) Dinner gathering with all my ex-ITE mates!
2) Going back to the orphanage and see all the kids! i miss them!
3) Getting a certain email that will make me jump for joy. *fingers crossed*

And right now, all i want to do is rummage through the fridge and grab something to snack on. toodles!

8/14/2006 12:42:00 AM

Thursday, August 03, 2006

I cannot believe this farker of a boss i actually work for. I reach home at bloody 1 a.m. doing all his stoopid files and LODs AND he got the cheeck to say to the secretary the next morning that he thought i didnt come to work yesterday evening. &^$*#@&%$&#^*$% cb. Waaht the work in my intray suddenly can empty on its own is it!!?!!?! *imagines kicking the bosses's head*

oh yea and you know wat, come to think of it do you know who my boss resembles in manner and what he looks like? The self proclaimed world's best boss in 'the office' (US version) . Only difference is my boss is much more 10 x more worse. He thinks he's funny but not.

oh this is just great, some idiott from the house upstairs/downstairs is smoking outside his window and the smoke is entering my bro's room and i'm in his room using his computer.


anyways something strange happened to me when i was in the train on the way to meet dee and latha at raffles for lunch.. I had my eyes closed cause the sun was glaring (i didnt bring along my sunglasses) and listening to my ipod when i suddenly caught a whiff of something familiar. The freaky part of it is that, the scent is the last thing i remembered of my dad when i kissed his forehead before they completed the 'kapan' (i'm not sure of the english translation) process, that scent and the coldness of his forehead has eversince been etched in my memory. So imagine the uneasiness i felt when i caught a whiff of that on the MRT. My heart almost stopped for a bit.
haiz.. i must be going mad.

lolx anyways since national day is coming and all dat below is a clip of guys who have a lot of time and nothing better to do... hilarious. lolx

8/03/2006 01:31:00 AM

.The Writer.

I love standing in the rain, letting the feel of raindrops caress feverish skin, letting it wash away my thoughts, worries and pain. I love the feel of sand between my toes, the cool wind whispering in my ear, the soothing sound of the sea, the warmth of a hug. I love anything vintage, historical, mysterious and magical. I like to laugh, I like freedom and happiness, I like the idea of romance, being swept off my feet and happy endings. I currently have no idea where i'm going but i know i'll get where i'm suppose to be in due time. I want things i cant have, I dream of things that can never be but i'm too afraid to leave the things i'm familiar with even when i know i'm adaptable to change. I can be the person you love or hate, like or loath, admire or envy. I am not perfect,
I am just me.

.Through Their Eyes.

::azfar ::amin ::apRi ::candy::
::celine ::desz ::david:
::dexter ::darren ::deedee::
::denise ::edel ::ernie::
::fidz ::haider ::han::
::haze ::hally ::huda::
::ifah ::indra ::ezad::
::jaslyn ::jasmine ::jay::
::jjonsson ::kay ::lily ::lin::
::matsie ::melvo ::marco::
::massy ::mei ::mitch ::mraz::
::mrbrown ::nadz ::naz::
::nur ::nurul ::ode ::priya::
::peiming ::riah ::roihan::
::soffie ::sashi ::seasons::
::sheng ::tania ::vit::
::vonny ::xuantong ::YoLie::


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  • .ShoutOuts.


    .In My iPod.

    Fall Out Boy - Infinity On High
    Josh Groban - Awake
    My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade
    James Morrison - Undiscovered
    Justin Timberlake - FutureSex/LoveSounds



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