||:PreCiouS RefLecTionS:||

Saturday, January 27, 2007

A cool balmy Saturday and i chose to stay at home. Nah not just because i dont have any plans for today, also because i need to get some things done at home, like laundry for starters heee.. and there's also the lack of moolahs to spare and catching up on some much needed sleep.

So dee i was reading thru the 'conversation' we had on my 'comments board' in the previous post. And i kinda realise something, the part of our conversation that revolved around relationships well the lack of being in one on my part was to me a bit redundant. Redundant because its the same excuse i keep giving over and over again.
And i realise that at this stage of my life, perhaps i'm not yet ready to be in one.

I refer to the conversation we had over your chocolate crunch and my cookie summit ice cream two nights ago. (is this starting to sound like a legal letter? lolx)
I spoke on how there's still so much things in life that i want to achieve and have yet to get there. I want to be standing on solid ground and be at peace with everything that is around me. I want to be successful in the path which i will take, i want to be good at what i do.
And perhaps when i get to where i'm suppose to be, then perhaps fate will make its move.

It seems somewhat surreal that i'm almost reaching my mid-twenties. And i cant help feeling that i'm running out of time somehow and trying to catch up. I guess it feels a tad bit pressurizing when you see people of the same age as you achieving so much and having a career of their own right when here i am wanting to pursue my studies in a field totally unrelated to what i've been studying for the past three years and embarking on something that i have been wanting to do ever since i was in my pre-teen years.

However come to think of it why should i be bothered on other people's lives? We each have to take different paths in life, and tho mine had loads of obstacles and bumps along the way, these events made me a much more stronger person today. Its only when we go thru hardship that we learn how strong we can be and with each challange, there is always a blessing behind it, even if we can only see the value of it during the calm after the storm.

They say that the person you are meant to be with is usually someone you have crossed path with in some point of your life without even realising it.
And maybe, just maybe the person i'm meant to be with is someone i have actually crossed paths with before or then again maybe we have yet to meet at all.

Whatever it is, right now i'm perfectly fine focusing on getting ahead in my life and achieving my dreams, rather than mull about something that is simply not the right time yet.

Those i have yet to update on my interview on Tuesday.
I would have to say it went well. Not exactly sure who was the lady that interviewed me but from what i gather i left a pretty positive impression on her. or so i hope. hehe.. Well she did say that i should continue doing my photography after she went thru my portfolio.
So hopefully, i'll get accepted into the school *fingers crossed*

Speaking of which, for the past few months of being 'camera-less' i feel like i'm missing a part of myself. Sigh..
I've been relying on my friend's and sis's camera for my photography fix. lolx.
Been telling myself to save up to get myself my own camera but with having to live paycheck to paycheck.. sigh...
seriously one day, i'm so making sure this is all going to change.

1/27/2007 04:15:00 PM

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

perhaps the reason why i've been restless lately is because of you.
everytime i hear your voice my heart aches
and everytime i see your face i'm unable to turn away.
But i learned that sometimes to love is to let go
possession does not guarantee happiness
to continue this will just end up being a joke
To not have you is better than to think i ever could...

1/23/2007 10:35:00 PM

Do you have moments when you feel like blogging, and when you actually do jot down your thoughts randomly as an outlet and read that particular entry in another state of mind the next day for example, you'll be thinking "why in the world did i post such thoughts up for the world to see?" lolx.

Yes i have those moments, and i had just re-read my previous entry and thinking the exact same thing. What was i thinking? I need to stop blogging about certain topics which i think has grown old, and time to start afresh with new topics and stop being lazy when i have actually something with substance to blog about. =P
Call it moments of weakness i suppose. It would be fairly easy for one to bring down the post one had published but what's the point? Tho i could start writing more cheerful, mind-numbing, deep deep stuff, but then it would be all fake wouldnt it? Seriously who is happy and cheeful 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?

Now what brings my onslaught of postings these past few days after a relatively long silence? I'm not really sure myself.
All i can say is that i'm preety much restless. Mix that together with a dash of insomnia, a pinch of flu and a sprinkle of an oncoming fever which will only come when i least expect it, and you'll get a combi of what i'm feeling at the current moment. And somehow blogging provides an outlet for me to keep my mind busy. And with my mind busy, i wont have time to fall sick. And when i dont fall sick i can get more work done.
Dont worry tho, before you know it i'll be on a long haitus and this blog will become quiet again. LoL.

God Bless! =)

1/23/2007 12:39:00 AM

Monday, January 22, 2007

I woke up an hour earlier than i intended to this morning with a horrible feeling at the pit of my stomach. A feeling like that there's something about to happen and i'm not sure if its good or bad. Or maybe i'm just plain hungry. *shrugs*

Oh well then, i should get ready for work now or else waking up this early will all be in vain.

1/22/2007 06:43:00 AM

Somehow i just felt like blogging tho i'm not sure why since i have no real agenda in mind.
Its about 1.15 a.m. in the morning and it feels like i've so much on my mind.
I feel sick but i cant afford to be sick. I have a lot of things to get done but somehow my strength seems to be failing me. Which i suppose has got something to do with me having a lesser appetite then usual. Every part of my body hurts and particularly the toenail on my right foot is giving me problems eversince the lady in highheels who 'accidentally' without apologizing stepped on my toe. sigh.

I missed aida's birthday celebration at her chalet yesterday cause i just couldnt get myself out of bed. I'm terribly sorry Aida and i'm sorry if i had let you down for not turning up. But i promise we'll meet up soon! *hugs*

There are certain choices in my life that i've taken that i know have been questioned by people around me. I know the advices and opinions that i've received have their own merits, but sometimes i need to make a decision to what i think is best for me and when it comes to pursuing something i know i can succeed in, then why not? So i have taken a leap of faith and in two days i'll be having that interview to determine if i'm at all suitable. Suitable if i'm good enough to be a student in that very discipline that i've chosen to undertake.

Am i nervous? Well who wouldnt be? This will be something that in away i have no real experience in. But with learning comes experience right? But that's the whole purpose in wanting to pursue your studies isnt it? To gain knowledge.
Oh god, even if i'm not showing it, i'm a nervous wreck. What if i screw up the interview. What if i dont get in? What am i going to do then?
I should stay positive right?

I've been thinking alot about my future lately. What it actually holds for me. Will i be a better person than i am today? Will i be contented with everything around me or will i be working myself to the bone trying to stay afloat? Will i be successful? Will i ever get to live my dreams? Will i have my own family and finally settle down? Questions, questions & more questions. Questions that i have no definite answers to and which the same answers to the questions lies in the hands of god and fate.

I suppose the only reason i have so many questions might be because i'm afraid that i may not have enough time. Not enough time to see some of these question get answered. I'm not trying to be a pessimist but sometimes you gotta be realistic. Having what dad had, and him dying young, it makes you wonder if you will have the same fate. When i think of dad, i dont think i'm half as good as the person he was. Ten years after his death, his friends and colleagues still remember him, they still come by the house once in awhile to see how things are doing with us. I've heard stories of how a great guy he was, and i can never really say i knew him that well since i lost him too early in my life.

Now why in the world did i started talking about dad? It just gets me upset. bleah.
Rite i should just steer away from this topic.

Lately i'm always asked this question by people whom i just met, why does a girl like me not have a boyfriend? lolx.
Now how am i suppose to answer that question? Perhaps there's something wrong with me? But perhaps its not my time yet and the right one has not come along yet. With me always being honest with my life, past and thoughts, who wouldnt be scared to be involved with me? What do i have to offer but baggage? Sure i can argue that i have a lot to offer, but there is a certain type of girl that i believe that guys actually look for and i dont fit into any of those moulds. And maybe in someways i have a steel fence that is built around me. But the question does get old, as old as people asking about my height, but what can i do but simply smile and shrug off that question and give some silly excuses?

Tho you gotta admit that there will be times like now for example when loneliness sometimes can get to you. When you just want a hug for that warmth and security you'll feel even tho it might only be for awhile.

Ah well, brand new work day in a few hours and i can forsee the pile of emails waiting to be answered and partner registrations to sort out and approve. I forsee this week to be a very very busy week. 8 days till zero hour, 5 days till most of my colleagues fly off to Hong Kong and leave me here in the office. (It still wierds me out when partners i'm directly liasing with keeps saying "see you soon!" in their emails when i know i wont be able to see them at the event.) Late nights at the office? You can bet on it.
So till my next post, bonne nuit my darlings. God bless.

take me away...

1/22/2007 01:14:00 AM

Saturday, January 20, 2007

As promised, concert update!

IL DIVO LIVE @ the Singapore Indoor Stadium

I was definitely excited. Who wouldnt be when you are going to see one of your favourite groups perform LIVE in Singapore?
Even tho i had bought a single ticket and was going on my own, knowing that most of the concert goers would either be in pairs or group, didnt deter me one bit. Awkwardness when people look at you standing alone, sure, but to regret later for not going just because of feeling awkward going to the concert alone, i'll take my chances thank you very much.
Sometimes you just got to do something for yourself once in awhile =)

Was the concert worth the ticket price i had burnt a hole in my pocket for?
I would say it was worth every single penny.
No regrets. Just pure pleasure and amazement.
It was like falling in love with their songs and voices all over again.

I was seated two stalls away from where i had been during the BSB concert last year. Yes it might be a bit further away but it was still a pretty good view i suppose.
Oh and did i mention that there were two seats on my left that were empty, and the couple who were seated to my right moved sometime during the concert to join their friends at the other aisle, so basically it was preety obvious i was on my own with 5 seats to myself. lolx.

The concert started off with the Singapore Symphony Orchestra and the band playing an instrumental medley of IL Divo's songs. After the medley ended the guys came out and proceeded to sing their first single 'Regresa A Mi' followed by one of my favourites, 'Isabel'.

The guys mostly sang songs from their new album Siempre.
Their voices were in top form and there were funny moments when Sebastien forgot the first few lines for 'Musica' and tried to get Urs to help him out with his lines and then asked the band to restart the song and apologizing to the supporting audience who cheered him on and even more so when he got his lines right on the second try. The next song "Nights in White Satin", Seb again forgot his lines and repeated the first line twice when Carlos came to his rescue. They didnt restart the song again but Seb jokingly said that Carlos made him nervous which had the audience laughing.

A few songs later, before you know it the lads were saying their goodbyes.
After they left the stage the crowd continued to clap even louder hoping to get an encore performance, and the audience were not dissapointed.
The lads sang two songs for their encore. First was "Without You" and the second song was "Someday". As they were singing their last song, the lads decided to sit on the edge of the stage, spread out and the front audience decided that was the opportunity to take even more close up shots of them and get their autographs as well, which the lads willingly obliged.
Which in my opinion was totally awesome, cause which performers would actually obliged to signing autographs while sitting on stage singing?

After the concert ended, i took my time leaving as i knew from past experiences how jam-packed the bus stop and roads was going to be. Called up my sis to update her on the concert and saw that there was a massive traffic jam. So i decided to sit for awhile and wait for the crowd to disperse, which was when i noticed a small group of people standing near the loading bay waiting. Waiting for what i was not exactly sure but intuition and common sense told me that they were waiting for the lads to come out.

Well since i was in no hurry to get home and my gut instinct told me to wait and find out, so i did. True enough the lads did come out (by this time the venue was already quite empty).
What luck! I'm going to meet the lads face to face!
The ones that came out first was Carlos, David and Urs. I took quick snap shots and tried to maneuver my way around the bodyguards who were trying to 'protect' the lads. The lads however did oblige the small group of fans with their autographs and some pics. I was fortunate enough when David agreed to take a photo with me! Which totally made my day! =)

Before you know it the guys had to leave.
So where was Sebastian?
Seconds after the first van left, Sebastian came out. Signed a few autographs here and there and was whisked away to a second minivan that was waiting for him.

Photos to share, some taken by me and some courtesy from the divas on the IL DIVO official message board. Enjoy!

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

1/20/2007 06:12:00 AM

Thursday, January 18, 2007

The past week has been an extremely busy week at work. Deadlines, partners registrations, liasing with sponsors and whathaveyous. I dont want to complain but sometimes i feel like i'm always getting the short end of the stick. Currently being me = the go-to person for things you dont want to do. Certain times of the day it feels like i'm up to my ears with stuff to do, reminders to remind myself, chasing people for things that i should not be chasing for.. tsk.. but its ok, i keep telling myself this is a learning process and i'm getting a whole lot of experience for this short stint of mine in this huge-ass company.

Its almost 2 a.m in the morning now and technically i should be sleeping considering i have a full day of work ahead of me in a few hours. Only reason i'm awake at this ungodly hour is because something happened in the evening and well lets just say its was a family matter and nothing to do with the fact that it was dad's 1oth year death anniversary today (err technically yesterday, 17 Feb).

Geez has it been that long? A decade. A decade of dad being gone. Sometimes it does make one wonder how life would have been like if he was still alive. Would i be the same person as i am today? Will my youngest sibling be in need of a father figure and desperately trying to find his place in society? Only god knows.

Anyhoo, i FINALLY got meself that IL DIVO Concert ticket for this evening's performance at the Singapore Indoor Stadium!! I know the tix is pricey and has now burnt a HUGE hole in my pocket but hopefully (fingers-crossed) it is worth it. Its not everyday that i do something that i want to do for myself. And yes i'm going for this concert on my own. =)

Will update again with my comments and photos of the concert!
For now bonne nuit my darlings!

1/18/2007 01:55:00 AM

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I realise that i'm not good at saving money. bleargh.
Its only the start of the month and i'm almost broke. Andddd i have yet to buy meself that Il Divo Concert Tix!!! Argghh...
Darn i just had to go to that Metro Sale at the S'pore Expo didnt I?
Well the only plus side about the whole trip was seeing this cute chinese guy who was selling this air purifier thingy that i eventually bought from him. Lolx.

Back to work tomorrow, i can just imagine my work email inbox being flooded by mails from partners and colleagues. But i dont really mind... speaking of which... i'm not yet done with editing my eDM design for the cocktail party! argh.

Okie i should go to my bro's PC now since his PC is the only PC that has photoshop.


1/02/2007 08:51:00 PM

Monday, January 01, 2007

To start off...


So how was your new year's celebrations? Well mine, (seeing that i have no plans & no one to go out with) was spent at home with mum & my younger siblings watching tv and watching the neighbours at the opposite block jumping around when the countdown began much to our amusement.

So its already a brand new year. What do i wish for in this spanking brand new year? I'm not really sure yet. I've been bloghopping, reading post after post of other blogger's reflections of the past year and resolutions and wishes for the brand new year, and honestly i have not done either of the above.

Sure i could list down all the things things that happened in the eventful year of 2006, from Poly graduation to Prom Night, From Backstreet Boys Concert to Simone Webb's showcase at Zouk, From the Genting trip to the late nights at the airport with the clique, From Birthday celebrations to the trials and tribulations of friendship. And all in all would i change anything in the year 2006?

Perhaps one or two things. But then again not really. Cause everything that happens i believe happens for a reason and the experiences and lessons that i've learnt thru these events makes me grow as a person.

Some main things i'm looking forward to will be the Il Divo concert happening this month (which i have yet to buy the tix for) and furthering my studies (which i have sent in my application but yet to submit my documents in pdf format). Then there's some projects that i've been meaning to start working on but have been frequently procrastinating. Well as for everything else, i suppose i'll just go with the flow with hopes that this year will be a bigger and better year with new & awesome experiences. And maybe just maybe this year will the year i'll find love. Who knows? *grinz*

My 2006 in summary..

1/01/2007 12:59:00 PM

.The Writer.

I love standing in the rain, letting the feel of raindrops caress feverish skin, letting it wash away my thoughts, worries and pain. I love the feel of sand between my toes, the cool wind whispering in my ear, the soothing sound of the sea, the warmth of a hug. I love anything vintage, historical, mysterious and magical. I like to laugh, I like freedom and happiness, I like the idea of romance, being swept off my feet and happy endings. I currently have no idea where i'm going but i know i'll get where i'm suppose to be in due time. I want things i cant have, I dream of things that can never be but i'm too afraid to leave the things i'm familiar with even when i know i'm adaptable to change. I can be the person you love or hate, like or loath, admire or envy. I am not perfect,
I am just me.

.Through Their Eyes.

::azfar ::amin ::apRi ::candy::
::celine ::desz ::david:
::dexter ::darren ::deedee::
::denise ::edel ::ernie::
::fidz ::haider ::han::
::haze ::hally ::huda::
::ifah ::indra ::ezad::
::jaslyn ::jasmine ::jay::
::jjonsson ::kay ::lily ::lin::
::matsie ::melvo ::marco::
::massy ::mei ::mitch ::mraz::
::mrbrown ::nadz ::naz::
::nur ::nurul ::ode ::priya::
::peiming ::riah ::roihan::
::soffie ::sashi ::seasons::
::sheng ::tania ::vit::
::vonny ::xuantong ::YoLie::


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  • .ShoutOuts.


    .In My iPod.

    Fall Out Boy - Infinity On High
    Josh Groban - Awake
    My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade
    James Morrison - Undiscovered
    Justin Timberlake - FutureSex/LoveSounds



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